General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

    ye I guess I'm gonna try mr robot then

    the realm's delight

      its way better thna breaking bad


        can syou stop watching this emo "im better than any1 else" guy?
        it feels my arinface is growing even bitgger

        Typical Javad

          lul dude dont drop it on him he's just a movie character
          Metallica is back :( FeelsGoooooooodMan

          Typical Javad

            O shit i didnt watch better caul saul
            K that's the new shit for me then
            And @allison dafuq nothing is better than bb not even got fuck youj

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              watching these 3 d pigs makes me want to puke ive weaned myself off real women

              the realm's delight

                gots miles ahead of bb


                  didn't you noticed?
                  magnus stopped posting furrypics and doomcore.

                  and noone actually cares about him.

                  Typical Javad

                    Screw u i enjoyed both so much that it hurts me just to compare but ofc when u spent that much on a series it would look much better but personally i felt bb deserves to be titled the best series ever made

                    Typical Javad

                      Whos magnus eks(tra) dee(k)


                        ghost whisperer is an excellent show i fapped to jeniffer love hewitt's tits when i was a child

                        Typical Javad

                          again fuck all of that go fuckin watch south park if u havent watched South park fuck mr robot fuck got fuck bb fuck everything go watch fuckin south park u wonr regret it

                          Ps. The first 10 seasons arent about recent events the real fun part starts when the story in sp is relevant to the real life trends


                            ghost whisperer is so fucing bad lmfao are u serious


                              no i was just joking, the only shows i enojoyed when i watched those shows last time was mentalist how i met your mother and occasionally bbt

                              also your a tokyo ghoul fanboy right? is season 2 worth watching?
                              just found the glassy sky ost for tokyo ghoul, good shit


                                i mean how can u watch first season without wathcing second its like the same season... 1st is unfinished business


                                  yeah the OST is really good only beaten by Hiroyuki Sawano OSTs

                                  the realm's delight

                                    this boss is cancer EleGiggle

                                    the realm's delight



                                        master of all anal xD


                                          411 my man, is new WoW better then previous expansions?

                                          the realm's delight

                                            its definitely better than WoD and maybe mop/cata. wouldnt say better than the rest
                                            but regardless the games really fun right now, wether its gonna last or not remains to be seen


                                              Dunno lol I heard from ppl season 2 was bad


                                                Madoka magica dropper here

                                                Hatsune Miku

                                                  halp me

                                                  Hatsune Miku


                                                      how can you drop madoka

                                                      Yowai Mo

                                                        I can smell the changelog in about 12h


                                                          lian-li dk 04 a good investment for a case desk?

                                                          slowly saving up for it in the future

                                                          Typical Javad

                                                            Aimstrong u better wash ur nose to be sure

                                                            getting bj'ed and distracted

                                                              Irish rally drivers

                                                              Indian(samir you're breaking the car!)


                                                                whats the point of these two videos?

                                                                getting bj'ed and distracted

                                                                  Sometimes you just need to have fun and not break the car

                                                                  the realm's delight

                                                                    i actually want to be a llama

                                                                    Yowai Mo

                                                                      Then do a HelenaLive cosplay


                                                                        the irish one was fun. they seemed like 2 actual friends doing their passion together, where as the indian one was annoying


                                                                          Madoka plot was boring, Awful music and animation. I wanted to drop it immediately but saw some comments about how it gets dark and way better from ep4 onwards, turns out witch senpai gets chomped to death, apparently this is epic plot development cool idc about her anw so I promptly dropped it.

                                                                          Good art and animation = danganropa and assassination classroom btw.


                                                                            as if an anime could get dark without being cringely edgy


                                                                              Anime is just a medium same everything else, if you harbor a preconception that it can't be taken seriously just because the characters are 2d then it is inevitable that you will find it cringey the moment the plot tries to be serious/dark


                                                                                no, there are animations which can be dark in a serious manner. It's just todays anime is so poorly written and pressed out of a stencil which is chartered at a 15 year olds fantasy, that it's pratically impossible to be serious. but most of it is subjective anyways and depends on someones perception so what ever

                                                                                getting bj'ed and distracted

                                                                                  Kinda applies to dota as well. Poor samir was pretty much tilted by his whiny teammate that just couldn't stick to reading pacenotes instead of going with unneccesary lecturing. Same thing if you queue with toxic people. Sometimes you just need that irish co driver laughAH HEE HEE HEE

                                                                                  getting bj'ed and distracted

                                                                                    Oh dark anime? Try monster. Quite old and the art is dated, but I think it was well written story-wise

                                                                                    Hatsune Miku

                                                                                      berserk anime, where your best friend rapes your bae while you get beaten up


                                                                                        that "dark" anime's target group are still teenagers who want something that would look dark, adult and serious, in order for them not to feel childish. its still anime and it is still made for socially awkward teens, mostly; and as a result it is basically just as dumb, predictable and full of cliches as everything else.


                                                                                          grave of the fireflies was the only good dark anime i came across, but then again its a full-time animated movie, and its produced by ghiblis studio that rarely releases anything, but when it does, it is always something good.


                                                                                            fuckin weebs


                                                                                              fuck weebs

                                                                                              the realm's delight

                                                                                                ROFL theres an overwatch parody porn movie

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