General Discussion

General DiscussionWelcome to Low MMR Hell

Welcome to Low MMR Hell in General Discussion
Invoke A God

    Hey guys !!! I was calibrated with a very low MMR and now find myself stuck at a little over 200. I beleive that I am terribly underrated and find it very difficult to have to grind my MMR up. I believe I should be rated at about 1.5-2K. My teamates play horribly and feed a lot early game and hence highly diminish the chances of winning, so I am forced to pick a select pool of carry's to increase my chance of winning and literally carry my entire incompetent team to a win. I am unable to improve on last hits, denys and other heroes. I play well on high MMR matches (sometimes as a support) but whenever i am like on a winning streak valve throws me down with noobs and low avg MMr matches to contain me :P . I really dont want to recalibrate like other players.

    I welcome your views and be grateful to perhaps get some help

    PS: I genuinely believe I play better than people at my MMR. I read answers to similar threads on various websites where people point out how that player is equally bad but i dont think I am such a case.
    You are welcome to watch some of my latest matches

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      [color=#239edd]brace yourself[/color]


        Your overall winrate is 42%

        However this month your winrate is 51, and ranked winrate is 57.

        If you truly are better than your MMR suggests, these games should be easy, and you will be winning more than you lose.

        Just keep doing what you are, maintaing 57% over a couple of months and your MMR will keep going up.


          just create a new account
          even if u climb to 3k/4k, u'll just develop a bunch of bad habits

          Invoke A God

            yes my winrate incresed because i picked hard carry heroes . My overally winrate may not be impressive because this is the account i started dota with so i didnt play all that well for like my 1st 5 levels. Check out the stats of my games and see how i had to carry my team an yeah I am really lazy and wont have the time to recalibrate with a new account. Besides all the email and password stuff is a headache.

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              stop blaming your team.



                  this is the account i started dota with. still calibrated at 3.6 and im at 4.4 right now.
                  theres not really any excuses. having to carry your team is not a valid excuse, because if you were actually much better than your teammates (and therefore your enemies who are of similar skill), then you'd be easily winning games. playing carry is not required. against players much worse than you, you can still easily win doing stupid stuff.

                  but since you're actually trying and still not winning more often than you lose, that indicates that you can't compete at your current level, never mind compete at a higher level.

                  saying you're forced to pick carries is fucking stupid because your top 3 most played heroes, legion, riki and bloodseeker are all losing you more games than winning them. if you want to rise in mmr, don't pick them, or get better with them.

                  1.5k mmr is still shit anyway so idk why you'd want to be 1.5k. going from 200 mmr to 1500 is like going from 10 iq to 20.

                  for starters, play every hero at least once. you've got like 50 unplayed heroes which doesn't help you win more - because you don't know what these heroes do when you're against them, and you don't know how to play them, and you keep picking heroes that aren't successful when one of these heroes that you've never played before, could be a hero that you'd be more suited to playing.

                  two, accept that you're shit at the game. you are not going to improve when you find excuses for every single failure that you make. regardless of whether a teammate was, or was not the cause of a loss, you also contributed towards that loss, even if not as much, so there are still things that you could have done better, and figuring out what you are doing wrong and correcting it is going to have a much bigger impact on your mmr than trying to figure out who's to blame for losing your game. if you improve at the game, your mmr will improve naturally as a result.


                    tranquil boots into daedelus on a fucking spirit breaker lmao.

                    i hope you're aware that there's more items in the game than just tranquils, desolator and daedelus.

                    puni puni butt UWU

                      stop playing shit like lc axe riki and bs. they dont reward skill, they punish retarded players. once you make a new acc and you get calibrated to any bracket where people know how to coutner those 4 heroes, you are going to start losing until you get back to where you are right now.

                      actually i cant even be a critic on versatility bc all i play now is clinkz and sf. but you get what i mean.


                        uhhhhh any hero rewards skill wat
                        fairly sure riki axe bs still works in 5k bracket

                        fyi tranq sb is legit but whatever im sure thats not ur point


                          yea i think top bara is going tranquils every game

                          Invoke A God

                            Ok since most of u dont have anything constructive to offer i will counter you.
                            @Rocket: you are more than welcome to join me for a watch or I am willing to provide you a link
                            @Androgynous: Yes I am interested in playing support others heroes like slark, tusk, shadow fiend, etc , but i will after i increase my MMR. You definately have not got the essence of my post and just giving a typical reply. Those were the heroes i started with based on my friends suggestion. Their stats will improve as i play more games with them
                            That match was over b4 it even started and i am not good with power threads. Idk if i had any gold to wok more items. I usually get mask of madness but i guess i had only 1 chance to kill some1 so I had to go with Daedalus. Suggest me some other boots if you disagree. Also i have problems pushing with SB. I need to work on some aspect no doubt.

