faw 16.02.2016^ban inc plz do 16.02.2016not yet. i think hes contemplating about it. gotta push a little harder< blank > 16.02.2016Also sollten wir des öfteren einfach mal so triple schreiben?faw 16.02.2016well, once u get banned u will get banned for a fart.. i got banned 3 days for "spamming" because i made 1 ~750 character post TripleSteal- 16.02.2016plz do 16.02.2016also, gotvet is unbanned. so mods are busy analyzing his every move on this forumfaw 16.02.2016ja einfach hin und wieder mal ein triple einwerfen, auch wenn es keinen sinn machtplz do 16.02.2016jetzt mobbt mal nich den triple. das isn liebes kerlchen< blank > 16.02.2016Machen wir doch nicht, wir lieben triple <3 would bang no h0moarin 16.02.2016how do i farm fast as morphthe realm's delight 16.02.2016hit creeps that hero cant die post lvl 9faw 16.02.2016naja triple ist halt manchmal korrekt und manchma russisch. von mir bekommt er nur ne 9/11 und nen report Skim 16.02.2016oh come on skim, i didnt mean to be political I mean... faw 16.02.2016ich glaube wir könnten eig ganz ez den ayy lmao thread übernehmen, wir zu 3. und noch kitty faw 16.02.2016skim pls, wie fandest du meine email? Skim 16.02.2016Erfrischend< blank > 16.02.2016^ Wandert das Zeug in ein gemeinsames Postfach oder kriegst du das direkt zugestellt?Skim 16.02.2016Gibt ein gemeinsames Postfachfaw 16.02.2016hab ich mich auch gefragt, hast du die gefahr gebannt bevor's jemand anderes bemerkt hat, oder wurde die email dir zugeteilt weil du deutsch sprichst?TripleSteal- 16.02.2016 < blank > 16.02.2016faw 16.02.2016also ist triplesteal mittlerweile homosexuell? interessant < blank > 16.02.2016Da, triple is pidorTripleSteal- 16.02.2016just in case, german is my 4th language. im not good at it, but i can understand a bit.faw 16.02.2016 ich finde sowas immer ganz interessant Skim 16.02.2016I wish I could understand/speak/read Russian, even as a 4th languagethe realm's delight 16.02.20164th language WutFace i only speak english and some garbo frenchfaw 16.02.2016https://lp.babbel.com/d/DEU_index.html?action=redirect&button=&controller=welcome&l2=RUS&locale=de&utf8=%E2%9C%93TripleSteal- 16.02.2016^4th including russian, so its 3rd foreignTripleSteal- 16.02.2016@spunki why does it open in spanish automatically for me lmaofaw 16.02.2016skim, woher kommst du? ich weiß nur dass du asiate bist iircfaw 16.02.2016hmm, that links supposed to open russian, and it does for me anyway.. mb its an issue that you don't live in germany and the link uses ur location TripleSteal- 16.02.2016^thats racist just bcz its written in germanSkim 16.02.2016Komme aus Rheinland-Pfalz, Grenze zu NRW - Eltern aus KambodschaTripleSteal- 16.02.2016i dont live in spain, for gods sake, i moved from there two years agoТози коментар е бил редактиран 16.02.2016faw 16.02.2016DEU_index.html = german &locale=de = location? mb it changes this, dont ask me though i have no idea of this faw 16.02.2016oh wtf i thought it opened that you should learn spanish SeemsGoodTripleSteal- 16.02.2016i figured out whats the reason (partly). i get redirected to the mobile version of their site which is completely different. however i still got no idea why it comes in spanish by default.TripleSteal- 16.02.2016it doesnt even offer me to learn anything there, im supposed to download some app first insteadfaw 16.02.2016 triple help pls i cant solve this faw 16.02.2016also i think the older girl in the pic is a pedo just saying TripleSteal- 16.02.2016мама is mom, мак is a short word for McDonaldsMekarazium 16.02.2016Този коментар е премахнат от модератор 20.01.2018faw 16.02.2016i know triple t.t dont u remember the good old times when i talked to u in rus and u thought i was a rus TripleSteal- 16.02.2016u gotta live in russia to know that мак stands for McD, i guesssayaka 16.02.2016thx for the read spunkif0l xdarin 16.02.2016do i skill replicate on level 6 or wait until QE is maxed or should i just hold skill point and tp to base with it when i needMekarazium 16.02.2016Този коментар е премахнат от модератор 20.01.2018Mekarazium 16.02.2016Този коментар е премахнат от модератор 20.01.2018Mekarazium 16.02.2016Този коментар е премахнат от модератор 20.01.2018Моля, впишете се, за да публикувате коментар.Вписване със Steam
^ban inc
not yet. i think hes contemplating about it. gotta push a little harder
Also sollten wir des öfteren einfach mal so triple schreiben?
well, once u get banned u will get banned for a fart.. i got banned 3 days for "spamming" because i made 1 ~750 character post
also, gotvet is unbanned. so mods are busy analyzing his every move on this forum
ja einfach hin und wieder mal ein triple einwerfen, auch wenn es keinen sinn macht
jetzt mobbt mal nich den triple. das isn liebes kerlchen
Machen wir doch nicht, wir lieben triple <3 would bang no h0mo
how do i farm fast as morph
hit creeps
that hero cant die post lvl 9
naja triple ist halt manchmal korrekt und manchma russisch. von mir bekommt er nur ne 9/11 und nen report
I mean...
ich glaube wir könnten eig ganz ez den ayy lmao thread übernehmen, wir zu 3. und noch kitty
skim pls, wie fandest du meine email?
Wandert das Zeug in ein gemeinsames Postfach oder kriegst du das direkt zugestellt?
Gibt ein gemeinsames Postfach
hab ich mich auch gefragt, hast du die gefahr gebannt bevor's jemand anderes bemerkt hat, oder wurde die email dir zugeteilt weil du deutsch sprichst?
also ist triplesteal mittlerweile homosexuell? interessant
Da, triple is pidor
just in case, german is my 4th language. im not good at it, but i can understand a bit.
ich finde sowas immer ganz interessant
I wish I could understand/speak/read Russian, even as a 4th language
4th language WutFace
i only speak english and some garbo french
^4th including russian, so its 3rd foreign
why does it open in spanish automatically for me lmao
skim, woher kommst du? ich weiß nur dass du asiate bist iirc
hmm, that links supposed to open russian, and it does for me anyway.. mb its an issue that you don't live in germany and the link uses ur location
^thats racist just bcz its written in german
Komme aus Rheinland-Pfalz, Grenze zu NRW - Eltern aus Kambodscha
i dont live in spain, for gods sake, i moved from there two years ago
DEU_index.html = german &locale=de = location? mb it changes this, dont ask me though i have no idea of this
oh wtf i thought it opened that you should learn spanish SeemsGood
i figured out whats the reason (partly). i get redirected to the mobile version of their site which is completely different.
however i still got no idea why it comes in spanish by default.
it doesnt even offer me to learn anything there, im supposed to download some app first instead
triple help pls i cant solve this
also i think the older girl in the pic is a pedo just saying
мама is mom, мак is a short word for McDonalds
i know triple t.t dont u remember the good old times when i talked to u in rus and u thought i was a rus
u gotta live in russia to know that мак stands for McD, i guess
thx for the read spunkif0l
do i skill replicate on level 6 or wait until QE is maxed
or should i just hold skill point and tp to base with it when i need