watch out 6.2k stream coming through
why are people watching girl streams? there's like noone except bubu who's good at dota
btw havoc, i just remembered, wanted to tell u one thing.
when we got a match and you cant play, try to tell it to me as soon as you know it. it was not any good when we were sitting in lobby with afeect and allison on sunday, and 20 min later it suddenly turned out that meka cant play at all, and u are just afk.
try to pm me even if im offline; i might miss smthng here, but i never miss anything in steam.
thats why i always contact each of you personally after posting notification about a match here, btw.
i screwed up that school math competition i talked about before. i was that bad that the math teacher who organised it talked with our top guy on math (who's one year below me and i'm pretty sure that i know lot more stuff than him, i just can't focus properly during exams and shit) and he told him that he's thinking about removing me from school math team. this is what the guy told me.
now the teacher came up to me, said something like "yeah it was quite hard" and shit like that.
i wish people were honest to me at least. i know it wasn't hard. it was easy and i fucked up, because i'm a moron. he didn't tell me about removing me from math school team either. and then people wonder why i don't trust anyone anymore.. noone is honest with me, ever. everytime someone compliments me, it sounds to me like they're just making it up to make me feel better but it's bullshit, all of it. maybe because they think that it would break me if they'd say the truth or i don't know. but i'm really sick of this anyway
i wanna smoke but have none
i got 99 pots but with weed aint one
Nice one, lmao
LMAO dat death xD he's just chilling...
i actually cant count ur money its too many digits wtf
i have 15 mil in online tho
watch out 6.2k stream coming through
why are people watching girl streams? there's like noone except bubu who's good at dota
and ofc, no rtz stream. FeelsBadMan
ok i watched bubu for a minute and i got cancer as well
2 billions
who's the guy in the beginning with two terminators?
Unranked gives me even more aids
Kate Upton appeared in my dream, and she said shes a mother of 3 wtf AWEDAWDASDW
kate upton
Games vs JinxGod, FadiFlashi, and Oxn. Today was a good day for dota
Ice Cube gonna report you for that comment
Kate upton is/was with that baseball playing IceT got someone else coco austin afaik
whos jinx btw? i certainly remembered him b4 i played with him. and btw his current mmr is crap, mid 5ks.
he was 6k once i remember playing with him 1 year ago in high skill games
now hes shit i guess yE
Dream ISREAL, finally I am 4.1k my dream is complete.
btw havoc, i just remembered, wanted to tell u one thing.
when we got a match and you cant play, try to tell it to me as soon as you know it. it was not any good when we were sitting in lobby with afeect and allison on sunday, and 20 min later it suddenly turned out that meka cant play at all, and u are just afk.
i did, i am 100% sure i said that I was at football.....probably buried in this heap of shit topic
Can confirm
it sucks
try to pm me even if im offline; i might miss smthng here, but i never miss anything in steam.
thats why i always contact each of you personally after posting notification about a match here, btw.
also, on topic.
our saturday scrim was moved to 20-00 cet, due to our opponents' request.
came wit my whole gang
6k HD 2-14 seemsgood
Generic 420 post.
Dank something memes smoke the weeds all the days.
Anele Brussels
anyone wanna q faceit sea?
i'm so goddamn sick of everything
i screwed up that school math competition i talked about before. i was that bad that the math teacher who organised it talked with our top guy on math (who's one year below me and i'm pretty sure that i know lot more stuff than him, i just can't focus properly during exams and shit) and he told him that he's thinking about removing me from school math team. this is what the guy told me.
now the teacher came up to me, said something like "yeah it was quite hard" and shit like that.
i wish people were honest to me at least. i know it wasn't hard. it was easy and i fucked up, because i'm a moron. he didn't tell me about removing me from math school team either. and then people wonder why i don't trust anyone anymore.. noone is honest with me, ever. everytime someone compliments me, it sounds to me like they're just making it up to make me feel better but it's bullshit, all of it. maybe because they think that it would break me if they'd say the truth or i don't know. but i'm really sick of this anyway
Hard to focus when you are a lot on Dotabuff, picture is coming soon with next page
Lel, solo 4k party 5,6k. Reminds me of some 3k solo guy on epicnpc selling his account with 6,3k party back in 2014