General Discussion

General DiscussionHow would you design 6.85?

How would you design 6.85? in General Discussion

    What changes would you make?


      i would give slark attackspeed and damage, will give sf more hp, will give earth spirit 1 more stone.


        Movespeed capped to 520 for BS.

        Bounty gold for killing techies mines.

        Low Expectations

          I agree buff slark :( and nerf nukerack. Also a techies nerf seems appropriate


            the invis sign removed (the active that make mine undetected
            No longer can stack mine on top of each other
            revert buff on activation time for techies's spell.
            Increase casting time of land mine and stasis trap

            either buff to bs and nerf to his ult, or nerf to blood (or change his ult in like 5 sec duration, 30 sec cd)
            ms cap 650 for bs

            Nerf to solarcrest (add recipe)
            nerf to leshrac (true scalling on slow of lightning, and more mana cost at early level.

            Tuskar can no longer cast spell during snowball
            Tuskar ult is now scalling (x2.5 x2.75 x3)
            ice shard no longer vaccum you inside the shard
            Sigil life, 3 at each level

            revert ms nerf on tb's metamorphosis

            nerf on agah level 2 of doctor (not on lvl 3)

            Using tp on invisble unit/hero now reveal them

            Naix, open wound cast range increased by 100 at each level

            invoker +3 base damage

            Sf raze mana cost from 75 to 85

            ursa +5 ms

            morphling +10 ms

            Troll, berserker rage, +0 +5 +10 +15 damages

            Slardar, you can now use sprint a 2nd while it's already active, if you do so, you no longer take increase damage, but will be slowed by the same amount at the end of sprint duration (for the same duration)

            Give back power to abadon's shield, lc's heal and slark's darkpact, by allowing them to properly dispell every debuff beside rupture and doom

            Rocket barrage, +0.5 sec cd

            winterwyvern's artic siege damage duration from 5/5/5/5 to 4/4/5/5
            power tread: range hero --> 8 stats, mele hero --> 11 stats

            Decrease starting mana cost of ball lightning, but increase balllightning mana cost for travelling (it has to be the same cost for a 800 range travel)

            Revert the behaviour on geminate

            Properly fixed cliffing people, with either pushing spell (magnus / earth / forcestaff / kotl / ds ...) or displacement spell (bat / rubbick)
            -special note, it was almost flawless in war3 dota, why the fuck they cann't do it in dota2...-

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              fuckin block the possibility to sell accounts to piece of fuckin shitty trashses retarded 2k mongols who buys 6k acc moth*erfucking dogshits

              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                i dont know why they made thirst global, it was good before


         hey my name is invoker and i buy account from sea players and play on europe


                    fuckin dogshits hiding dotabuff and profil private ofc

                    Look at me, Hector.

                      im selling a 7k smurf soon prepare ur anus

                      saving private RTZ


                        So you basically nerf techies to oblivion and not only making him useless in pro scene, but useless as well in pubs?
                        Then why just dont remove the hero?

                        Look at me, Hector.


                          can someone create a thread when the ddos abuse is resolved

                          Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                            Remove techies tyyyyy

                            Look at me, Hector.

                              on a serious note, i want bloodseekers movement speed and dmg per % hp missing nerfed immediately, i want leshrac to be nerfed because there are too many autistic people who somehow acquired a massively inflated rating while at the same time being green flagged by valve's matchmaking which enables them to stomp their matches to victory with such ease, i want queen of pains blink to be reduced to what it used to be, i want RNG to be fixed because there are too many users using scripts to calculate when a crit is about to happen, i want players who pick only 1 hero to lose more mmr than usual, i want RANKED ALL PICK to give 2 BANS per teams which will only be assigned to the highest mmr and i want MMR to be only thing in the matchmaking's algorithm because currently, players are being punished if some autist doesn't like you and rewards you with 1 star at the end of a match (apparently this shit is gone in reborn so lets hope it stays that way)

                              since im obviously above everyone else, i am speaking for you mere mortals so be grateful

                              edit: i want armlet to be reworked because penguin is somehow top 5 on eu leaderboard with a script that calculates incoming damage and shit so he can literally never die unless everyone bursts him down with non magical damage

                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                @Allu, i watched some game of ti (usually i don't cause, but there i was really too bored) But even if the people were good (aui showed one of the best techies so far) he didn't even utilized techies to 30% of his potential.

                                they are good at using techies in teamfight, fine. But they fucking suck for everything else at techies. How can you even call them good at techies, when the enemy team is fine with 0 gem and only 2 additionals sentry to what they usually buy by minute 30 ?

                                The game i'm mainly referencing, aui would actually been even better with the war3 techies, then with the one we have now (exept the invisible sign ofc).

