General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

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    disgusting weebs

      oh alright then


        vsio blyat vsem xana


          i thought it's "3 battle cup games" not "3 battle cups"

          Nah, I'd win

            I'm so sorry
            I didn't know you will pick Clockwerkula for dat team



              /shrug i dont really care who joins, we gonna win ez pz anyway

              Nah, I'd win

                My Storm is the reason why battle cups are won
                Now instead of this super good playa that wins game 1v5 you have 2 heavy bricks to carry

                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                  me and myself?



                    tfw u see a friend at a bus station, ask him where hes heading and he responds "going to smoke some weed"


                      at 11 am mind u

                      Nah, I'd win

                        No, mister Microsoft and gospodin vodka


                          My Storm is the reason why battle cups are won
                          Now instead of this super good playa that wins game 1v5 you have 2 heavy bricks to carry



                            mister microsoft lmfao


                              I have to carry 3 heavy bricks in every game

                              me, myself and I


                                Omg so I watched that one dude who was shit posting all that Anime.... all I have to say is.....

                                WHat. the . fuck.

                                That shit is so retarded. Like so fucked. Like unreal that people masturbate and watch that shit. Its like unreal stupid. Words cannot describe how ridiculous it is.

                                What a bunch of bullshit







                                        nice new bushido song


                                          so can someone make guide on where to find people to backpack me in battlecup?

                                          disgusting weebs

                                            man it sure sucks when u play lina 50 games in a row and then start going mid with heroes that take actual skill to do well there

                                            disgusting weebs

                                              hey thats pretty good(aside from awful sound)

                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                What is all this garbo music?
                                                Here's some good music



                                                  me, government hooker



                                                      [Allies] Snith.SteelSeries: 1So what?
                                                      [Allies] Snith.SteelSeries: Thanks.
                                                      [Allies] Snith.SteelSeries: Just report him later if you feel that he has violated you.
                                                      [Allies] hustle: man can u stop using proper punctuation on the internet ure triggering me
                                                      [Allies] Snith.SteelSeries: Then you have greater issues, resolve them yourself instead of telling me what to do.

                                                      5k in 2017 LUL

                                                      me, government hooker

                                                        snith is definitely autistic


                                                          i "violated" my teammate(s) by stealing mid good game!!

                                                          Nah, I'd win


                                                              i hope riki is not filing a lawsuit because i hurt him!

                                                              disgusting weebs


                                                                me, government hooker

                                                                  think i posted this before but anyways
                                                                  squad up n words TriHard

                                                                  me, government hooker



                                                                      GAM E IS DOGHHSIOT

                                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                        True Sight was really cool.


                                                                          shows why CIS always loses

                                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                            Because they are dumb? "If we make no mistakes, we win." Well, no shit mate.


                                                                              hes 5100 wtf


                                                                                Snith.SteelSeries: The Russian alone is enough to warrent a report.
                                                                                OldMan: nope
                                                                                Snith.SteelSeries: Communication Abuse, yes.
                                                                                hustle: XD
                                                                                hustle: holy shit man jsut calm down what the fuck
                                                                                hustle: we won
                                                                                hustle: mute him and go on
                                                                                hustle: why are u so triggered
                                                                                Snith.SteelSeries: He queued English, then started flaming us (I'd imagine).
                                                                                hustle: its nuts
                                                                                OldMan: you can't know that though
                                                                                Snith.SteelSeries: Because he was muted before the game, so obviously I had a poor experience with him last game.
                                                                                Snith.SteelSeries: And now he does it again.
                                                                                hustle: ...
                                                                                Snith.SteelSeries: I'm not really triggered, I just don't accept this kind of behaviour.
                                                                                Snith.SteelSeries: I have standards.
                                                                                Snith.SteelSeries: Neither should you.

                                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                  Hey Snith! I'm trying to learn to play chen, and I just have a question about the skill build: Should I max penitence like you display penitence after feeding their roaming heroes, test of faith like you test your teams faith in 5k supports, holy persuasion like how you persuade yourself that you aren't trash, or hand of god like how you hand godlike streaks to the enemy carry?

                                                                                  me, government hooker

                                                                                    Snith.SteelSeries: He queued English, then started flaming us (I'd imagine).

                                                                                    its not like he has 20k games and would know by now that russians que english and dont talk english !!!


                                                                                      Hello I'm Snith, playing my 202143th game on Chen. Even though it's the only hero I play I still suck at it. As a compensation for my lack of skill I am going to buy all support items and gank mid at lvl 2 and fail. Thanks for listening
                                                                                      Brought to you by SteelSeries™

                                                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                        the most annoying thign about him was the way he kept using voice chat trying to guide us to the win although 90% of his calls were utter dogshit

                                                                                        disgusting weebs

                                                                                          snith is a real interesting character i see


                                                                                            it's funny how russians are always portrayed as the bad guys, but in reality they really are extremely selfcentred and demeaning towards their rivals


                                                                                              referring to the new true sight


                                                                                                Because they are dumb?

                                                                                                because they focus on mistakes in the previous game and they are tiltable whereas OG focus only on the next game and what they want to do, as well as cheering each other on even through bad situations.

                                                                                                it's funny how russians are always portrayed as the bad guys, but in reality they really are extremely selfcentred and demeaning towards their rivals

                                                                                                how are these not bad guy traits? lol