General Discussion

General DiscussionOmniknight low win rate vs him

Omniknight low win rate vs him in General Discussion

    What's some good tips vs him . I know diffusal good but doesn't seem to be enough to turn fight , I guess you could back off the fight but teams never cordinated enough , I guess lesh would be good but I'll have to learn to play him first , any tips apppreciated .


      Don't use melee heroes unless they are natural diffusal carriers. Using gap closers like slark, bloodseeker, spirit breaker, or huskar is near suicidal. Axe (with all his spells going through spell immunity), centaur (with his ult giving damage reduction after aghs), ursa (with blink and damage reduction ult), and lifestealer (with free BKB) are exceptions, but play more carefully than normal.
      Use hybrid carries (gyrocopter, luna, leshrac, morphling), pure damage dealers (invoker, lina), or always travel in a mage/physical pair.
      Try to kill omniknight first or force him to use all his defenses on himself. A hero that can trap omniknight/take him away from his team is good (pudge, OD, batrider, etc.).
      Be disciplined and switch targets if needed. Don't waste spells/attacks on heroes who are currently immune to your type of damage.
      Try to force small fights in different parts of the map (rather than 5v5). Doing so may force him to buy an aghs over more appropriate items. Remember that omniknight cannot be in two places at once.

      At the level you and I are at, you may also face omniknight with shadow blade/blink + MoM + S&Y/skadi + basher as a carry. Like any other carry, once you see him get his MoM, suppress him. Lina with aghs is the best way to play against this, but anyone with burst or diffusal will do.

      Този коментар е бил редактиран

        you are in normal bracket.

        Omni knight is OP in normal bracket, because people suck and games always go late. Basically the Siractionslacks theory.

        kill him


          Shadow Demon and Oracle are great support pickups against omni >.>


            "pure damage dealers (invoker, lina)" voker wont do shit against omni with his spell, despite sunstrike being pure it wont pierce magic immunity.

            1)What u need to fight omni is spells that pierce magic immunity preferably aoes QOP/OD can easly win teamfights againt omni especially if they have a refresher. (and this is the best way in ur ratin imo since is by far the easiest to execute).

            2)Another way is to pick him off with with orchid preferably so a storm/clinkz/qop.

            3)Mass diffusal blades is good but not on ur ratin u will probably spend all the diffusals on the same target.

            4)Another good way is to have a high mobility team to bait and kite his ult such as mirana, cent or smth that can engage and disengage pretty quickly.

            5)Shadow demon purges omnis buffs, oracle aswell (tho i dont recommend playin him), special mention goes to rubick that can easly spell steal his ult or any of his abilitys since all of them r gr8.



              if you think you are going to have a team of retards, pick support naga - song has shorter cooldown and lasts longer than guardian angel. if you get an aghs as well you're bringing more to a team fight than he does.


                abuse his weakness
                1) weak lane
                2) weak catch

                Dire Wolf

                  AM is pretty good, just jump on Omni, force him to repel himself, switch targets, when he guardians use mana void and blow up whole team.

                  Don't stock up on all physical dmg carries and you will be ok. He can only repel one person at a time, guardian doesn't have regen any more and carries like lesh, lina, qop can still blow people up while guardian is active. Or get bigger wombo combos like silencer + tide and blow him up before he can cast.

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                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      Invoker Tornado, Shadow Demon ulti, Diffusal Blade, little satyr creep. Also pick strong laners and BKB-piercing disables.


                        skywrath strong counter if you focus him


                          Just pick him off first


                            guys guys! you forget the invoker's tordano can dispel omni's ulti! you just have to wait for the right moment. SD'ulti or oracle orb can dispel his ulit. and always try to trap and kill omni first, but it's not a good solution, when this happens like there is a batrider or void, first of all there is always a the solution of aghs for omni, so you dont have to be in team fight to ulit. second of all you can always get a blink or force for him. early game counter is silencer, you have to kill omni asap, but that is a not a good solution either since he can rush a euls and ask his team not to team fight.

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                              I agree with you for the most part. The only problem with your statement is that you assume the team will listen to each other.


                                and about the stuff that ppl say he is weak in lane, first of all yeah he is not good but if the other carry is a melee and pretty squishy, you can harass his ass off with 1 soulring, if you manage to get some early levels, you rape them in lane. like when the other team has void, am, spec i will destroy his face off with heals. sometimes i even hide in tree lines or fog to secure a kill


                                  @MVP Salza
                                  That is a very true statement :|, tbh if they have A BIt of brain, they would agree after losing the first team fight. :)

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