General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
D the Superior
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      I happen to work with refugees and all the administrative stuff around them
      can confirm that 80% of the people arriving dont have any legit aslyum reasons. Only reason why so many stay is they throw away their passport, when lets say germany contacts country marokko about refugee moukthar assidi, (they would be legally obliged to take their citizen back) they wont take him backbecause no passport (we dont know the mentioned person)
      And there you have the gigantic loophole that gets abused by ''refugees''
      Also as you might can imagine this loophole doesnt attract people with good eductaion and a sober background.
      right now abou 20% of the refugees we get are form tunisia, lybia and marokko. most of the dudes are drug addicts, young men that dropped out of school and analphabets.
      then theres 50% from central africa, all underage ofc, guess what they lie and have no asylum reasons.
      throw in some dude from georgia, sri lanka, pakistan and kosovo and you have your refugees.
      legit refugees from afghanistan and syria are maybe 20%
      and guess what this stream will never end, becasue people get the hang of it that barely any people get sent back, and reasons like ''not enough financial stability'' are reasons enough to get you a ''temporary allowance'' to stay in the country for 5 years, living off welfare.
      ''not enough money'' is enough reason to let you stay in europe for 5 years. that basically meets the criteria for 2/3 fo the world

      and after the 5 year temporary allowance its not humane to send the perosn back because he has no more contacts in his home country

      just a gigantoc fraud to get in cheap labour. we surely dont want even the slightest shortage of workforce! the peasants might even get the idea to ask for higher payments! bring in some refugees from cultures where getting 3-5 kids is normal and basically expected from a father to be respected. gg wp

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      D the Superior
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          why would that trigger anyone

          disgusting weebs


              yeah economic refugees are an issue, but thats no reason to stop ppl from seeking asylum in europe

              there should simply be stricter rules in place that sort economic refugees out, simply that would reduce the amount of refugees by a ton

              whether or not this is feasible is another question

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              disgusting weebs

                there are so many "new" political affiliations like altright and neoliberal i feel like they actually dont mean shit and ppl just made them up with a new name so the sins of the "old" political affiliation wont transmit


                  did you get banned again


                    neoliberalism = best

                    D the Superior
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                      disgusting weebs

                        isnt neoliberalism all about "hurr durr free trade no gov regulations protectionists BTFO 😂😂"?

                        fuck this

                        disgusting weebs

                          u know russia had no regulations free pricing and all that shit in the 90s
                          real satisfied with how that turned out)))))


                            yeah its all about deregulation and privatization, cutting public expenditure and blaming the "lazy" for being poor LUL

                            in all srsness social liberalism is the best


                              disgusting weebs


                                  thats when his mother ties him to his bed


                                    disgusting weebs

                                      this reminded me of this song, its hook goes along the lines of "yeaaa bitch crush everything break bottles furniture etc" with a punk-y melody but the rest of the song is about how u should be responsible for ur actions and not blame music and the artist for being a moron and for all ur bad luck so its like being ironic

                                      nevertheless the comment section is full of middleschoolers talking how about they broke everything after listening to this song

                                      pretty cool song btw

                                      disgusting weebs


                                          im done


                                            i think timber is rtz but why isnt he streaming :thinking:

                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                              politics SoBayed


                                                sam teach me how to safelane please :sad:

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                                                  lmao try looking at that ufo whos standing and then tracking the one who's moving WutFace



                                                    why do i get the feeling that it's stuttering even on 60 fps?



                                                      i am BBQing fire is ready for the meat but now i realize i dont have a cold one

                                                      what to do?

                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                        Top two tricks for safelaning:
                                                        1) Get a good block and make sure your ranged creep dies and gets denied before his.
                                                        2) Harass the offlaner from level 1. If you get an early lead, it's much easier for you and your supports.


                                                          do you have some trick how to harass with melee heroes while not taking the entire enemy creepwave with you? do you like split the wave or something?
                                                          thank you btw


                                                            i am BBQing fire is ready for the meat but now i realize i dont have a cold one
                                                            what to do?

                                                            killing urself is the only solution

                                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                              Don't right-click him straight up. Walk near him, then start hitting outside of aggro range. If he insists on staying near the creeps, kill him with 2/3 heroes. But don't ruin the lane too much to get a kill or they will get a lot of free exp under the tower.


                                                                focusing on creep equilibrium is 90% of the work on safelane


                                                                  i always try to focus on csing and keeping the lane on one place or pull it back towards my tower (sometimes too much so my tower destroys the wave, i miss cs AND doublewave the opponent) and then i just get ganked because i forget to look on the minimap

                                                                  thanks for your help

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                                                                      i wonder what makes the difference when playing support and carry where i'm seeing most of the things that are happening on the map and the lane with supports but incredibly tunnel visioning with cores

                                                                      i guess it's the focus on not missing last hits, but it occurs even during fights or i just miss obvious things like not having a tp or calling us to a bad fight when we have one guy on the opposite side of the map


                                                                        hiroyuki sawano is a genius

                                                                        disgusting weebs

                                                                          i fuck up creep equilibrim in 95% of my games i dont think it matters that much in 4k


                                                                            idc, as long as it's a thing i know i'm bad at, im going to work on it

                                                                            i think i'll start caring after not fucking up the equilibrium and not winning the games anyway

                                                                            disgusting weebs

                                                                              ure bad at not losing ur shit
                                                                              how abo9ut u work on it first sionce its infintely more impact that creep quilibrium


                                                                                although everytime i see high mmrs smurfing they just win their lane no matter what by manipulating creeps while enemy offlaner has no idea whats happening and gets denied 30 creeps if not just straight getting killed 4 times before abandoning the lane and they just dominate from that so i think it's pretty important



                                                                                  rofl sinned so dramatic after a free fall tower ride

                                                                                  what an actress


                                                                                    idk, when i played on lan where we sat near each other or etc i never felt anything like that even though we were losing against high 5ks-6ks and i focused on gameplay entirely, not a trace of tilt

                                                                                    i think it's just my solo ranked where i have major issues for some reason but i dont feel like it affects my future """"competetive"""" games

                                                                                    but i need to get to high mmr games anyway if i ever want to get used to a normal tempo where people actually play dota and not just afk so i guess u have a point

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                                                                                    disgusting weebs

                                                                                      is bulldog turning into another vlogging сunt? smh


                                                                                        i love irl streams, because they show me what kind of life i could have if i were to go outside


                                                                                          You can actually see on bulldog how much people dramatically change when they get in a first (or after long time)relationship

                                                                                          disgusting weebs

                                                                                            its fucking impossible
                                                                                            if im not gonna get a chance to cheat on my physics exam im done for

                                                                                            Yowai Mo

                                                                                              aimstrong reagiert darauf nicht mehr LUL

                                                                                              oh honey, i'll tell you once again, i don't listen to german rap, i'm also skipping posts which are including german rap


                                                                                                the lyrics though LUL


                                                                                                  Mr Skeng = Limmp smurf


                                                                                                    ye too bad we lost all lanes