General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's your favorite hero and your worst hero and why?

What's your favorite hero and your worst hero and why? in General Discussion

    What's your favorite hero and your worst hero and why?
    Can be according to your dotabuff statistics.

    My favorite hero is Anti-Mage;
    I have pretty good statistics on him, carried most of the games on him.

    My worst hero is Crystal Maiden;
    Bad winrate, hero without escape, very thin and easy to kill.
    Still trying to learn how to play her properly...

    Тази тема била редактирана

      sf favorite hero
      worst her is lanaya... i find him too passive and i get annoyed...Then in the midgame im forced to yolo and i like to yolo when i like to yolo not when the hero forces me to :D! i feed tons with lanaya, non intended :p


        I have 2 fav heroes, and this is an tusk and undying.
        So the worst for me is Drow Ranger with her ulti :1


          Weaver - easy, sneaky, fast, fun to play

          Ogre - NEVER LUCKY

          CM is OK, u just need mobility
          try force staff, eul or ghost for suviving not just blink

          Този коментар е бил редактиран

            TA is my favourite , psi blades op, but meepo has a special place in my heart

            Lycan is my most hated, i just cant play that shit

            the realm's delight

              favorite lanaya/lycan
              worst any support


                abaddon is my favourite and also the worst
                too much weakness still far to improve


                  Legion. I feel a comfort level with her that I don't with any other hero.

                  Worse is Axe. I think I'm too patient for the hero.

                  L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                    Favorite PA, she's bae. Crit sounds so good

                    Hated hero : Techies, makes every game minesweeper


                      SL-_-kokwhynoob, wtf why? xD

                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                        ^^ Umm, I think you didn't understand the thread :P


                          [color=#239edd]Love playing Windranger, getting to capitalize on enemies bad positioning with shackleshot so early feels good. Also being elusive with windrun. Also have good hats.

                          Hate almost all strength heroes since they're boring (except timbersaw)[/color]


                            I love techies, pudge and viper...... Pretty much just because I can punish an opponents bad positioning

                            Worst is easily Chen....... I just can't handle the micro

                            Dire Wolf

                              I like playing strength carries, sven, wk, dk, ck, naix. Not really great with any of them. Chaos knight is probably my favorite right now.

                              I hate pudge, played him once, never again.

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                Favourite or best, also least favourite or worst? Favourite is a tie between Furion and Rubick, best is Lifestealer and Enigma. Least favourite is Slark and Bloodseeker, worst is Beastmaster and Earth Spirit, according to stats at least.


                                  storm and more recently tusk, my goodness tusk is so fucking fun to play more than anything, so high speed.

                                  Worst I think is qop, more so than chen or invo meepo. I really can't win on this hero :/


                                    Favourite=best - Timbersaw
                                    most hated to play - duza, incredibly boring
                                    my personal worst hero - puck, im amazingly bad with this hero


                                      Favorite = Gyro...Good at ganks and counter-ganks, can push, can win lane and dominate early, deals both physical and magical damage. Gyro, WR, and Luna are my "safety" picks when everyone on my team is too hesitant to make the first-pick or when I need to break a losing streak.
                                      Hated = Io...Too dependent on teamwork and a competent carry for tethers. I hate playing such a complicated hero.
                                      Worst = Puck...My reflexes aren't fast enough to play puck.

                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                        Favourite and by far the best hero = Ancient Apparition. I can completely dominate games in my skill bracket with him.
                                        Worst = Ember Spirit, game lost instantly if i end with this pick.


                                          favourite slark

                                          worst probably puck/storm/qop or other non my role heroes that inever play with


                                            favorite Keepo
                                            worst probably Naga


                                              I can't decide which hero is my favourite between timbersaw and antimage. I just love playing them, as to me they are veeeery fun to play :D (also I'm +/- decent with them)

                                              Least favourite is for sure enchantress. Got rekt extremely hard by a jungling ench that snowballed like crazy (that sht was literally unstoppable), tried to play her myself 3-4 times and all I get is ez feeding, ez 0 impact and ez -100 mmr :/


                                                favourite = slark/es/antimage
                                                worst = i suck with wr for some reason

                                                Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                  Favorite = Earth Spirit, Tusk, Ember Spirit, DS and KOTL

                                                  Worst = Terrorblade by far.

                                                  \\  VintageR  \\

                                                    Favorite: trolllll
                                                    personally im a beast with this hero even with the nerf,
                                                    I think its because in early u can do pretty well due to his 1st skil, and i love permabash some1 and hear trol's phrases, like when u kill huskar, or rhasta, or when he speaks to teammates XD rofl

                                                    Worst by far visage, just so weird héro...

                                                    Livin' Real Good

                                                      ^ Even with the nerf? That's not saying much, it's not like he got nerfed hard or anything, he's still insanely good.


                                                      Worst: Storm. Everytime i play him, my team mates are extra worse for some reason, and they feed before i can even get an early orchid, or the enemy team ALWAYS uses Techies for some reason when i pick him, even if i pick him 4th or last. I guess i have to face the facts, and admit i suck with this hero, but my argument about the first two points STILL stands, i dunno why i get Techies EVERYTIME i'm in a Storm Spirit mood. I plan to improve with him though, i'm tired of sucking with this awesome hero that i see so many other people having success with, even my friend who is not as good as me. >.>


                                                        Hmm, realistically at the top of my head, I'd say Sand King, Enchantress.

