Who in the hell is lewding an actual fucking planet? first you sickos wanted to have sex with a restaurant, now it's our literal planet. This is why we can't have nice things, you cu.nts need therapy. What's next? Jacking off to water? Don't even make this a copy pasta because I'll fucking deepthroat a knife.
my guy pretty like a girl
i see both sides like chanel
smells like trilane mid
when does the mango hero pool reset GMT?
man screw that, I still never lost a game with silencer
got a carry from le TEGERAN who went dced 3 mins in and didnt come back probably was a blackout or his mom sent him to bed)))))
plot twist game didnt count
truly we are all blessed on this day
captain of this city
if i had a heart i would love you
think medef is a political party in france (liberal, pro business etc), but its more about the gears on the picture
that exhuast pipe is freaking funny.. god bless you for posting that. made my morning.
is individual performance measured anyhow after ranked remake, or is it the same like before
ur mmr wont swing much no matter what so dont bother giving any shit
you underestimate my ability to lose hundreds of mmr in a span of one week
welcome back
words of wisdom
real italian
i'll never get tired of looking at rtz reacting to things
thank you
and happy birthday
man why does my internet need to be so fucking garbage precisely on SATURDAYasdasdascasdcfverg53gh46nh
Who in the hell is lewding an actual fucking planet? first you sickos wanted to have sex with a restaurant, now it's our literal planet. This is why we can't have nice things, you cu.nts need therapy. What's next? Jacking off to water? Don't even make this a copy pasta because I'll fucking deepthroat a knife.
what am i looking at here