                            @YY:TEah i am aware of that. But only at a higher level. Like I said I have to take advantage of these noobs to win games easy. I really cant do all the work like get a Eul's Sceptre when i m carry and got a support in my team can I??? I cant expect my fellow players to counter heroes like Abaddon. One person cant counter pick , last hit, deny, etc at the same time at this level.................

                            Този коментар е бил редактиран
                            Invoke A God

                              This is my last match. Tell me how the heck didnt i carry. Look at my final Duel Wins. Idk how i could have won this match with such an incompetant team without Legion and and taking advantage of enemy team noobishness. I think I had some 350 Bonus DAMAGE

                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                sometimes you have to just accept that you are suffering of dunning kruger syndrome and move on, even if you dont believe this.

                                if you are placed at 200mmr and still find it difficult to win due to any reasons you might think of, even if you consider it to be not ur fault and shit, then u r where u should be.

                                changing attitude from "my team always holds me back" to "im not good enough to grind mmr so far and need to improve my iwn skills" will have a huge positive impact on your further performance.


                                  oddly the only two heroes on your most played with a +50% win rate are axe and lion, not carrys, you should try spamming these guys instead of heroes that you are not as good with. I know its fun to go 30-0 with riki from time to time, but it looks like you are more likely to feed with him then snow ball out of control.

                                  also if you do want to pick carrys you should learn to farm (riki, BS, zeus, LC & SB, are not carrys they are all ganking cores). I a not trying to insult when I say this but your record for last hits per minute is 4.8, that is pretty low for a carry, and its the best you have ever done. Watch some videos on how to last hit in lane and flash farm then practice both in a private lobby/unranked.

                                  also look up some item builds. tranquil boots don't make sense on riki and BS, since both of them heal really fast with out them. try making agility items on riki rather then flat damge items, since his passive becomes more effective with agi, but not with flat damage.

                                  you can get power treads on riki/SB/BS, phase are also ok on BS.

                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                    @the number 12
                                    just in case - tranquils are okay for offlane riki, same as stuff like euls, which is not commonly built on carry riki.


                                      You don't have to always play ranked. Finish the all-hero challenge in normal all pick before returning to ranked. As for your builds:
                                      1) Deso + Daedalus should never be rushed (except maybe on TA). You leave yourself too vulernable. Riki needs a diffusal first (to get rid of dust and track) and Legion Commander needs an armlet/BKB (so she can win her duels without getting interrputed/stunned/killed by enemy team). Besides, if you are legion commander and win plenty of early duels, why would you need desolator/daedalus? You already have +150-300 damage. Build survivability like AC/Heart/BKB instead.
                                      2) Play more Ursa. You actually seem to win more with him.
                                      3) Blink dagger > SB initiation, even at newb tier. Also, if you want to build abyssal, please don't build ancient relic first.
                                      4) PLEASE DO NOT BUILD desolator, shadowblade, mask of madness, or daedalus on axe. Even with those items, axe still can't outfight most melee carries.
                                      5) Tranquil boots are not a good idea on most carries. Please build treads (if they have high damage but low attack health/attack speed) or phase (if they have low damage but good attack speed).

                                      Invoke A God

                                        Thanks you guys for all your interest I found something common in most posts that i like to address

                                        1)yeah about tranquil boots i used a lot of it in early dota not now. I usually pick boots based on hero. IDK how to play with power threads effectively.(only boots since i have to keep changing stats)
                                        2)yeah I play good with Lion and ursa because well i pick them wisely. Lion support and ursa i need stunners and heroes like shadow shayman to compliment me. Well all know ursa's chasing problems right :D Cant really expect coordinaton at that level.
                                        3) I am pretty sure u havent played at 200 MMR and have no idea how shitty people can be. Besides all i said is 1.5k+! I dont think thats much to ask. 1.5 k players dont make simple mistakes like no boots, no tp scrolls, etc . They are not really that good.
                                        4) I do watch lot of matches but i need some coordination from players. It takes atleast ppl with some 1k MMr to put majority of skills into effect. Not much you can do when your teamate dies 15 times in 20 mins. Dota is a team game.

