faw 19.12.2015holy fuck fyyq wtf are these girls on facebook faw 19.12.2015so fucking amazing o.o arin 19.12.2015riki combined with magnus very fun to play againstarin 19.12.2015wait what? cowboy bebop is a serie, not a movie?Yowai Mo 19.12.2015D 19.12.2015Nanjing.Japan DOG REMEMBE... 20.12.2015@MMR GRINDER 9000 ofc i have good chicks... 80% of them are fucked or ex gf's u can choose one i dont mind xDDDDDD all girls are retarded except my crushes.. till i make up and then break up with them... then they are retarded tooWavenoxuze 20.12.2015Fuck and forget ayy lmaoWavenoxuze 20.12.2015Btw can u do it now?D the Superior 20.12.2015Този коментар е премахнат от модератор 24.01.2018D the Superior 20.12.2015Този коментар е премахнат от модератор 24.01.2018Wavenoxuze 20.12.2015Can someone post the video of a man dressed as a banana saying oh yesssjo~ 20.12.2015http://i.imgur.com/GRRS8mp.png another gem foundMekarazium 20.12.2015Този коментар е премахнат от модератор 20.01.2018jo~ 20.12.2015lol try crafting it or something i guess? how many steam funds u have? anyway looks pretty ugly no idea why u wud want it Mekarazium 20.12.2015Този коментар е премахнат от модератор 20.01.2018jo~ 20.12.2015400$ background? what you mean? http://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/753/345610-Flowers%20on%20Amane im going to get this once its price drops but i like my lanaya background as well Wavenoxuze 20.12.2015I want dank meme's on my steam profile.Mekarazium 20.12.2015Този коментар е премахнат от модератор 20.01.2018jo~ 20.12.2015look at the sales history hahawaku waku 20.12.2015Seoulmate 20.12.2015i heard we were showing off steam backgrounds? http://steamcommunity.com/id/hotsalzaWavenoxuze 20.12.2015fyyq u still wanna do it right? i just wanna know if you still wanna do it no pressure its alright if not. D the Superior 20.12.2015Този коментар е премахнат от модератор 24.01.2018Wavenoxuze 20.12.2015hot_sauz can i have some autism pl0x?Wavenoxuze 20.12.2015can someone try wtfast triplesteal do u think i can play in russia? where is havoc badger our spicy memer?D the Superior 20.12.2015Този коментар е премахнат от модератор 24.01.2018arin 20.12.2015@Magnus Thanks, I put so much work into it but it ended up on the bottom of previous page and hardly any people noticedarin 20.12.2015 so apparently there are people who draw only in mspaint sigh jus chillen 20.12.2015hey meka gift me some shit cuz i am an avid memer/shitposterjus chillen 20.12.2015wheres everyone when i wann aplay some dotesTripleSteal- 20.12.2015come and play with us, some1. stop being afk.arin 20.12.2015i'll have lunch now, can't joinNanjing.Japan DOG REMEMBE... 20.12.2015i will play le dotes in like 2-3 hrs i will be with my cousin so if u got 2 spots just txt me XxXTripleSteal- 20.12.2015whats his party mmr? i think i could stack with him back in the days, right?Nanjing.Japan DOG REMEMBE... 20.12.2015he dont play ranked like...never ever ever ever 4200 -4300 i think lol my party is 4100 thanks to megapenis and tripple steal curse <3 we will be finaaaaaaaaaaaaaathe realm's delight 20.12.2015yo can anyone give me $22Nanjing.Japan DOG REMEMBE... 20.12.2015^ I cant find molly with 22$Този коментар е бил редактиран 20.12.2015arin 20.12.2015D the Superior 20.12.2015Този коментар е премахнат от модератор 24.01.2018Miku Plays 20.12.2015the realm's delight 20.12.2015Този коментар е изтрит 20.12.2015the realm's delight 20.12.2015LMFAO holy FUCKING shit im so retarded i just noticed the cpu fan wasnt spinning. had a wire under it since i changed the psu took it out and NOW I CAN PLAY DOTAMandalorian 20.12.2015So stupid lmaothe realm's delight 20.12.2015time to read patch notes i guess new rune? EleGiggleТози коментар е бил редактиран 20.12.2015quity 20.12.2015i never saw that rune in game lmao D the Superior 20.12.2015Този коментар е премахнат от модератор 24.01.2018lm ao 20.12.2015Hey Meka be friends with me And give me nice shit 3Headarin 20.12.2015OSFrog http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2017224813 OSFrog based mekarazium showing me the memeest of buildsМоля, впишете се, за да публикувате коментар.Вписване със Steam
holy fuck fyyq wtf are these girls on facebook
so fucking amazing o.o
riki combined with magnus
very fun to play against
wait what?
cowboy bebop is a serie, not a movie?
ofc i have good chicks... 80% of them are fucked or ex gf's
u can choose one i dont mind xDDDDDD
all girls are retarded except my crushes.. till i make up and then break up with them... then they are retarded too
Fuck and forget ayy lmao
Btw can u do it now?
Can someone post the video of a man dressed as a banana saying oh yesss
another gem found
lol try crafting it or something i guess? how many steam funds u have? anyway looks pretty ugly no idea why u wud want it
400$ background? what you mean?
im going to get this once its price drops but i like my lanaya background as well
I want dank meme's on my steam profile.
look at the sales history haha
i heard we were showing off steam backgrounds?
fyyq u still wanna do it right?
i just wanna know if you still wanna do it no pressure
its alright if not.
hot_sauz can i have some autism pl0x?
can someone try wtfast
triplesteal do u think i can play in russia?
where is havoc badger our spicy memer?
Thanks, I put so much work into it but it ended up on the bottom of previous page and hardly any people noticed
so apparently there are people who draw only in mspaint
hey meka gift me some shit cuz i am an avid memer/shitposter
wheres everyone when i wann aplay some dotes
come and play with us, some1. stop being afk.
i'll have lunch now, can't join
i will play le dotes in like 2-3 hrs
i will be with my cousin so if u got 2 spots just txt me XxX
whats his party mmr? i think i could stack with him back in the days, right?
he dont play ranked like...never ever ever ever 4200 -4300 i think
lol my party is 4100 thanks to megapenis and tripple steal curse <3
we will be finaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
yo can anyone give me $22
^ I cant find molly with 22$
LMFAO holy FUCKING shit im so retarded
i just noticed the cpu fan wasnt spinning. had a wire under it since i changed the psu
took it out and NOW I CAN PLAY DOTA
So stupid lmao
time to read patch notes i guess
new rune? EleGiggle
i never saw that rune in game lmao
Hey Meka be friends with me
And give me nice shit
OSFrog http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2017224813 OSFrog
based mekarazium showing me the memeest of builds