                                The problem of techies right now, if you have thing like tuskar, you literally pee on everyone, unless they take the counter support, and then well, their lineup suck and you win anyway. Techies is so great in teamfight, one of the best hero in the game for it. And you can literally force enemy to almost always teamfight if you play a good techies, which is awesome since you can also start the teamfight before it even started, thus becomming even better at teamfighting.

                                Now, he also excell at little squirmich, thx to the close to 0 sec activation time of mine.

                                And if it wasn't enough, he also slow down game, and can drag it to very lategame, at a stage in which he is stronger...

                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                  sigil bounty 1000 gold.
                                  thats all.

                                  Look at me, Hector.

                                    i don't think it's the sigil's bounty that needs to be nerfed but rather how tusk's snowball is very broken

                                    the hero is untouchable for a very long time and can make others invulnerable as well which no other hero in this game can do which screams of a snowball nerf

                                    you can't really create a spell that can make you and others immune to everything else for a short period of time and then stun the fucker you targeted, that is not how you're supposed to balance a hero

                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                      mine bounty also, 75 for each


                                        you should be able to use diffusal on snowball, and make it dissapear, not explode or charge towards the target



                                          Leshrac - Lightning Storm cooldown from 4 to 9/8/7/6
                                          Bloodseeker - Thirst adds movement speed and damage for each 5% of HP lost on the enemy Heroes below 80% of maximum HP (changed from current 100% of maximum HP lost)
                                          Gyrocopter - Rocket Barrage MP cost from 90 to 90/100/110/120.

                                          I don't play Tusk, QoP, WW, or SF much so I don't know what should be changed there. Oracle needs a better ult and Terrorblade needs to be made stronger, though.

                                          Item Changes:
                                          Glimmer Cape MP cost from 135 to 75, but if the target of glimmer cape takes damage after becoming fully invisible, invisibility (but not magic resistance) is removed 1 second after the first instance of damage. (This makes it so DoTs and spell casters with ground targeted spells can counter glimmer cape.)
                                          Recipe for Solar Crest (~700 Gold is fine.)

                                          Techies Changes:
                                          This guy needs serious changes. Either his early game or his late game potential needs to be changed. I think my proposal may not go far enough, but we have to also consider the people who like playing techies....

                                          Mines spotted by Truesight have their maximum effect radius reduced to 300. This means that red mines have their half damage radius reduced to 300 (from 500), blue mines have their stun radius reduced to 300 (from 450), and green mines have their overall damage radius reduced to 300 (from 425) when spotted by wards/gem. Note, this does not apply to mines that are briefly visible when initially set.
                                          If techies uses his third skill to commit suicide, while dead, Techies no longer gains unreliable gold.
                                          To compensate, the range on Techies' Aghs-upgraded sign should be boosted to 500.


                                            im still looking forwards to see the function of cancelling party invites in order to avoid awkward situations when u r forced to kick people. ik it exists in reborn, but i want it in normal dota, too.

                                            i think BS deserves some little nerf on his passive's aoe, while several heroes (TB, NP, alche, doom, etc.) are literally begging for small buffs. I wouldnt ask for any changes to other (except bs, i mean) meta heroes - imo lesh, techies, undying etc. are more or less aight

                                            i dont want major changes tho cz I like the current patch, which favours active dota over farming and split-pushing - it's way more exciting to fight for me comparing to hitting creeps


                                              Randoming a hero no longer available in ranked.


                                                Make bara's charge not have an initial stun

                                                Bloodrage healing on creep/hero kills nerfed

                                                Increase flak cannon mana cost from 50 to 70

                                                Removed Techies from ranked matchmaking

                                                Reverted true invis techies sign change

                                                alchemist chem rage BAT to 1.3/1.1/0.9

                                                alchemist str gain to 2.3 (or at least something that isnt a joke)

                                                sf razes do 20% less dmg to creeps

                                                sniper +5 ms

                                                increase mana cost of lesh's spells

                                                Those are my "serious" ideas
                                                Now for stupid changes that would make me happy

                                                BS buffed even just a little

                                                alchemist str gain to 4.0
                                                alchemist agi gain to 3.0
                                                alchemist int gain to 3.0

                                                Techies removed from game
                                                PA's Blur can evade all dmg sources
                                                PA crit to 300%/400%/500%
                                                Stifling dagger costs 15 mana at all levels

                                                KotL BAT to 0.1 (so i stop feeding with my alternate build on him)

                                                Assassinate does 2x dmg if you do a 360 before using

                                                Anti Mage base ms to 350
                                                Battlefury is now free

                                                Axe is automatically disconnected from the game if he comes into contact with enemy safelane creeps before 10 min

                                                All players with more then 100 techies games will have their hero pool limited to terrorblade and carry naga for a month


                                                  In 6.85, I want implementation of bots for all heroes with improved AI.