                                        I am taking this MMR problem head on and doing pretty good off late. Welcome more comments and advice :D

                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                          I've played with and against 15-350 MMR players before. In that range, players will ragequit in ranked or will feed if they have a bad game.
                                          Playing against them:
                                          Win lane. Make them ragequit or go to another lane. Then take their tower and repeatedly gank them. This is easy because of their low level of mechanical skill and awareness. (This is why stacking damage items against these guys isn't necessary; they are so easy to kill that you'll get a level and damage advantage very quickly.)
                                          Playing with them:
                                          Stay together, force teamfights, always kill the most skilled player on the enemy team first, and use your newbs as bait and meatshields for yourself. Let them die, but let them deal as much damage as possible during teamfights so you can clean up.

                                          As for treads, tread switching obviously is the optimal way to play, but just leaving it on +STR and using the +50 Attack Speed isn't a bad option either.

                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                            If you are bad at switching INT boots to conserve mana, AGI boots to heal faster with the Power Treads, my advice is: don't do it. Leave your Power Treads as it is. However you still have to buy it, as Tranquil doesn't help shit when you need attack speed and stats, if you are the core.

                                            Who needs coordination when you can purchase an early Morbid Mask, go Roshan with a Smoke, get a Blink after that and then snowball? Unless all the other 5 enemies are boosters then there is basically nothing you can do.

                                            Regarding your "1.5k heaven", that's complete bullshit. I'm 3.5k, and tell you what, shits like that do happen in every single bracket. Even I made mistakes, and will make some in the future. If you want somewhere without mistakes, go TI5 finals, and even then they (the finalists) only have the LEAST chance of committing an error compared to us. Forget about your heaven bracket.

                                            If you want coordination, give up solo queue. Go party with someone who has a brain, and go unranked matches.

                                            Invoke A God

                                              man you rock this is what ive been doing lately.......... ganking them.........lvl up fauildssss........finish game early and not leaving to late game
                                              i dont usually stack on damage items, using same logic ,since, their entire team ganks on me............. so i get items like bling dagger, shadow blade and always a tp scroll for gank and def also..................

                                              you so get how they feed and disconnect

                                              This match is epic 'WON AFTER MEGA CREEPS 'due to disconnecting and intentional feeding
                                              but i cant take all the credit had an awesome razor and phantom lancer

                                              Beware this is my longest match

                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                              Invoke A God

                                                +1 Mushi i know shit happens at 4k too
                                                but all im saying is loosing to 200 MMR players is demoralizing especially when some1 feeds or quits
                                                I dont really have a problem loosing normal matches. I usually try different builds and heroes there and those players show a lot more skill

                                                btw: i use tranquil only for riki, spiri B, axe, lion, techies, and lich currently
                                                i dont think its serously much of an offense though

                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                Welt aus Eis

                                                  protip: u shouldnt lose at 200 mmr even if the 4 players on ur team are intentionally feeding

                                                  Invoke A God

                                                    I do not claim to be a 4-5k player nor am I anywhere close to an expert in dota


                                                      do you press skills with mouse? do you use wasd to move camera? do you not know how fast aegis expires?
                                                      do you get less than 50 cs at 10 min?
                                                      those are things to improve


                                                        ^Care to present some points to back up why is using wasd keys for camera a bad idea?

                                                        Invoke A God


                                                          yes, do u mean using mini map to point camera to check other lane for ganks........
                                                          and yes i need to up cs, i dont think ive ever reached 50. highest is usually about btw 40-50 i guess, not sure.

                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                            By the way I too went Tranquils on Riki when I first started on that hero. Turned out good, since you are invisible therefore the healing wouldn't be easily interrupted. However you will lose in terms of attack speed and damage, especially from your passive. Unless you farm up your Diffusal blade very early on, I just don't see how your damage is coming from, and how viable Tranquil boots are for now, especially when the new update already gives HP regeneration to him while invisible.

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                                                              Invoke A God

                                                                I continued tranquil coz after update all i do with riki early game is harass other heroes. They usually like stun me and try killing. So for riki i get up to full health fast and dont need regen items.....................
                                                                I am not sure how effective that is.

