General Discussion

General DiscussionAny Confirmed/Calculated Data On Unranked MMR?

Any Confirmed/Calculated Data On Unranked MMR? in General Discussion

    There is a lot of information out there regarding how MMR is calculated, but it is mostly unconfirmed anecdotal talk. Many people know about previous Zeus spam used to create high MMR smurfs due to his high Hero damage per game, and that Valve supposedly fixed that, but does anyone know specifically what was changed?
    Some questions I would like to know with any actual proof (save your guesses we all have those already)
    1. What is the starting MMR value, and is it affected by which option you choose first launch (1st timer, Moba experience, Dota master, etc)?
    2. What are the metrics for MMR calculation? KDA, Hero Dmg / minute, GPM, XPM. How are these used? If these are the main metrics any support player would be significantly lower than their core player counterparts.
    3. If MMR is calculated by performance on the given hero compared to average, would a way to get extremely high MMR be to play a hero that is normally support as the solo mid instead? Ex. Rubick or Shadow Demon would have way higher stats than the average since they are often played as hard support.
    4. Does Limited Heroes count towards MMR calculation? Because with a very high player disconnect rate you can often get over 1000 GPM due to disconnected players extra gold.
    5. Does anyone have any examples of a brand new account jumping into high or very high skill bracket in very few matches on Dotabuff?

    Тази тема била редактирана

      i want to write something mean but i just won't bother


        ill write something mean once i eat my dinner


          I'll go eat my cookie.


            Your number 5, Look at my profile. my 3rd matched went to Very High Skill because of my 1st and 2nd match.


              1) starting point depends on what you choose, you may start in sub 1k games as well is in low VHS
              2) thats not an open info, u fortunately. we only know that HD, KDA matter quite a lot, but it also somehow depends on the role you are playing and on whether ur team is winning or not. Overall, it tends to reflect your skill pretty accurately.
              3) that doesnt work, rubick on mid will be still considered to be midlaner; its possible to extract this data afaik
              4) yes, it does, but games abandoned by some1 count in a different way, dunno how exactly tho
              5) a lot of friends of mine whi were smurfing played their first game in VHS
     - DD's smurf, for example

              6) about zeus - only the dmg dealt in 2000 (or smthng close to that) units or closer to the hero is counted, and zeus' ult dmg, on top of mentioned above, is cut by twice

              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                Thx for the answers. That example of jumping to very high after two games really shows how quickly it allows you to swing.
                Not sure what the "say something mean" stuff is about. I am just curious how the system works.


                  Divine Bunny - what is your normal account MMR?


                    My account before was 3.4k. This was it

                    When I started this smurf, I set my mind to be better, looking at map every 1-2 seconds, and if possible, memorize your opponents' ultimates and cooldowns, also Roshan respawn timer. Maintain high gpm, xpm, and k/d/a.

                    My average k/d/a right now is about 6+. But I know that it will go lower now because i got tougher opponents.

                      Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

                        i can't bother to write something mean in every post so i'll let someone else take over


                          well i guess thats how ppl calibrate there =)


                            Calculate the percentage of games with ancients necro to determine ur mmr
                            100% - 0-500
                            90% 500-1000
                            80% 1000-1500
                            70% 1500-2000
                            60% 2000-2500
                            50% 2500-3000
                            40% 3000-3500
                            30% 3500-4000
                            20% 4000-4500
                            10% 4500-5000
                            0% 5000+
                            ez unranked mmr calculation, 100% accurate