General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to deal with always getting a shit team in ranked

How to deal with always getting a shit team in ranked in General Discussion

    Almost always when I play ranked matches my team ends up picking all carries, so I end up having to go support(which I'm fairly bad with) and we loose. This has caused me to end up with horrendous mmr and I would greatly like any suggestions as to how to deal with this problem.


      Well, the easiest way is to get better at supporting. Most players throughout all skill brackets play only mid/carry/offlane roles because they are too bad to support and/or have been told that this is the only way to "carry their autist team to victory" (which is bullshit ofc).

      So you either
      - do the same and hope that someone else supports or that the enemy team has an equally shitty composition, or
      - get good at supporting + any other role(s).

      The latter imho has a better chance at raising one's MMR.

      Този коментар е бил редактиран
      Pol Pot of Greed

        git gud


          If you believe in the team which may or may not be some shitfucks, and want to improve instead of winning games, go support.

          If you want to win games, go carry.


            Agreed with Socram. If you're a support hero who has stuns (lion,rubick,earthshaker) just buy smokes and go gank mid before the mid hero hits lvl6 if the mid doesnt have escape.

            If you're a hero who can zone out enemies pretty well (oracle,skywrath,shadow demon) then just try to keep the offlaner lvl 1.
            Pull when creeps get near enemy tower and move away from the lane in xx:20 and xx:50 because creeps are coming and you dont want them to deal damage to you. You're gonna need to practice that in unrankeds.


              get good and win solo or suck dick, play postition 10 and hope that u get carried


                JUST DEAL WITH IT

                Giff me Wingman

                  get gud


                    Just deal with it..? Honestly... if you are good enough a player, you can buy wards/sentry etc even as a carry to secure your 1v5 win.

                    King of Low Prio


                      just farm, when your team is feeding just farm

                      dón kíj-

                        if you lose games as Support, you diddnt Support right, supports win the games not carry, thats why a good Support is way harder to Play then a noob farming carry


                          having just come out of a game where our qop lost mid to a storm and rushed aghs instead of getting an orchid, i'm finding it hard to believe you kinkykizzoul....

                          i blame valve, they made it too easy for retards to install the game.


                            Every few weeks/days some baddy opens a thread about how mm is broken and keeps him down, cause he always gets retards. This can not be true:

                            Baddies before you:







                            Simple logic:

                            If you are better than your teammates (you are not) you will win more games than you lose, because on your team there would be 4 retards plus you (the better one) and on the other team 5 retards (most of the time). Dota gives every player a number for his skill. If your number is too low for your actual skill, you should climb by time.

                            Since you do not climb and stay low, you are a baddy.

                            Thats the bad news.

                            The good news:

                            You can improve in no time! You have so many big things you can work on, that climbing mmr is really really easy.

                            1. Pick wise (heros that match your lineup or you are strong with; do not put too much effort in support below 3.5 k mmr)

                            2. Learn to farm (Lasthits/Denies/Flashfarming midgame)

                            3. Do not feed (Just do not)

                            4. Built proper Items (Dagon Spectre might be fun, but might lose you the game).

                            5. Adapt your skillbuild (there is no “right” skillbuild for every situation)

                            6. Watch what is going on (Check minimap and other lanes often; use your tp if enemies dive)

                            7. Make the right decisions (Push/Farm/Gank/Defend/Rosh when the time has come etc.)

                            8. ALWAYS CARRY A TP

                            9. Check your enemies Inventories.

                            10. Do not rage (lowers apm, causes you to get muted, and nobody will listen to you anyways; If someone rages mute him)

                            11. If you get tired by playing, you are hungry or angry, just stop playing.

                            To do this focus on one aspect a time to improve:

                            Watch your replays to see your mistakes; watch pro replays/good streams, to see how they do it.

                            If you do not want to get better and make the effort, play on in your lowpool. But do not blame the system.



                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                              I mean, look at you. You are obv shit. 44% Winrate normal skill, and you are almost never playing a support like you stated. You play mostly cores and sit at 300 gpm and 6-7 d/k ratio.


