General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get out of 3K?

How to get out of 3K? in General Discussion


    After calibration I've ended up in 3.5K MMR and I've been improving to 3,8K MMR and I thought that 4K is actually reachable but then things started to go wrong.
    I always get in the team with 4 cores heroes or supports who do not buy couriers, wards and anything.
    So as the last pick, I usually have to get support and just support all the way with wards, teleports, stacking jungles and things.
    However my carries just auto attacks and this is how ends.
    At the moment I am in 2.7K MMR and I am just falling and falling down.
    Any tips?

    lm ao

      Use the mute button. I think I know what your main problem is. Usually I'd say "git gud" but I just had a nice epiphany while contemplating about my life inside the comfort room. I'm really too lazy to give tips though. And the forum God would just laugh at me for pretending to be good when I'm still stuck in Normal skill bracket.


        How to win in this shit hole that is 3k: TP's.

        Getting ganked? Go to trees and TP. Your other side lane is getting ganked? TP in and save them. Nobody in 3k uses TPs for anything other than getting to a lane to farm, so people are not afraid to dive for kills that would get them killed in a game with more team oriented players.

        Get on your team mate's asses for not TPing to save the guy getting dived 4 minutes into the game. Get on your team mate's asses even for not having a TP at all. I guarantee you it's a common problem because I'm here with you and it happens every. single. game.

        Also, never, EVER EVER play a hard support that has no way of farming the jungle. You have to pick a support that can do a lot of work with some farm on your own. If you pick a hard support, your team does not know how to take advantage of any edge you give them with constant wards. They aren't looking at the minimap anyways. They don't care that you only have brown boots but bought a mek because they aren't going to group and fight. They will keep auto attacking in their lane until they get ganked.

        Livin' Real Good

          Jeez man, you feel more than 1K MMR, that's when you should of stopped, then played unranked, or stopped dota entirely and played something else for awhile, while still studying up on Dota online, then going back in more confident.

          But looking at some of your stats, i don't really see anything that signifies that you belong in 4K.... But that's just what i think...


            get good all i can say

            King of Low Prio

              Use your teammates as meat shields

              plz do

                give 5 star rating to players, who pick supports. give 1 star rating to core players. every game. thank me. now give me immortals.

                casual gamer

                  nothing beats tping away from 3ks because they have 1 stun and they threw it at the start of the gank


                    Getting into teams with 4 carries? Try playing support. Who knows if one of them is actually capable of carrying, and need that one guy (a.k.a you) to have some disables and help to be ready. If that doesn't win game, it won't change much if you played carry as well. Remember, there are games you can't win.

                    However if you are talking about dropping as much as 1.1k MMR from where you were, then I guess you really needed that good rest to regain the pace before feeding even more. By feeding I don't mean your in-game deaths, but your MMR. Go unranked, go even bots and avoid the thought of "Man I really need to win this, I am capable of being 4k but fuck my teammates".

                    Statistical outlier might get you so many losses, but dropping 1.1k is highly unlikely and that will have to be something about you, rather than your teammates in over 44 matches.

                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                      Well their star system is flawed and make you lose on purpose the game put you as a player that will stay at this mmr and put you with retard player once you win few in a row, just had an alchemist feeding on purpose 20 kills early, this shit never happend on opponent team. This is if you trash talk player like i do and get report and low rate star.
                      In this case you should pick offlaner and try to fuck their carry, as you can have an impact urself.

                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                        ^ Yes it never happened on the other team for you, but it just happened on the "other team" for your opponents. A valid argument I guess?


                          ^It's how the game works overthise how would you explain op geting from 3.8k to 2.7k. And he said he's geting lower so he must be at 2.3 2.5k now. statiscally you can't lose that much mmr without something being "forced" or changed, this is not about tilt or other stuff.

                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                            just git gud m9

                            PMA gamer extraordinaire

                              If you're truly better than your bracket then just be alpha as fuck and first pick a carry and carry your team to victory
                              If you're really a 4k player playing in 2.7k you should dumpster those shit stains back to the stone age, noober


                                Nothing in this world can force you to play support. It's better to pick fifth core and lose with it, than pick support which you don't want to play and lose anyway.

                                casual gamer

                                  u will never be able to explain things rationally to someone who is normal skill after 2700 games

                                  Sergeant Papika

                                    OP is bullshitting, lmao... he has a 48% winrate or something in RMM, there's no way he can drop over 1000 mmr with a 50% winrate, if he calibrated at 3.5k mmr like he said.

                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                      just dont be autistic as me



                                        saving private RTZ

                                          He is lying about his calibration 48 winrate and he dropped 1k? Please no

                                          Bad Intentions

                                            Mannn op your kdas are pretty low, add me up so we can check ur games.

                                            You need to bring up those game impact scores man. Kill/Assist more without Dying alot.


