General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
D the Superior
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        anyone love smelling bricks?


          no money no booty BibleThump


            i mean lotsa booty and titties

            the realm's delight


              lm ao

                When I see jo's inventory something inside my heart breaks. I just cry everytime.

                Dont you worry 3K fgts when I get to 5K you will always play with me... charm farming against your shit team


                  haha waht


                    anyhow honestly ive stopped party queueing since when you play with ppl better than you it isnt a good practice for carry


                      ^ how so?


                        a good number of games my team just wins the game without me or establish map control early so theres vision everywhere and a good portion of being a good carry is being able to push out waves with limited information on the map IMO so its not good practice

                        D the Superior
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                          D the Superior
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                            D the Superior
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                              the realm's delight
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                                  who knows, maybe there are multiple agreements for sharing info between teams
                                  it's shady but lets be real, there's nothing preventing teams from doing it when there's money at stake apart from their own ethics/integrity


                                    *their own ethics/integrity and some vague line in their code of conduct if they even have one*

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                                      thoughts about this?


                                        run a regression instead of just a scar plot, its not clear what the trends are here

                                        D the Superior
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                                            03:55 - Serla: but theres something special about you
                                            03:55 - Beesa: oh wow
                                            03:55 - Serla: its like youre mason, but better
                                            03:55 - Beesa: wut
                                            03:55 - Serla: not in a dota skill sense, but in a friendship sense
                                            03:55 - Serla: youve got all his likeable qualities
                                            03:56 - Beesa: like wut
                                            03:56 - Beesa: being autistic?
                                            holy shit :laugh:

                                            D the Superior
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                                              the realm's delight

                                                i wish there was an option to queue overthrow only with 5k+ players or something..


                                                  are u crazy half the fun of these custom games is that you get to play with scrubs lol

                                                  the realm's delight

                                                    ye but it becomes boring after a few games


                                                      clq it up dude

                                                      the realm's delight

                                                        can anyone give me some pudge items i wanna play this hero


                                                          rofl ure following that nadota thread huh

                                                          the realm's delight

                                                            i mean how can u not

                                                            lm ao

                                                              shit what is wrong with matchmaking

                                                              the realm's delight

                                                                whenever i go to reddit i start questioning myself how are those individuals (the creatures who post on reddit) managing to survive day after day

                                                                lm ao

                                                                  And then again you come to Dotabuff and wonder about the same thing to the forum people in general

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                                                                  lm ao

                                                                    I mean look at this thread it must be the single most relevant shitposting thread ever created in the world in human history almost 7k replies

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                                                                      honestly there have been times where i typed out a response to a redditor then i delete it instantly after i realise im replying to an ape

                                                                      < blank >

                                                                        Lel, I did the same


                                                                          ^i like a similar one which has only one difference: it ends with "retarded matchmaking, gg volvo"

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                                                                            HELENALIVE IS BACK BOYS!! :D


                                                                            D the Superior
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                                                                                How can shitposting be real if bbcode isn't?


                                                                                  How Can Shitposting Be Real If BBCode Is Not?