                                                    Hmm...what can be done about the snowball + massive burst damage hero (techies, gyrocopter, etc.) combo? What if for each hero other than Tusk inside the snowball, the maximum time spent rolling is reduced by 0.75 seconds?

                                                    saving private RTZ

                                                      Set a bounty for techies mines.
                                                      Rebalance techies' aghs buff. Both damage and sign are way too good, cut one off.
                                                      Thirst is now no longer global/capped MS at 600
                                                      Rework Leshrac's lightning storm into something with fucking scaling.
                                                      QoP ulti becomes pure only upon aghs being purchased.
                                                      Gyrocopter increased CD on Call Down Lvl 1.
                                                      Give TB a decent str gain.
                                                      Nerf tusk snowball.
                                                      Remove UAM status from Mana Break/Rebalance it by reducing the feedback but improving DPS so its not 60% but 100% of feedback or just make it 100%.
                                                      Introducing DP aghanim. Spirits heal allies for the same amount of damage they deal to enemies.( i dont mean the same heal she gets at the end of duration, but when the spirits hit the hero it heals them).
                                                      Rework Void Aghanims. While still giving the +1 sec duration it now completely stops time inside of it ( projectiles cant fly through, no gold gain, no ball lighting, no pudge hook, no ES rolling through it).
                                                      ^That is maybe a bad idea since it will nerf his allies out of Chrono too.
                                                      Meepo now gets the 20% respawn timer back upon purchasing Aghs.

                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                        all they need to do is nerf bloodstone but yeah whatever


                                                          Well that snowball did get reworked, it wasnt always like that.
                                                          Or make it like skewer, certain ammount of people can be pulled in per level.

                                                          Edit: oh and sigil 1000 gold. Srs fuck that shit.

                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                            look at this fuck catpiss

                                                            spaming broken shit every patch and still 6k

                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                            the realm's delight

                                                              rework all pick. give something like lol's draft pick

                                                              the realm's delight

                                                                oh yes and remove bs and ww from the game


                                                                  i played a couple of games against refresher wyvern, was fun

                                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                    Now has an Attack Range of 600
                                                                    Poison Sting Duration reduced from 6/9/12/15 to 3/6/12/15

                                                                    This would allow Venomancer to apply more pressure in lane without getting into initiation range or taking damage from creeps. Losing some duration is fair enough because he can apply it more often. It could also come with a damage nerf as well.

                                                                    Leap no longer increases Attack Speed
                                                                    Now changes Mirana's turn rate to 1.2 that cannot be reduced.

                                                                    This would grant Mirana insane kiting ability, even for ranged heroes not named Drow, that would be far more useful than her current AS increase.

                                                                    Pale Mannie

                                                                      A "decent" nerf/change to PA:
                                                                      Base Armor decreased to 3.5
                                                                      Attack Point from 0.3 to 0.4
                                                                      Base Agility and Intelegence reduced to 22 and 12
                                                                      Agility gain reduced from 3.15 to 3
                                                                      Strengh gain reduced from 1.85 to 1.7

                                                                      Stifling Dagger: Damage canged from Pure to Physical
                                                                      Cooldown and Manacost increased to 20/18/16/12 seconds and 30/50/70/90 Mana
                                                                      Castpoint from 0.3 to 0.5
                                                                      Castrange rescaled to 200/400/600/800
                                                                      Slow duration reduced from 1/2/3/4 to 1/2/2/3

                                                                      Phantom Strike: Bonus AS from 130 to 100 reduced
                                                                      Manacost increased by 75

                                                                      Blur: Evasion rescaled to 20/25/30/40%
                                                                      Map vanish AoE decreased to 1200

                                                                      Coup de Grâce: Critical Damage changed to 220/360/400%
                                                                      Critical hits costs now Mana 50/100/150 each level
                                                                      Can be disabled by Break

                                                                      The reason why i want to see PA so hard nerfed, because she is represent(Instalocked by Russian/Lastpicked by Russian) in almost every Pubmatch where i go.

                                                                      It seems that i got bullied by her...

                                                                      LAST NOTICE: PA GET ASSRAPED BY EVERY MKB THE ENEMY CARRIES HAVE BOUGHT!!!

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                                                                          I really think these would balance the game...

                                                                          Bloodseeker: Double his movement speed
                                                                          Slark: Give him a lot of extra attack speed and increase his ult duration by 1 second
                                                                          Gyrocoptor: Add 1 second stun to anyone affected by his ult
                                                                          Leshrac: Make ult only 10 mana per second at level 3
                                                                          Undying: Give him additional strength and his tombstone extra HP, also give his zombies a 17 % chance of a ministun on each attack
                                                                          Oracle: Nerf his attack speed, increase mana cost of all spells
                                                                          Terroblade: Halve the damage and health of his illusions
                                                                          PA: Add an extra 300 % crit chance
                                                                          Techies: Allow him to plant up to 10 signs at a time and the signs make all bombs invis to true sight (without ulti stick), Ultistick increases range and makes the signs invis too.
                                                                          Zeus: Add 100/200/400 additional poison damage over time to his lightning strikes (ult), because poisonous lightning is fun amiright?