                                              i actually stop trying i stuck in 3.1 k ...i got a lot of feed with io maybe i could be like 3.8-4 k
                                              but now i stop try cus its 50/50% win rate
                                              one game i win easy ,next one i lose easy....
                                              i just start to play only normal games


                                                You have 36.36% winrate on your high skill games.. =_=


                                                  Are you sure this star system works? I always give 1 start to supports and 5 stars to cores, but I still get many supports in my games.


                                                    go mid and stomp or leave it to chance.

                                                    star system is a placebo. It literally does nothing. Valve talking about it and a Pysch university. Gives the illusion that players have some control but in reality it does nothing.

                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                      Pick Enigma.


                                                        go mid and stomp


                                                          ^ Then someone in your team made it to become a dual mid, enemy Storm stomps you.


                                                            @Atlas (David) I have no idea how, but my main got calibrated at 4.5k, I have 47.5% RMM with 94 games, but I am 4.1K now. Srsly can someone explain that to me? I did have a losing streak of like 10ish games though, but it doesn't make sense since my net W/L should be like -4, which should make me 4.4k... but I'm not... WTF?


                                                              keep on playing unranked games until your bracket goes higher.


                                                                Never play support if you want to improve.


                                                                  ^^ Actually, playing support will help you improve. Most supports are about positioning and doing as much as possible with as little gold/exp as possible, also, game sense, map awareness is an absolute must.


                                                                    just play carry or mid , at 3k u cant ever trust the shitty carry / mid that always auto attack


                                                                      git gud


                                                                        git gud

                                                                        but srsly, if you fall that low, it means you kinda (sorry to say ot this way) deserve it, and now you are playing in the right bracket. if it upsets you/hots ur ego/etc., focus on improving your skill, watch guides and streams, tryhard, pick different heroes to understand how they work and how to play against them (knowing theory like spell CDs/itembuild etc. is not enough; to be able to deal with certain hero you should "feel" that hero).


                                                                          Every few weeks/days some baddy opens a thread about how mmr is broken and keeps him down. This can not be true:

                                                                          Baddies before you:






                                                                          Simple logic:

                                                                          If you are better than your teammates (you are not) you will win more games than you lose, because on your team there would be 4 retards plus you (the better one) and on the other team 5 retards (most of the time). Dota gives every player a number for his skill. If your number is too low for your actual skill, you should climb by time.

                                                                          Since you do not climb and stay low, you are a baddy.

                                                                          Thats the bad news.

                                                                          The good news:

                                                                          You can improve in no time! You have so many big things you can work on, that climbing mmr is really really easy.

                                                                          1. Pick wise (heros that match your lineup or you are strong with; do not put too much effort in support below 3.5 k mmr)

                                                                          2. Learn to farm (Lasthits/Denies/Flashfarming midgame)

                                                                          3. Do not feed (Just do not)

                                                                          4. Built proper Items (Dagon Spectre might be fun, but might lose you the game).

                                                                          5. Adapt your skillbuild (there is no “right” skillbuild for every situation)

                                                                          6. Watch what is going on (Check minimap and other lanes often; use your tp if enemies dive)

                                                                          7. Make the right decisions (Push/Farm/Gank/Defend/Rosh when the time has come etc.)

                                                                          8. ALWAYS CARRY A TP

                                                                          9. Check your enemies Inventories.

                                                                          10. Do not rage (lowers apm, causes you to get muted, and nobody will listen to you anyways; If someone rages mute him)

                                                                          11. If you get tired by playing, you are hungry or angry, just stop playing.

                                                                          To do this focus on one aspect a time to improve:

                                                                          Watch your replays to see your mistakes; watch pro replays/good streams, to see how they do it.

                                                                          If you do not want to get better and make the effort, play on in your lowpool. But do not blame the system.



                                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                            git gud is the obvious answer. also if you think you're a better carry/mid than your teammates you can always pick before them


                                                                              Sounds like you calibrated too high op kinda sucks tho for you Cuz now you feel like you lost a lot instead of being able to feel like you are gaining . However I think you should be able to climb fast once you stomp dropping and improve your gameplay.


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                                                                                  It shows he is -625 points in ranked Match making not factoring in his calibration matches which I am guessing count towards the total


                                                                                    O cool it shows that I have gained 1229 points


                                                                                      Looks like you lost 225 points in high skill , high skill starts around 3220 so that means u started around 3445 if u subtract the 625 that puts you around 2820 mmr .that doesn't account for going in and out of high skill and party ranked so prolly isn't too acruate I just wanted to see what the math on it showed lol.

                                                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                      Hello Kitty Nyaaaaa

                                                                                        just learn how to feed off of the enemy shitstains


                                                                                          Do not pick shadow shaman or dazzle in 3k


                                                                                            ^ Do not any pick support without late game impact and is team-dependent in 3k


                                                                                              Only battle with courier in 3k. lead enemies into tower. GG works every time.


                                                                                                Can confirm from my stats and games I am forever trash tier from team mates.

                                                                                                Kaiju,Hack  Retired

                                                                                                  I went from 2.7k to 4.7k. Only play ranked when serious not just to play.
                                                                                                  3k bracket is full of badies and if you cant power your way past it you belong there