General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
D the Superior
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      one email and im forced to change my whole timetable of how to deal with exam time

      holys hit im so done

      Nah, I'd win

        Nah, I'd win

          I'm dying lmfao


            lets do some food poisoning once again

            Vem Comigo

              the realm's delight

                u jealous aimstrong ??


                  ye he is but the way this guys walking is gay af regardless

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    HAHAHAHAHA what the fuck
                    he looks like there's a dildo up his ass and he's trying to hold it in


                      probably thats how it is

                      does anybody here know how to use netbeans

                      Този коментар е бил редактиран
                      Nah, I'd win

                        Yes man, me absolutely jelly


                          i really wonder wether i could learn something from gameleap :thinking:


                            wish me luck
                            i hope for either edibleness or instant death by food poisoning
                            both is fine by me

                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              the sausage or w/e it is looks fucking repugnant i'd not eat it at a gunpoint


                                can i give u 2 tips sir

                                1) ur potatoes seem to suck. i'd recommend you to put something on them (just buy some herbs like rosemary, and put butter on them)

                                2) ur meat seems to suck. idk how u cooked this but i'd recommend you to put the fry on higher heat to roast the sausage, and after that u can lower the heat to cook it.

                                Nah, I'd win

                                  The table is older than Yoshi




                                      also try some fried eggs, in germany eggs are quite cheap, it's healthy and u can make them in 1000000 different ways (perfect for a student)


                                        1) my potatoes indeed suck, i didnt salt them enough. didnt think of the butter or some herbs though, thanks
                                        2) our shitty dorm heater was on max whole time, not much i can do about this. i tried insulting the sausage but it didnt really seem much different after this additional roast


                                          i made eggs last time when i was trying to make the french fries;
                                          the eggs were the only edible thing from that meal. they were actually pretty good.

                                          Nah, I'd win

                                            Fork AMA request


                                              i hope u let the pan heat up then before putting the sausage in


                                                and i also hope u put somethign in like oil or butter


                                                  request granted


                                                    i hope u let the pan heat up then before putting the sausage in
                                                    and i also hope u put somethign in like oil or butter

                                                    yes and yes
                                                    sunflower oil


                                                      mb u didnt put in enough oil? idk it sounds really weird, i kinda want to doubt that its your heaters fault 4head


                                                        thats possible, i had the whole bottom of the pan covered in the beginning but shortly after the oil began to evaporate/jump out of the pan/whatever


                                                          btw in case u want to do a perfect medium roastbeef, you need to cook the meat in the oven until it feels like the part right under ur thumb on your hand. same goes for most red meat


                                                            spunki the cooking expert

                                                            Nah, I'd win

                                                              arin lmao

                                                              analytical analizer

                                                                alright ;3

                                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                Nah, I'd win

                                                                  btw at 00:00 (GMT+1) Gaben will do an AMA on reddit

                                                                  analytical analizer
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                                                                      wanna get bored? wanna see some weird feeding? wanna laugh about a friend who is physically impaired to play properly?

                                                                      if you answered YES to one of these questions, head to -->

                                                                      the realm's delight


                                                                        the realm's delight

                                                                          3 reports in last 25 games
                                                                          havent flamed anyone in 20 games or so

                                                                          (Allies): No one hears you. Your account has been flagged as disruptive and your communication privileges temporarily revoked. Time remaining: 20 hours

                                                                          thank you!!!

                                                                            Този коментар е премахнат от модератор
                                                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                              Damn Regular Show is over, my life is in void again.

                                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                why am i so bad why can't i raise mmr with a broken hero i've played more that 300 times

                                                                                Prez gorite, prez poliata,
                                                                                Pod zvezdite, nad zhitata

                                                                                I know her, used to follow everywhere we'd go
                                                                                And it's so sweet, now she's sleeping with a boy I know
                                                                                The boy I know, knows a pretty girl in every town
                                                                                And the way they look, they were made to let each other down

                                                                                She got her face from the same house where she stole her clothes
                                                                                On the same street, there's a dance hall where nobody goes
                                                                                Four to the floor, stealing cigarettes of '90s ghosts
                                                                                And then at Christmas time, 'till we exceed the recommended dose

                                                                                Prez gorite, prez poliata,
                                                                                Pod zvezdite, nad zhitata
                                                                                Shte patuvat prez noshta,
                                                                                Risuvat prez denia i shte spiat do obed
                                                                                Viatarat gi bruli na srebaren MZ
                                                                                I shte piat gorski chai ot zlaten samovar
                                                                                Litsata im greiat s ognenen zagar.

                                                                                I know her, used to follow everywhere we'd go
                                                                                And it's so sweet, now she's sleeping with a boy I know
                                                                                The boy I know, knows a pretty girl in every town
                                                                                And the way they look, they were made to let each other down

                                                                                the realm's delight

                                                                                  if u guys curious what cancer looks like

                                                                                  abandoned 7 mins into the game
                                                                                  think id rather play against necro than that autism

                                                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                  the realm's delight

                                                                                    XDDDDDDDDD GE TME OUT ??

                                                                                    the realm's delight


                                                                                      dookie daddy


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