General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

    Hey alenari click the link :smile:

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      okay just let me get the vpn up first

      Nah, I'd win


          does anyone know why my cpu just randomly goes to 100% whenever i do anything. 2nd time this has happened. I just start my pc today and its fucking lagging whenever i do anything. Last time i just opened it up and tried to clean it a bit and it randomly worked again even though i basically did nothing. This time it didnt seem to work...


            Try replacing your thermal paste? Sounds like a cooling issue. You can download HWMonitor to verify whether it is or not. If it's overheating and you've cleaned up the fans and stuff, the next step is checking the thermal contact points.

            Potato Marshal

              ^can confirm, something like this happened to my pc last year. Fan seemed to be running the same as usual, but my PC was really slow, and things were always overheating. Just remove the old paste with some rubbing alcohol and replace it.


                Any vid guides?

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  which process exactly causes 100% load? i never heard of just ANYTHING causing max load


                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      pretty sure it's not a temp issue
                      constant high cpu load causes overheating, but not the other way around


                        Like when i open chrome or dota or guild wars it goes to 100% for a bit. Stays really high like 90-100 in games and 70-100 in chrome and everythings lagging


                          Tbh just before i left home it seemed to work again

                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                            screenshot ur resource monitor or something, nobody here's psychic


                              Im not home rn so ill see later if its still fucked

                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                win+r -> resmon -> CPU if you don't know how to open it
                                is still called resmon in win10? it probably is, it even looks the same as in win7

                                just open it in the background and when everything starts lagging again take a look at what process(-es) has the highest load

                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                  I have win 7

                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                    well then its definitely resmon


                                      Cant u do the same with ctrl alt del?


                                        When i did it there the highest process was either a game running or chrome if no games were running. But it wasnt really using more than usual. I even clicked the show all processes and there was nothing in particular using a lot


                                          what cpu u have?


                                            Like i5 4k or smth


                                              It kinda sounds like thermal issue, prob check sth like hw monitor while running sth like aida 64 stress test for 5-10 mins or doing multiple cinebench runs for 5 mins and post a pic here with ur temps. Maybe ur paste is all dry n shit.

                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                Idek what thermal paste is l o l


                                                  Ill see how it works when i get home


                                                    It's this shit u see in the middle, except your cpu won't be cut in half x) And if it feels dry af and just falls off, it's time to change it asap. Normaly it feels like ur tooth paste when it's new :d ur gonna find urs between ur heatsink and cpu.

                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                      But before u start all this shit check hw monitor while stress testing ur cpu to make sure it's thermals and not sth else.

                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                        it doesnt sound like thermal issue at all

                                                        obviously task manager doesn't measure cpu load by temp, if it says cpu has 90-100% load then either cpu does have 90-100% load or something makes it (and the OS, since everything lags) think so

                                                        if it was just temps his computer would just shut down eventually

                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                          no it wouldnt, your cpu just downclocks, that explains higher load and lag, I've overclocked mine to 5.3Ghz on stock paste and I was reaching 105C on cores and guess what was happening some of my cpu cores started downclocking to 4.7ghz or some shit to lower the temps and pc didnt shut down at all.

                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                            downclocks to the point of

                                                            I just start my pc today and its fucking lagging whenever i do anything





                                                                seems to be working randomly again


                                                                  my cpu usage is still quite high when running games like 80-90% but im not really lagging like that anymore


                                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                      looks like afeect was actually right, it says it runs at 45% max frequency so probably do check your temps


                                                                        usage 97% | maximum freq 45% :)))


                                                                          what should i do


                                                                            this shits cancer


                                                                              in aida 64 while stress testing u can see if ur cpu thermal throttles, so after u fix it check it with this to see if it's fixed.

                                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                what do i do with these programs =)


                                                                                  running 5 chrome tabs no game =)


                                                                                    with hw monitor u monitor ur temps, fan rpm w/e and with aida 64 u stress test ur cpu to see if it overheats.

                                                                                    me, government hooker

                                                                                      check if ur fan is working. i had similar issue in the past with high load and the fan was working at all.

                                                                                      if not change paste


                                                                                        can u tell me what to press to stress test my cpu please =)


                                                                                          yea rofl ur overheating 100%, I guess clean the dust and replace thermal paste. U can also go into ur bios and lower ur core voltage a bit if u have stock intel cooler. But for now just check thermal paste. Remove ur cpu cooler and see if the paste is dry and buy some decent one for gods sake it costs like 7$ but lasts so much longer and gives u much better thermals.


                                                                                            my gpu fans werent running =) my cpu fan was poppin off


                                                                                              yea also check ur fan, like holy shit ur cpu is running @ half it's speed and reaching 100C thats just holy fuck


                                                                                                gpu fans are fine, for idk cards from past 4-5 years they don't run untill they reach ~ 60c