General Discussion

General DiscussionHow long before the patch to nerf retard friendly Blood seeker?

How long before the patch to nerf retard friendly Blood seeker? in General Discussion
Last picking is 4 pussies

    I mean not that this game was loaded with cancer and retard friendly heroes.....

    Yeah definitely done playing for the night after this one.


      Last patch it was troll-jugg-sniper, people were complaining as well. Just to let you know.

      Last picking is 4 pussies

        Yes and the Peruvian in this match who went bs that was his most played hero last patch just to let you know. Just realized too my mid Ember is a 44% win rate smurf ty calibration...

        Ugh I made a whine post but seriously the lineup this game really crippled my enjoyment of this game ;)

        We started to come back even. Doom ulty BS and I duel huskar but alas WK eventually took over and our Ember well is a 44% win rate smurf.

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        Livin' Real Good

          Who knows, but i want to see Blood Thirst be nerfed where he only gets the bonuses and vision of you if you are 1500 units away, not the whole map away. That's a huge nerf i just suggested, but i don't think it would totally neuter the hero to being unplayable, he would still be OP, as long as you are in a 1500 radius with him that is.

          Този коментар е бил редактиран
          King of Low Prio

            BS is not even that good atm

            Last picking is 4 pussies

              Game stats kind of disagree and he is way easier for bad players to play then troll, sniper, or axe at least all 3 of those heroes had to lane or when jungling go to the well for hp/mana at some point.

              But I do agree at a higher level he isn't nearly as OP and counter able.

              Rant over promise.

              Livin' Real Good

                Yeah at least sniper took last hitting skills early game due to low base damage and fast awkward travel time of his projectile, and he's squishy. Even Troll, he was (and still is despite the nerfs) very well rounded, but wasn't exactly a race car when it comes to move speed, and didn't really have anything to stop you from running besides his W ranged mode (which you still have to land on them, its not hard, but still) and maybe getting a lucky bash. Blood Seeker = Race car + amazing last hitting skills with a quelling blade and blood rage= never miss last hit, and once you're ult'd you're pretty much there to stay if you don't have a TP, and especially if he ults you with his team there, no way they're gonna let you go, you have to fight them on their terms, where they want to fight you, that's what rupture does for him. Then after you get ruptured, it pretty much forces your team to have to go in and save you and possibly enter a disadvantageous team fight. FUCK THIS HERO, i don't feed him, but my teammates always do thanks to their shitty overextending positioning skills.

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                King of Low Prio

                  u realize he takes a ton of dmg in bloodrage, stop trying to contest last hits and just kill him

                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                    ^---is that why this patch it's the hero you have the worst win rate/games against combo?

                    Pom Pom 🍕

                      Probably sooner than Slark.

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                          There is always a hard counter for bloodseeker. In this patch I'd say storm and lina do really well gainst bs. Storm if you can get middle lane. Lina if you are forced to play support. BS can never kill storm solo. As for Lina, you just nuke bs whenever you see his bloodrage on.


                            But tbh BS is really a noob friendly hero. Its like last hitting on Easy-mode or something with bloodrage on.

                            bum farto

                              I honestly don't know why people struggle with this hero...I have next to no issues dealing with him and most of the players I am with don't either so what's the issue?

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                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  You are just retarded. People don't want to face the fact that they are bad but instead they try to make themselves look better by saying the hero is OP. He is not even hard to deal with, you just need good awareness of your team's HP and watch him closely wherever he moves. He is shit if he doesn't snowball and that only happens in YOU let him. Also pick WW, cast ulti on him with Bloodrage on = he dead, Cold Embrace is also really good.

                                  meow maniac

                                    800MMR player here. haven't had a prob w/ blood. a decent QoP or a good tusk are way worse

                                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                                      Truthfully I win around 50% against the hero at low 4k mmr. At this level most bs go jungle. And if you read original post it is kind of the overall hero matchup that made him so annoying.

                                      Like I said we even had a good shot to pull the game off but eventually the wk came online.


                                        Guys come on now, is he really that op? or you are a bunch of drama queens?. There many hidden op heroes who have untapped potential, just a matter of time until someone discovers it.

                                        Last picking is 4 pussies

                                          ^---in your last 7 games you played all cores.

                                          Only one of those core you got above 10 kills with.

                                          That one core you got above 10 kills with was.....

                                          Bloodseeker with 26 so on that note out of those 5 heroes which one had lowest skill cap high reward?


                                            idk he really falls off and this bounty shit thing is awful.
                                            like you go 11 0 with bs, you die 1 time, and you feed 1.5k gold to all enemy heroes (basically u lost).


                                              Pick heroes that punish divers. Even a hero like Terrorblade (buy some HP and max Reflection yo) can pwn his ass.