                                                                          Miku Plays


                                                                            LC - New Aghs = duel can now be cast on roshan but duel duration is 1/1.5/1.75, duel dmg gain 20/25/30
                                                                            dueling ancients increases duel cooldown from 50 > 120

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                                                                                -Thirst now has 3 sec delay between a hero dying and Bloodseeker losing the Damage and Move Speed buff.


                                                                                -Each hit to the Tombstone now produces a new wave of zombies to spawn.


                                                                                -Stasis Trap stun can't be purged.
                                                                                -Stasis Trap mines activated by a secondary Stasis Trap release a cloud of poison that deals 10/20/30/40 damage per second in their respective AoEs


                                                                                -Frozen Sigil movement speed increased to 450.

                                                                                Winter Wyvern

                                                                                -Skills debuffs can't be purged and can't be removed by magic immunity anymore.

                                                                                Mystic Staff cost reduced to 2500
                                                                                Bloodstone recipe cost reduced to 400


                                                                                  Give zombies 2 gold bounty

                                                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                  Pale Mannie

                                                                                    Something unserious:

                                                                                    Pudge's Hook is now global
                                                                                    Hook damage increased to 100/200/300/400

                                                                                    Kunkkas Tidebringer has now a 20% crit chance on 250%

                                                                                    Miranas Arrow is now global

                                                                                    Enigma's Black Hole is HUGE AS FUCK NOW!!!

                                                                                    Axe's Ult makes only 100 damage and costs 300 mana

                                                                                    People who picks Pudge/Riki/Slark/PA/BH/Sniper/Carry WR/Axe/Ursa/TA/Storm Spirit are banned instantly for 10 Low Priority matches

                                                                                    People who buys Invisibility items only for escape are banned to Low Priority too for 10 matches



                                                                                      Terrorblade str gain tho....would buff that shit
                                                                                      zombies will give a bit of gold
                                                                                      lesh less dmg from E , maybe 250 is ok at lvl 4
                                                                                      gyro less dmg from q , too op
                                                                                      would buff batrider skills
                                                                                      titan skills need buff too , too much nerf
                                                                                      maybe a new ags nice upgrade to some heroes


                                                                                        give back zeal to terrorblade
                                                                                        buff gyro
                                                                                        buff bs
                                                                                        buff leshrac
                                                                                        buff techies



                                                                                          -Blood Seeker -> Decrease Rupture duration by 5 seconds. Maximum Movement speed at 650. Very Low-Health Enemy Heroes can be seen by Blood Seeker only. (So imba if all can see, even when invi -_-)

                                                                                          -Leshrac -> Increase Cooldown for Lighting Strike.

                                                                                          -Techies -> Techies' Mines when destroyed gives 10-15 gold.

                                                                                          -Storm Spirit -> Ball Lightning Casting Time Increase by 0.2 Seconds.

                                                                                          -Orchid of Malevolence -> Decrease Duration by 1 second.

                                                                                          -Dark Seer/TerrorBlade/BatRider/Enchantress/NerubianWeaver/BrewMaster -> These Heroes need buffs

                                                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                            well, weaver, just reverting geminate nerf could be nice already (mb along with slightly high agi)


                                                                                              I like the 50 gold bounty to techies mines


                                                                                                thats too much. it basically makes sentries free.


                                                                                                  Elder Titan:

                                                                                                  Echo stomp channel duration to 1.4
                                                                                                  Echo stomp damage to 80/110/140/170

                                                                                                  LV 4 astral spirit provides 1800/800 vision

                                                                                                  Natural order stickiness increased to 3 seconds

                                                                                                  Earth splitter's slow is now tied to the crack animation. The explosion still applies the damage and disarm (agh)

                                                                                                  Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                                                    Mines seriously need some sort of bounty, since techies greatly starves enemy supports. Maybe not as crazy as 50 and 100, but comparable to broodlings and treants sounds fair. Techies can blow up remote mines whenever anyways (literally only hero who can use an ability while dead), so most of the return gold will come from only land mines.

                                                                                                    For 6.84 I only pray for no more naga nerfs and some real slark nerfs for once.

                                                                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                                    Carlton Dry

                                                                                                      I don't want to see any hero in the top 10 win rate or pick rate buffed, that's how you get cancer heros.


                                                                                                        what does it matter he can use ability while dead. you can use summons while youre dead, doesnt matter.

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!