General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

    ^well in german we have a TV show called "galileo" where they show short reports about stuff that you can learn / tests they made etc, and the other day they were comparing germany with russia (going to russia and asking ppl there what they think about germany/what is typical etc) and germans said russian guys are ugly, then they went to russia and russian girls also said that russian guys are ugly FeelsBadMan

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      ^we got the same show with the same title

      the realm's delight

        all i have on tv about russia is putin destroying isis


          yeah but ur moderator looks retarded, we got aiman abdallah or something 4Head


            ^are u currently playing there? cz paco told me hes not anymore, and hes registered in our team on jdl atm.

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                playing where? what

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                  The left one looks crazy and the right always reminds me on George Clooney


                    jdl ofc


                      left one is Alexandr Pushnoy, the russian guy

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                        Ye, he really wants to Push(noy) the dice somewhere

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                            Meka 0 denies, account buyer


                              i just noticed that ayy lmao now has more comments than vrok's jerkcircle thread

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                                Vuck Froksnak


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                                  Pale Mannie

                                    Aiman Abdallah is the best


                                      do russian girls drink vodka and cyka blyat most people off like a fucking gulag?

                                      Pale Mannie

                                        We just passed Vroksnaks thread


                                          some of them actually do


                                            hey can u watch the game and comment on the item build please

                                            jus chillen

                                              the build is called "spherical sorcery"

                                              jus chillen

                                                u needed like a skadi and refresher too


                                                  y not a bloodstone though?

                                                  jus chillen

                                                    btw ur nickname is fucking up the scoreboard lmao


                                                      oh yeah cause its not a fucking sphere, my bad guys


                                                        i was getting nothing out of lane, then i went arcanes lotus orb to remove mana leak
                                                        think the rest of my build was compeltely awful tho, i was 9-2 early game or soetmhgin then did ntohing the rest of the game, idk how to approach fights with this hero


                                                          @triple star
                                                          i tried to skip bs several times building a lot of substitutes which provide mana reg and other shit, but it always turns out less efficient than going for BS, and u suck in lategame without it no matter what. selling bs at 90 min mark doesnt work as well, btw. BS is always the best for this hero.

                                                          ur itembuild might be legit, tho, just with a different playstyle rather than the one i got. for me, such a combo of items would be highly suboptimal:
                                                          i feel like BM is somehow similar to HoT cz its aimed to compensate ur errors, and if u play decently, u wont need it.
                                                          lotus orb is unnecesary unless u go full suport.
                                                          linkens seems suboptimal in this pick, u got nothing THAT scary that linkens would cancel.
                                                          octarine is not needed unless u have aghs and at least two active items, ud better get smthng else.

                                                          again, those judgments can be applied to my playstyle only, and therefore are not necesarilly true for other people.

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                                                          jus chillen

                                                            u might want to build blink, at least after some big item/s

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                                                              Love the posting speed, it helps to stay awake at work


                                                                to me it feels like a game where u go BS => glimmers => (optional, if u snowball) => aghs => hex => shivas. may be even bkb which i personally hate, cz if u need bkb on timbersaw, it means u definetely should have picked smthng else.

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                                                                  Same with Storm, just in case somebody is wondering
                                                                  Bloodstone beats everything in terms of regen


                                                                    how do u counteract the mana leak though? i feel completely helpless when he casts it on me so i got lotus to remove it
                                                                    i first picked timber for hero challenge haha

                                                                    jus chillen

                                                                      real men first pick heroes, and u can buy blink to kill that kotl in less than 2 seconds

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                                                                        u need to get tanky enough to not be scared of staying at the same place, or cliff chain somewhere, or buy euls to remove it (cast chain => cast euls b4 chain hits the tree => u r euled and removed leak => chain hits tree, breaks eul, u r alive and kickin again)


                                                                          also blink is good against this particular spell cz mana leak doesnt break blink neither it works or the distance u blink. but i dont feel like this item is any good in this game anyways.

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                                                                          jus chillen

                                                                            yeah the eul chain thing works

                                                                            jus chillen

                                                                              i just like blink on this hero lolz


                                                                                blink is good, but it doesnt work well when u r behind. or u can combo it wi euls or glimmers just for escapes, but it makes u useless in another way.

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                                                                                  Trumps daughter lmao


                                                                                    so u will go euls after bs or before?
                                                                                    how do u lane against kotl btw

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                                                                                      kotol gif mana

                                                                                      the realm's delight

                                                                                        so i went to the doctor to get an exemption for school or w/e they are called and while in the waiting hall you could hear multiple babies being vaccinated that were crying. so BabyRage came to my mind and i couldnt get it out of my head, then several rage moments from rtzs stream and then all the 4head elegiggle wutface sobayed memes came in and i started laughing and everyone looked at me weirdly

                                                                                        good stuff

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                                                                                          What does this even mean? xD


                                                                                            I got cancer from my games.. GUYS HELP!! dazzle gave me cancer GHHHHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUAAAAAAASHGGHHSGHGHSAGDSHAGHSDHAHSDH


                                                                                              I saw a guy wearing a fedora and reading dotabuff forums in the metro (underground) this morning, I could not read his username because I was walking up the escalator and he was standing

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                                                                                                ayy lmao hahaha

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                                                                                                  So fucking exposed

                                                                                                  jus chillen

                                                                                                    fedora and dotabuff in russia, sick combo lolz


                                                                                                      i aint wearing fedoras ever, but anyways, where did it happen?

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