                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                i love how this guy brings up someone's performance in his matches whenever he doesn't know how to respond

                                                Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                  ? I brought it up more as hindsight.

                                                  I screwed up at least 4 times in this game myself with poor judgement. My first two deaths just me being stupid running my mouth.

                                                  My third dumb death was blindly blinking into rosh thinking huskar was trying to solo or at worst two man rosh.

                                                  Last death of game maybe the dumbest they were all split out and techies was solo mid right by base so I went for quick duel kill. Kill was fast but they got there quick blink wk, bs and storm and basically that team right ended game.

                                                  So yeah I didn't play well overall and had some take away from this game.

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                                                  Last picking is 4 pussies


                                                    Is it wrong to wonder how in all 4k + you get a mid with 22% win rate ranked?


                                                      Its 50/50 for me , strong early weak late for a carry . He is best at dominated mid game to let a true carry n his te farm I actaully think a dual offlane blood seeker could be most dangerous Cuz you'll still have to worry about mid and safelane carry later . I was playing blood mid and he dominates harder but lower win rate due to having one less carry

                                                      Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                        For an experiment I found a Peruvian monkey and had him play blood seeker.

                                                        Guess what he did fine. I mean all he had to do was hit q occasionally and r when its up. Jungle was no match for him.


                                                          TA destroying bs ,and kind of weak mid to late game

                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                            If you lose to BS mid you shud not play mid

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                                                              Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                Why does no one talk about ridiculous and idiot proof his jungle is? Hell it's the only jungle I don't cringe at. Everything is a onetime investment and requires 0 stops to well.

                                                                Oh yeah rupture cd is 60 and tp cd is what 72.5?

                                                                I'm to the point I'd pay money to slap the s h i t out of the next Peruvian trash bs player in real life.

                                                                  Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

                                                                    Isn't Bloodseeker going to the jungle actually better for the enemy team? That way, he won't bother in lane.

                                                                    Invoke A God

                                                                      outfarm bloodseeker and get items like bkb, tp scroll, blade mail ,etc.
                                                                      you can also ruin his early game by harassing which will make him think twice about ganking most heroes mid game

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                                                                          TI 5 proved he is annoying to deal with so many teams banned him.. However his win rate wasn't that impressive when he is actually picked.. Honestly I think he's OP in pub games and that's about it.. Also if you snowball with him and end up dying you throw away a lot of your advantage because bs dosnt scale the best


                                                                            BS is strong but not that strong. The thing to do is nuke him hard while bloodrage is on and baldemail is off. Focus him hard whenever there is a fight. What you don't want to do is dive vs a BS, or have a fight with his teammates and allow him to wipe at the end.

                                                                            If his game goes ok, you can't really outfarm him. He is one of the best farmers in the game. He is also an absolute beast in lane, and IMO one of the nastiest offlaners in pubs in the current meta. This is not a huge problem, though, because BS doesn't use farm as well as other heroes. Even a reasonably well-farmed BS blows up if focused after min 30.

                                                                            Miku Plays

                                                                              legion OPPPPPPP pls try

                                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                If you are actually having trouble againts him in jungle and not even lane, then you are not doing the right thing. If you really hate him, just pick BH and stick on him. He generally walks around with low HP, especially when he is about to kill a big creep. Just go kill him first and then steal his creep too.


                                                                                  Phantom Assassin wrecks blood-sucker. I don't think they will nerf him. His passive is kind of OP but I don't think this hero is retard friendly, his Q increases the damage he takes by %40.

                                                                                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                    All are valid points but at the same time we are talking about pubs and last two times I had bs on opposing team had very bad lineups and bs had very retqrd friendly lineups. Like Zeus, techies, storm, wk.

                                                                                    Bs jungle is legit in pubs he will hit 6 as fast as the 1v1 lanes unless harassed which well as a solo offlaner I can't control this aspect at low 4k I still have to buy my own ward 90% of games.

                                                                                    I would be happier on this game if the high reward low skill cap heroes weren't so low skill cap. My point is most jungles suck and have to hit well or suicide to neutral. Bs basically turns the game in jungle to as retard friendly as it can be.

                                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                                      NP jungle is easy too lets nerf him


                                                                                        i jungled with legion in lp game and got 8 min blink


                                                                                          Tbh if you don't let the guy snowball he's relatively easy to deal with.

                                                                                          I personally find that its not a matter of BS being too 'strong' but that there are a lack of viable carries these patch. The only other currently popular carry being countered by BS.


                                                                                            Lol'd you picked LC and hope to win? Try again...

                                                                                            Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                              ^---I loled you made a new account to spam slark and wraith king?


                                                                                                I think bs is best in offlane with a support to dominate safe lane , other options all are ok but I have been leaning towards jungle seeker as second best that way you have other cores to carry if u do t end fast enough . offlane blood seeker I think I have 100% win rate .