General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to play nature's prophet

How to play nature's prophet in General Discussion
Pooky Bear

    Hi im practicing nature's prophet. Can u give me some advice on how to play a good nature's prophet? Thanks


      get the mushroom hat!

      Pooky Bear

        I have it :) hahaha


          Mute your teammates!

          L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

            Get mushroom, cliff farm, rush midas, get new aghs refresher, chill base and get treant army to do your bidding.

            Optional high skill strat, rush dagon after midas, tp dagon back off

            Този коментар е бил редактиран
            the realm's delight

              watch this
              all u need to know about furion


                jungle furion is super underrated. In pubs its the safest method to secure farm and levels. Always look at enemy items and hp when jungling, port when your teammates want to go for a kill or push a tower. Use 2 treants to scout out areas with no vision when pushing a tower. Never have one static build, furion is prolly the hero with the most variety of builds available. When you lack dmg/think you can't win a fight, instead go push towers, be the ultimate rat. Also use q when you need vision in trees, a furion gank is unjukeable because you have 2 skills that clear trees/give vision.


                  Cliff jungle and snipe mid courier

                  Pooky Bear

                    Thanks for the tips guys ;) i think cliff jungle is super lame. Haha


                      Pick nature prophet go jungle i feed

                      only stupid noobs play him in 6.84

                      even my support faceless void > nature prothet

                      Този коментар е бил редактиран
                      casual gamer

                        farm items

                        punch people to death

                        farm more items


                        win maybe


                        farm dagon

                        ult on other lane

                        tp to hero that gets bounced by ult -> zap

                        he has 200 hp and runs away, you die


                          Dont rush midas
                          be careful, you are pretty weak and easy to kill in the first stage of the game
                          always carry a TP and keep an eye on mid, that is your best chance to kill courier