General Discussion

General DiscussionRumor: Pitlord was suppose to be picked last by Puppey, but his game ...

Rumor: Pitlord was suppose to be picked last by Puppey, but his game bugged out and he couldn't select him in General Discussion

    If you watched the all star match, puppey picked his hero very late (randomed meepo). Arteezy also asked him as the match starts "how did you pick meepo" and "where is swap"

    here is the rumor:

    "I'm not even joking, the match was ruined by a bug
    I saw it, the last person on Dire was supposed to get pit lord picked, but their custom gamemode bugged out or something, so they stopped trying in a panic and just picked a random hero, and you could hear the extremely loud "hero selected" sound several times, and heroes saying their voice lines
    It was SUPPOSED to go in order from first to last so we would hear all heroes voice lines, and the last hero we would hear PIT LORD from himself or something, along with the loud selection sound
    So they WERE supposed to show off pit lord, but their shit broke. They wanted us to see him teleport the entire team of 10 players along with custom gamemodes
    Oh well"

    Тази тема била редактирана

      could be bullshit

      turbo player

        nobody cares


          so its been 5 years

          and volvo still can't even port al lthe heroes from w3 dota into dota2

          how fucking bad company must be not to be able to do so little in 5 years

          meh game at its peak now and just gonna go downwards in next couple years while eventually die out due nothing new happening at all

          lm ao

            Can I care? Im good guy Asian who cares for hyperactive 15 year old kids on tilt


              ^^ the oracle has spoken :-)

              jokes, just saying, I did mention this before, the only time the game would go down is when there is something that's more interactive like 3-d gaming. not because Dota2 doesn't do what you feel it should about 1 hero specifically.

              about that, every time they release a hero, there's always hype and I'm sure it allows for interest from people across the globe, so that's why "dragging" it out just makes market sense. If all the heroes were directly ported when they did the move and left nothing else for expectation, I'm sure we all would have got really bored now.

              Talking about changes also, if there was a balanced game that required no more updates, without something uneven, and with no development pending, then that would certainly be quite boring and turn out monotonous.

              Sure techies is broken, and Leshrac, and tusk, and before the sniper and the troll, and perhaps in later updates other heroes, but making the most with them in this ever changing dota world is what makes it interesting also!

              okay, EG ftw! that's all

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                Games only die when they are not competitive or the competition is too much to handle. Currently Dota is already miles ahead of any rivals so it's pretty fine.


                  look at cs it has competition and was competitive as fuck and then died and then got ressurected by money injection

                  look at unreal tournament was competitive as fuck and died

                  look at quake series still competitvie and dead

                  starcraft / warcraft too many games to list and so many dead games
                  theres alot of games like that

                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                    :-) CS out of those only work because of the developers. And dota has plenty of that, and they make the market by competitions, compendiums and most of all, making people play, from the rich to the poor. It will be relevant for a long time to come still.

                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                      Kind of makes sense 10v10 mid would have been perfect for pit lord.