                              180 Lasthits in a 60 min game as a corehero.


                                All that is true Antifun apart from this fallacy that the other 9 players are split randomly between the teams. By selecting particular server/language settings you can increase/decrease the odds of having a retard team. For example, you'd be best off selecting Russian as your language on EUW when there is a bank holiday in the rest of Europe and not in Russia.

                                Similarly you get a better team if you select an eastern timezone language early morning.

                                Doesn't mean that the rest of what you wrote is wrong mind - and it is still possible to climb with any language/server settings.


                                  I do not agree, since it will balance out on teams on big numbers...

                                  And I do not see what bank holidays say about player skill. If a player has a certain number it equals out his skill, on a big number of games.

                                  The number itself is flawed like fuck. For example:

                                  I have a 75% winrate on Antimage this patch. My rating is 4.3k mmr. My actual antimagerating is approximatly higher than 4.3k, otherwise I would not win 75% of the games (small number though with 22 games). Still: I climb constantly, till I reach my actual antimage rating (I think it is arround 4.6-4.8k mmr).

                                  If I would start playing pudge now (1 game played in my life), I would lose a hell lot of games. My pudge mmr is arround 3k I guess.

                                  You do not play every hero on the same lvl. I have a small pool of heroes I can perform rly well with. Rest= not so cool Same goes for roles.

                                  I can play pos 1,3 and 5. Pos 2 and 4 are just not as strong.

                                  Thats one of the mainreason ppl perform above their mmr (aka stomp) or underperform big time.

                                  If you have a 44% winrate Invoker on your team going mid, you might lose the game.

                                  Then there is the human factor overall: Hungry, tired, angry (lossstreak), drunk, bad connection etc.

                                  But on a big number of games all these factors even out and it comes down to your own skill.

                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                    Post a recording of a few of your games so we can try to give you more specific advice


                                      Just because something averages out with big numbers doesn't mean that every event is random. I definitely feel that different language teams have different play-styles - for example, the Russian team is very early team fight focussed so I believe (without any particular evidence to back it up! :) ) that Russian-speaking teams have a >50% win rate in this patch vs the AFK farm 6.83.

                                      What I meant about bank holidays is that a successful pub team needs at least 3 positive players on it. Less than that and the retards take over. At certain times of the day, you are more likely to have the 3 positive players on particular language settings.

                                      Often the retards in your bank holiday games are perfectly good teammates at other times hence why they have the MMR they have.

                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                        ^^ listen to this antimage guy

                                        important thing about rankeds is that you rank doesn't tell how good you are in dota
                                        but it shows your ability to win games, which is not the same thing

                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                          le dunning kruger player thread


                                            It is not the team, it is you. I had the same mindset, blaming teammates and raging. Changed my mindset instead of pointing out idiots, I helped idiots. I raised 600 in mmr. Give it a try


                                              Why are you picking support heroes that you barely know how to play? 4 carries and 1 bad support is way worse than 5 carries.


                                                1. Pick Bloodseeker
                                                2. ?????
                                                3. +25 mmr


                                                  what is your mmr?


                                                    Sometimes you will have a game where your team picks all carries. You could choose then from several options

                                                    (1) whine/cry/rage about how you will lose
                                                    (2) take the opportunity to learn to play support
                                                    (3) play a very greedy lineup with 5 carries and try to stall the game long enough that your carries all get farmed

                                                    If you want to go with (3) instead of trying to learn support then Nature's Profit is the best choice. You farm like mad and push constantly. If you don't get caught and killed your carries will eventually make it to a having a couple big items and then you can win. Other heroes can rat also, but NP is the best. You want to force lots of rotatins, but not die to the gank. If you can consistently escape you will either win the game by taking towers or cause the enemy to waste their time chasing you back and forth around the map while your stupid 5 carry team eventually farms up. It may not be possible to protect them, but it may be possibe to distract enough that you effectively protect them. Of course if you get caught and die pushing this techinque also fails.

                                                    It appears that you have attempted this sort of thing about 10 times and fail because you die too much. You must retreat sooner. This may require you to micro a couple treants to scout for you so you can get away. It may require you to make better use of juke paths. Remmeber you can retreat in any direction that will not be seen. It does not have to be towards your base. Leave before they see you and know which way you went.

                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                      You're shit and you should just go play a different game like bejewled