General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
chicken spook,,,,

    Honestly, considering Florian's fapping habits I'm not surprised.


    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      I just fucking hate school tbh the teachers make it a fucking miserable experience

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        nothing of value was lost it seems


          does anyone live near oradea in romania

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            why you asking


              Florian, swapping to another game helps put things like dota into perspective. I honestly think there's nothing wrong with enjoying a lot of game time, i do try and pad mine out with piano practice and TV shows but to put your hands to something.

              I think my problem is comfort and at your age I would encourage you to shake your shit up and see where it falls. I knew what I wanted and where I was gonna get that when I was about 24 so basically realized i had time to blow on 8 hours of dota a day alongside other games.

              You just have to decide if that's for you or are you gonna do smth else/


                boiz we made it, 5023 MMR! Road to 6k now


                  oh they nerfed slark in 7.16 again


                    5 0 2 3 M M R now time to dumpster 1ks


                      gj tribo gl with immortal which isn't that high according to my badge


                        immortal is ~5,9


                          road to 6k it is then


                            yeah i am sat at like 5.7 or smth and it says i am 60%


                              im pretty sure most ppl (here at least) play video games to escape/because its much easier

                              i'd love to spend time on other stuff but the "other stuff" takes way more effort than dota, queueing for a game in dota is berry ez

                              Story Time

                                if you people would not be changing pictures/names in your accounts, that would be great


                                  qeueing for dota is low effort, but actually not feeling shit after a game takes a lot of effort


                                    forgot how to win again

                                    doesnt matter what dual lane enemy puts against you, you just lose


                                      Immortal is 5.9k
                                      Calibrated at 5.8k, and just got it at 5935
                                      now I am actually immortal for real this time dog bless


                                        Now the question I wanna know the answer to is can you lose your immortal medal by dropping out of the leaderboards? Or does it just stay "qualified" and blank. I feel like it's the former but I've never seen it happen yet so.


                                          it stays qualified, i dropped to 5.8

                                          basically even if u have 1 solo mmr u will keep ur medal, except u will be last place on the leaderboard


                                            The medal is truly immortal then.


                                              Pl is very cool

                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                if you people would not be changing pictures/names in your accounts, that would be great

                                                haha no


                                                  @lonedawg I am right behind you cause I am 5880 rn so like a single win should do it


                                                    spunki how are you immortal without even doing any solo shit you peasant


                                                      meanwhile im losing 5k flat avg games

                                                      good lord i can't wait to get back to my place with relatively normal connection

                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                        Havoc, every idiot with half a brain can see you purchased MMR boosting ROFL.

                                                        Is it someone u know or did you just purchase from a random site? Also can you tell the booster to not go offline when he plays solo I'd like to see what he's doin, he stomps the shit out of 5k and 6k plebs.



                                                          apparently blunt's alarm clock that rings everytime someone mentions him here still works

                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                            "ok which one of u nimrods been talking shit about me"



                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                Havoc trying to play morph (terrible build, shit gameplay etc.)

                                                                Booster rekking 5k and 6k plebs.

                                                                Download replays and watch for yourself. If you're not 1k you immediately see that both are different players. GL trashcans enjoy your low skil bracket (:


                                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                                    U'd be suprised ;3


                                                                      danishtard is back woooo


                                                                        "enjoy ur low skill bracket" didnt u calibrate ancient or something OMEGALUL


                                                                          Blunt didn't like my funny although they were obvious event games :/ also yes Alison has been boosting me again

                                                                          was gonna say it wasn't intended in malice but idk if you would have cared or not

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                                                                          Giff me Wingman

                                                                            Since when does allison play morph? did he give up on TA?


                                                                              Alison plays all heroes pretty well


                                                                                booster of hell, lower mmr than boosted player


                                                                                  that's how good you are...also, what happened to your main did you get that deserved 6 month ban?


                                                                                    nah but every game was super toxic so i abandoned it


                                                                                      tune in on db discord for latest drama

                                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                        thanks i'll pass u may not even screen it

                                                                                        (screen it)

                                                                                        Solo Leveling

                                                                                          Hey all you high skillers what MMR do I need to reach to get a stupid Blue Star.

                                                                                          I need some petty validation that no1 cares about that Im half decent at the game


                                                                                            something like 5100


                                                                                              why do i know that we're going to lose 10 mins into the game
                                                                                              i got that feeling in all of my past games, lost all of them

                                                                                              i feel like i am playing at flat 4k rating where everyone is randomly moving around the map, doing nothing
                                                                                              everyone who tries to break out and try to initiate instantly dies and is labelled as feeder solo dying because rest of the team is busy farming easy camp in 2+ people


                                                                                                all of us failed at dota

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