General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
one syllable anglo-saxon

    mine btw

    Nah, I'd win

      Can anyone buy me a fidget spinner for my birthday tomorrow?


        sry ure not american, no fidgetautism360 meme for u


          Fuck all the shallow trending toys and games



              I'll get you one someday bro. I swear


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                also, arnet those toys expensive af? what can u do with them anyway, weren't tehy actually created for ppl with autism/adhd to calm themselves down?

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  im actually more irritated by the hate trend and autistic "maYmAYs xD" it spawned rather than the toy itself
                  it almost exclusively used by middle schoolers anyway so who cares(aside from other middle schoolers apparently)


                    what hate trend?

                    me, government hooker

                      what does it have to do with americans

                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                        what hate trend?

                        LaWWL thIS tOy is ReTArDed aND evERYIOne wHO UsES itS AutiSTIC xDD


                          lmfao, i see

                          im confused why someone would buy a fidgetspinner though, i think anytime i could actually use it it would look pretty retarded


                            me, government hooker

                              ive seen some elementary kids with those

                              me, government hooker

                                and the memes were fine at first but as usual they get overused

                                doc joferlyn simp

                                  That's the weakest fucking chin I've ever seen


                                    they're kinda expensive for what they are yes. But you can get them from ali express or so for much cheaper. It's just plastic with a bearing inside.


                                      and what do u use it for? can u do tricks with it or something? or do u literlaly just fidget with it in ur hands


                                        They're quite cheap here tho
                                        4$ and possibly less
                                        Not that I would buy it tho


                                          There are some tricks but I'm too lazy to look them up


                                            you just spin them I guess. I think they're for anxious people, so that they have something in their hand, since they'd bite their nails or scratch their fingers instead.
                                            I wouldn't call myself anxious, but I used to play with my cheeks alot which lead to worse acne before I got facial hair, so I definitely can see the appeal in them.
                                            They're kinda fun to use, like clicking a pen, but it's not a necessity, for me, atleast

                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                              when i was in middle school there was a trend of finger boards - tiny skateboards that u can "ride" with ur fingers and do "cool tricks" - way more retarded than spinners if u ask me

                                              + spinning shit is funny, i used to spin the angle ruler(idk how its called properly, that shit u use to measure angles) around my pencil pretending its a circular saw of death(of hell)

                                              good time

                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                Protractor lul

                                                My love will forever by yoyos. Not that I'm good at it I just like watching it spin. Same with the fidget spinner I guess

                                                me, government hooker

                                                  i actually wanna kms
                                                  i dont dislike life or anything but wouldnt it be cooler to just sleep forever?


                                                    also the physics behind it is pretty fascinating. It's weird to see laws of motion applied like that in real life


                                                      i chew my nails while playing dota, but i dont have a hand free for one of those feelsbadman

                                                      we had fingerboards in germany as well, im pretty sure if i tried hard enough i'd still be able to find a set

                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                        We didn't have fingerboards. What we had were Hotwheels car models. We'd slam them to each other and trade them like Pokemon cards, because every car was priced the same (about the equivalent two dollars each)

                                                        Then we'd slam them into each other just for the heck of it and roll them as far as we could until they broke into walls


                                                          hotweels lmao

                                                          in our school we threw cds around for fun, one time someone got hit in the face

                                                          man my school was weird


                                                            we were big into beyblades back then. I kinda killed the trend at our school because I managed to break my opponents beyblade, so they stopped plaing.

                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                              Yeah we had this Beyblade trend as well. But early into the trend a student had a big purple bruise on his shin because his opponent's beyblade hit him there when they were "battling". Was promptly banned and the toys were confiscated lul

                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                "furafic fark"


                                                                  beyblades in primary school :bc_ok:


                                                                    how the fuck were you playing lmao

                                                                    one of the rich kids brought a proper stadium to school at my school


                                                                      idk we just used them on a table or an even ground

                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                        iirc some kid brought a beyblade. A week after that every grade level had a beyblade. That was before we realized there were stadiums we could buy, since during the beyblade cartoons we thought those stadiums were just for the sake of the story. We played on the outer lobby's elevated floor and surrounded it with stones/notebooks to make a makeshift arena. Now there were superstitions that "if you kiss your blade when you play it'll last longer" or "if you make your blade bounce when you let it rip it'll spin stronger" etc. The kid who inflicted the injury believed on the second superstition and then there was a lot of crying


                                                                          good thing these fuckers were made out of plastic. The newer ones are deadly weapons.



                                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                              my fav "trend" of all was prob the slings from money strings, we used to fold a piece of paper so it becomes like a thick paper bullet, then fired them like from bows, that shit was tight

                                                                              man would i like to get back in school, it was great apart from the fact that i was fat and retarded

                                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                Aren't you fat and retarded now lul


                                                                                  REKT!!!!!!!! APPLY COLD WATER TO BURNT AREAS ROFFFFFFFFFFFFFL DESTROyEdDdDd



                                                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                      id use a ohhh burn squirrel butbim on mobile and its 2 much effort


                                                                                        forum is actually quite lit today in contrary with usual 100 diox and predict my mmr threads


                                                                                          Because mods aren't here lul

                                                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                            Mods are here but Skim isn't on so nothing's happening to the forum


                                                                                              U don't know that


                                                                                                there are no racist remarks for skim to bithc about

                                                                                                me, government hooker

                                                                                                  i can fix htat