General Discussion

General DiscussionA solution to my prblem

A solution to my prblem in General Discussion

    Hello guys! Since a few days I've noticed something strange when I play a party game. Unfortunately I don't see the creeps in the jungle,not even Roshan. Does any one else have this problem and how can it be solved? I don't think it's because of my connection,I usually have 30 ping. Thank you!


      ^yeah a lot of players experience this bullshit, i experience it every fucking game or so.
      u just gotta disconnect and restart dota, no other fix.

      the realm's delight

        buy dota 2 premium right now for only $9.99 and you will be able to see creeps in your jungle. for an additional $4.99 you will be able to see the creeps in enemies' jungle as well

        the realm's delight

          Този коментар е бил редактиран

            i bought yearly package for 60$ and also got courier as a gift




                Holy shit 30 ping must be awesome , 65 ping is lowest o can get , lately I have had like between 65-68 ping since I upgraded to fastest possible Internet

                Dire Wolf

                  Faster internet won't improve your ping. Ping depends on distance to server and how many routers/gateways it has to go through. Speed is usually considered bandwidth capacity, ie download speeds.


                    ofc faster internet improves ping wtf u talking about

                    my friend has 200mb download and i got 8mb download

                    my ping to closest server is 80~ his ping to closest server is 14 he lives like 1km apart from me

                    Dire Wolf

                      His provider is probably just better, ping has nothing to do with "speed" measured in bandwitdh of 200mb download to 8mb download. Ping is latency. Just look it up. There's a ton of reasons his ping might be lower.


                        @vaga So you generalize one situation to the whole population, without even knowing what are ping and bandwidth.


                          just played a game a couple of hours ago and coudn't see creeps after like min 20 or smth.
                          i could see them at the beginning of the game but then this shit happened.
                          we took rosh without me seeing it kappa

                          Mac_Lilypad [NL]

                            I normally can play with 25 ping and sometimes reach 5 ping (I love glassfiber) but last few days i my internet went total crazy , play with over 100 ping and sometimes my screen would just freeze, could this also be part of valves servers screwing up?


                              Ping changes mostly with the type of connection you have. Fiber optics is usually the fastest in terms of download/upload AND ping. I had old usual shitty internet before (8/0.8mb) and i had 65-80ms on both EU east and west. Now i have 50/20mb fiber and i have around 30ms on both EU servers even tho, i still have wireless. Internet provider doesnt really make much of a difference, if the internet they use has same network and architecture.

                              And yeah, i had that same shitty problem too in 1 or 2 games, it was so dumb actually. Took me a while that i figure out what was happening, cause oposite team had AM and i thought he was farming our jungle ROFL. Then i got slowed by an invisible creep and realized what was going on haha.

                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                       time i will try to restart Dota...if everyone waits for me :D
                                . Thank you for the fast answer guys. About the internet Ping/D/U...this is the result