                                                                Invoke A God

                                                                  @why are 4ks so fucking stupid
                                                                  sooooooooperrrrrrrrr man 5000 increment!!!!!!wtf are you doing here???? Our world needs visionaries like you!!!! :P
                                                                  if i dint want this account i would cr8 a new account....................duh

                                                                    Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

                                                                      @mushi you actually asking m8?
                                                                      if you use wasd to move camera then you can't move camera and cast spells at the same time, simple as that.
                                                                      any extra movement that can be avoided (clicking on skills/items to use them, using wasd, skilling skills with mouse, using courier with mouse) should be avoided.
                                                                      is there any 5k+ player with wasd?

                                                                        Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

                                                                          and btw honestly if you just straight up jungle with like any hero (i've seen a guy jungle lanaya at 2300 mmr)
                                                                          you will have more gold than your mid, enemy mid, and all others at 200 mmr.


                                                                            @kitrak yeah some people do apparently


                                                                              Here's a tip from a techies player

                                                                              Tranqs are useless on techies

                                                                              Soul ring -> mana boots -> ages 20-25 minutes ;)

                                                                              Bad Intentions

                                                                                Yo op, first add me up so we can check your games.

                                                                                Second, hey listen man, its a fairly new account, it will take a while to move up in ranks.

                                                                                Heres the most impt thing you have to remember if u want to rise up.


                                                                                In a game impact perspective, you need to find 1-3 heroes that you can use and consistently high game impact with.

                                                                                Thats the fun part man, find those heroes! And ul be in HS and VHS in no time man!


                                                                                  Just don't give up, I went down to 900 mmr and came up to 2400 mmr on the road to 10k. Just figure out your play style and find your rhythm. Play with a couple heroes where you can get really good with and let them guide you to higher mmr. Other than that it is just your attitude and determination to win.

                                                                                  C9 Badger

                                                                                    You're not a carry player. All your heroes you perform pretty poorly with, with extremely low KDA's, bad item choices, and poor decision making.

                                                                                    I think that the only hero that stands out is the only one that isn't a carry and that's lion.

                                                                                    Legion Tips:

                                                                                    Max your first, esp if you're jungling. You can stack camps and then clear them with your first to farm 10x faster, you can use it in team fights to get the MS boost to catch up for a dual removing the need for phase.

                                                                                    Games like did you really need the silver edge? Did you really need the upgraded boots to have the ability to TP onto players? I see about 4600 gold wasted on items you didn't need. You could have gone blademail/maelstrom which would have served you much better.

                                                                                    Build treads over any other boots.

                                                                                    C9 Badger

                                                                                      In fact give me your account for a game and I can give you a better account to play while i play on yours and you won't stand a chance while I will walk over the opponents in your bracket.

                                                                                      I could take that account and (granted will take time) could climb out playing at a 90% +/- winrate. If you were genuinely better than others and you think that's the case then you would have never been put in a normal skill bracket.

                                                                                      Bad Intentions

                                                                                        ^yo c9, boost him up to high skill man 😀 but he playing in sea tho, not sure ur pings ok

                                                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                        LIL KASALANAN

                                                                                          "My overally winrate may not be impressive because this is the account i started dota with so i didnt play all that well for like my 1st 5 levels."

                                                                                          What a load of nonsense :/ Started playing with this account since 2012, now we here :O


                                                                                            @ 777
                                                                                            "if you use wasd to move camera then you can't move camera and cast spells at the same time, simple as that."

                                                                                            this is only true if your left hand only has 1 finger, I am lucky enough to have at least 5. also you can have both edge panning and wasd turned on. if you use just edge panning you cant target move/attacks/spells and move the view at the same time. just sayin.

                                                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                              Learn a skill hero, or heroes that are very good solo like qop. Meepo worked for me.

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                                                                                                funky cold medina

                                                                                                  tranquils on blood seeker?

                                                                                                  funky cold medina

                                                                                                    Daedalus rush on riki fix your item builds and you might win some more

                                                                                                    Miku Plays

                                                                                                      hello OP i can raise your mmr to 2k if u want


                                                                                                        But yeah if you really want to do well learn how to play heroes when certain items are good

                                                                                                        Worst case just follow the suggested item builds their usually not bad (except for techies his suggested item build is nearly useless)

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!