                                                        I mean Sand King is my best hero, CM is my favorite of course LOL :)

                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                        Bad Intentions

                                                          Hmmm.. my favorite hero.. the hero that gives me adrenaline rush most of the time and great deal of fulfilment when i stomp and also help my team.. and also love when im lag free.. that would prob be..


                                                          Mann if my connection was just better lower pings and all, id prob play slardar all day

                                                          The blinks, initiations, stuns, detroying 6 slot carries, escaping life and death situations, in and out action etc etc, i like those stuffs

                                                          Worst would prob be slark lol, since im underperforming with him in my level.

                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                            Favorite Beastmaster- Fun unique hero. Skill shot, BKB piercing ulti, Hawk vision, and boar can auto attack heroes in lane without moving creeps

                                                            worst- Bounty hunter. i think im like 7-17 as him lol


                                                              Favourite hero is Spectre.
                                                              Worst is probably NS, don't ever let me play that hero.


                                                                Uh maybe storm spirit, nothing mechanical but must be execution, just cant seem to handle games that well with him. But I'm gonna practice and get better with him for sure. Invoker has a low winrate for me, but I can execute him well still.


                                                                  favorite hero is viper, playing as tank/support

                                                                  the worst is viper too, when played as carry


                                                                    It used to be Bristleback but somehow, I manage to lose every single game with him so I tried Centaur, then he started to slide too. So, I go Silencer support. It was nice then came the Ogre. Ogre is the shit.

                                                                    Windrunner. Tried to play her as semi-core or support but somehow i get greedy and stupid.



                                                                      Ember cause he has dual swords
                                                                      Worst is storm, I hate him so much!


                                                                        best - TA, Storm & WR
                                                                        worst - Chen or Meepo because microing units is hard


                                                                          favourite: visage. how can't you love a "support" hero with a ks on 7sec cooldown.
                                                                          worst: any fotm hero - couldn't win with troll/sniper, can't win with bs/ursa. oh and brood. my brood is worst eu but i do enjoy her.


                                                                            Favourite heroes are: Tony, Windranger and Phantom Cancer. Because they're fun to Play

                                                                            Worst heroes: Shadow Shaman, fuck this guy. Sniper, horrible guy


                                                                              For sure BS is my favorite hero. Easy and fun to play and dominates early and mid game. However late game is really hard and tricky to be played. After around 50 min mark he become almost useless especially against farmed hard-carries as AM/JUG/VOID/PA etc.
                                                                              My surprisingly worst hero is PA as my personal statistics shows. I really don't want to sound like someone that blame the others for his misfortune however I would say that biggest part of my fail is my team. I feel very unlucky with my team when I pick PA.
                                                                              Unfortunately some times your biggest enemy is your team but keep playing :)


                                                                                Favourite: Ember, Tinker and Lanaya

                                                                                Hated: Shadow shaman cause I always feed with this guy idg why


                                                                                  favorite: WR
                                                                                  worst: WR

                                                                                  I play a lot with her during dota 1 day, but now I just cant win with her :(


                                                                                    favorite: qop, rubick
                                                                                    worst: cm, duza


                                                                                      favorite: take a guess
                                                                                      worst: probably one of the 100 heroes i haven't tried, but of the ones i have i was awful at Sven


                                                                                        @Bloodseeker Abuser

                                                                                        Holy fudging smurf

                                                                                        Favorite: Invoker, Meepo, most heroes that require a lot of positioning
                                                                                        Worst: Lifestealer, Anti-Mage I dont even know why I suck playing these carries


                                                                                          What's the point playing 600 matches on Abbadon/Bloodseeker?

                                                                                          it doesn't matter

                                                                                            Favourite: Techies, Ursa (insta kills)
                                                                                            Worst is Meepo, i suck at micro :S


                                                                                              Favorite: Medusa or Dazzle - I like to either be Rich or poor.
                                                                                              Worst: .. Pretty much ANY mid land hero...


                                                                                                Fav: Rubick
                                                                                                Worst: any hero that requires micro, meepo for example i dont dare even to touch him
                                                                                                Hated: Slark, Necro because of his decay aura and usually heroes u cant come close to very easily


                                                                                                  Favorite is Slark, this dude is so fast and mobile, I dont give a shit if the enemy is picking BS, cos i shit on him. heuheuhue.
                                                                                                  Worst : Probably Chen and Ench, i just cant micro jungle creeps.
                                                                                                  Hate : Viper. Hero is Shit.


                                                                                                    Actually, my best is Bloodcyka, it's so op for some reason (output damage, speed :D). But, my fav so far > Tusk. God dat hero is so funny to play, and no more farm requier.

                                                                                                    My worst, dam it Pa. I can't play this shit coz i'm a unlucky boy :(..


                                                                                                      My favorite hero is definitely PUDGA becoz hook

                                                                                                      My worst hero is alchemist

                                                                                                      0 wins 12 losses..

                                                                                                      I blame allies

                                                                                                      I hate undying and his tomb.
                                                                                                      Its been my hero challenge for close to 8 months now

                                                                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                                        fav : qop or storm

                                                                                                        worst : meepo , chen

                                                                                                        hated : techies. this hero is just pure cancer. fuckkkkkk that shit

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!