get boots before enemy, abuse damage drain to fuck their csing, get high level, use ur massive damage drain and spells to deal large damage in fights with durability and chase items
get fast bkb and say your team to gather at 3-4 and push tower with ulti. Only razor that won this ti was the one with bkb, I don't get why some "pro" think not doing bkb on razor is a pro move.
Nothing you're doing looks that weird but you are dying a lot. Try phase boots so you can kite better. Drums also might not be worth it. You can get point booster for a lot less and rush aghs. The stats on booster better for razor than the stats on drums. You can also go boots, aquila, point booster, sneak in a yasha then finish aghs. Will help your right click a lot and make you even faster.
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I'm trying to get better at razor but i seem to have mixed success and I'm not sure why, so I'm looking for some general tips on how to win the lane and secure you're eearly farm.
Thanks in advnace