And with 700 dollars you too can improve at Dota 2 and get accepted into the kingdom of heaven while also building muscle tone, good looks, and turning your urine into scurvy-preventing California orange juice. Girls will want your semen on their Toaster Strudel. You will be known as Breakfast Penis Man, and you'll even get an arch-nemesis with the plan, who goes by the Dinner Sinner, who throws uncooked ribeye steak tied to a brick through your window one day. You won't stand for this! You will challenge him to dota 2 and win and +5
Honestly if I had a dollar for the amount of times you failed to spell schizophrenia right I could up the money on your challenge ;)
Alright better things to do so take your time and make a funny that doesn't require editing 1 minute later to an entirely different sentence.
Good luck
And with 700 dollars you too can improve at Dota 2 and get accepted into the kingdom of heaven while also building muscle tone, good looks, and turning your urine into scurvy-preventing California orange juice. Girls will want your semen on their Toaster Strudel. You will be known as Breakfast Penis Man, and you'll even get an arch-nemesis with the plan, who goes by the Dinner Sinner, who throws uncooked ribeye steak tied to a brick through your window one day. You won't stand for this! You will challenge him to dota 2 and win and +5
pls keep this thread alive