Adjusted the weight given to behavior metrics to be more focused on a very small percentage of players that were the most offensive players, rather than the general population.
Adjusted matchmaking for new players to be more sensitive to the number of games played rather than behavior. Players that are detected as smurfs however are treated primarily on their skill and less so on their game count history.
Improved the behavior scoring system and recalibrated existing behavior score values.
Improved detection of exploiters, bots, account sellers and in-game feeding. Matchmaking bans are being issued against these types of players.
vk has tons of free music and films with very few banned/locked ones that can still be accessed indirectly in most cases, its basically a streaming service
The days of positivity are long gone man the only thing that can win you games now is being a toxic ass bitch not even skill makes a difference
eh, not sure what else to do..
when your sven goes double daedalus lmao
we need to resurect the arin blog thread
no dota since 2 1/2 days omg 1 !1 1 !
30 mins long btw =)
no ones watching ur stuff no matter how long it is i suppose
content cop PogChamp
lmfao that video is amazing
florian, when exactly is the german league starting
booty on the half of the screen
Adjusted the weight given to behavior metrics to be more focused on a very small percentage of players that were the most offensive players, rather than the general population.
Adjusted matchmaking for new players to be more sensitive to the number of games played rather than behavior. Players that are detected as smurfs however are treated primarily on their skill and less so on their game count history.
Improved the behavior scoring system and recalibrated existing behavior score values.
Improved detection of exploiters, bots, account sellers and in-game feeding. Matchmaking bans are being issued against these types of players.
happy birthday u toxic shits
who feeds themselves anyway when u can afk amulet? never understood that
oof ouch owie my accurate numerical representation of in-game behavior
does this mean u became a normie?
ive just seen this but didnt dare to open it in a lecture with 300 people around me
by the way FUCK this facebook design vk did a mobile version redesign to be exactly like fb a couple of days ago and its afwul
why do people use vk
cuz it's more prominent in russia
Why do people use dbuff forum
Why do people use dota
Why do people use water
no one uses fb here
vk has tons of free music and films with very few banned/locked ones that can still be accessed indirectly in most cases, its basically a streaming service
also memes
florian when exactly does the german league start
also when will u be able to register in the team on esl? we gonna play there this sunday
i got no idea
i can buy some membership tomorrow evening for 20€ so i can start steam again, then ill be able to ask zebrog/sign up for shit
ok, pm me for more info when you'd be rdy

mess with me...
I dont want to get both report and abandon alright
Your team can hold the game for longer than 5 minutes for the afk detection to kick in, hello?
are u posting crap that is not funny nor interesting on purpose
no triple i find all my posts genuinely funny and exctiing!!!
you're 99999 years late to notice