General Discussion

General DiscussionPPD's thoughts on AUI

PPD's thoughts on AUI in General Discussion

    what do you think?

    imo, it was unprofessional and un-called for.

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      It was honest and maybe a bit too harsh, also simply revealing aui's problems as a player will make it harder for him to find a team, but after all the shit everyone gave him, he had to do this. He didn't owe any information to anybody but w/e.


        universe just ignored AUI frd request on twitch. Isn't it too harsh? I mean, even if you can't be teammates, u can just be normal friends or even just acquaintances.


          If ppd kept his trashtalk posts on his twitter for himself, there wouldn't be such a shitstorm over his head. He's a dick. He might be right, but he's still a dick.

          Pom Pom 🍕

            Why do people say he trashtalked on twitter? I follow him myself and I can't remember him doing something like that (or find scrolling down through it).

            The blog was pretty blunt, but understandable with all this shitstorm. He at least apologised about it. He was very honest on it too and said what people asked for.

            Also Aui already got a new team, just need a sponsor or something from what he said in his reflection interview. So he should be fine.

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              yeah as i thought apparently aui is the kind of dude who looks nice but rages and is just being cancerous when losing games.


                It's his team and he had his reasons
                Not kicking aui means another year with the same roster


                  You won TI with him, at least give him some respect.
                  As if removing him from the team isn't too much already.

                  You fucking write a post just so to cover your team so people will stop bashing you?
                  Be a professional and handle it with class.

                  Yeah, and this is the TI champion master drafter and strategist


                    they're all as bad as each other. is hardly surprising that a bunch of kids who play computer games full-time haven't developed the skills to deal with conflict in a mature way. they'll laugh about it one day.


                      I agree with Sam's response.

                      And I hope Aui would take this well and turn this into a learning experience to work on his cons as a player.

                      (aui fan for life!)


                        Meh professional football players do way more stupid shit all the time .


                          ppfeed literally disgusting
                          There's a mature way of handling things, and then there's bashing people.
                          He chose the easy way out.
                          And let me translate into human language what he wrote in his blog:
                          "I'm unable to handle the stress being with other smart players in my team, I have god complex, nobody should question me, so I kick aui"
                          At least new aui team gonna be full of memers


                            What interview/twitter post are you guys talking about. Can someone post a link here please?


                              @filthy yeah you are right - most people taken out of a normal environment to one where they are treated as princesses tend to behave like this. you don't develop conflict resolution skills when you don't have role models.

                              in fact, football has acknowledged it and the behaviour of the young stars is a lot better than it was 10-20yrs ago. or at least a lot more hidden!


                                Aui clearly made some points during draft / game which annoyed PPD. Then he probably turned out to be right which annoyed him more. Ppd was most likely raging at someone being smarter then him or worried about his position as captain.


                                  even if he was insanely good (which he is not) that doesn't allow him to be cancerous in a game where communication is key.


                                    he got kicked, now gl with a new team, thats all we can really say


                                      I find it unprofessional and uncalled for when people who know next to nothing about the situation want to take sides and point fingers.

                                      Noone knows how the kicking went down so noone can say the entire of EG was a dick about it. This blogpost of PPD is clearly showing signs of how angry he is over the drama and the AUI circlejerk defaming EG. You say it's uncalled for, then what about all the EG demation going on? They play for millions of dollars and clearly they did what they thought was best of the team. And it might have been AUI kicking up a secret dramafest internally when they wanted to settle it peacefully. Nobody really knows what happened and even if both sides tried to explain, it will always be biased.

                                      Regardless, waaaay too much drama and overreaction from the dota community.


                                        I think it's something in between, it's never only complete one sides fault. Aui makes really good points on draft/strategies and can rage when loosing. And PPD is control freak and likes to hold most of decisions, which are sometimes stupid and it was probably Aui that said something he didnt like and was right at the same time. Also Aui talks a lot and not everyone likes that, especially PPD which likes to be the only one talking :D

                                        They did fuckin win Ti5 together tho and should be grateful and mature enough to just say it was the best for both of them (EG and Aui) and that's it. No need to shit over each other after it.


                                          I don't care how uncooperative Aui is why the hell would you want RTZ on your team, that baby-man-slut abandoned them the second he thought he found a better team and he YOLO throws when there is millions of $ on the line.


                                            I believe it stems down to what you just said.

                                            In such a stressful and pressurizing environment, you have to put faith in your leader instead of pointing fingers. AUI attempting to assume control (according to ppd) even if he meant well, created a situation where the remaining three had to choose between conflicting orders. In such a grand tournament, uncertainty is a fatal thing.

                                            But all in all, jesus christ I don't like how everyone says AUI made EG earn lots of money. It works BOTH WAYS, AUI might have never gotten that amount of money if he never joined EG.

                                            It also stands that if AUI was that good, they wouldn't have given him up. You don't see the community overreacting this much over other kicked players... lol all these pretentious brats. It might have seemed that AUI did awesome to the eyes of the public but in the end of the day, the four people who knew best decided that they'd better their odds if they went without him.

                                            Personally, I see their cold reaction as a response to AUI kicking up a drama bringing up a hate storm upon them. I wouldn't want to suck up to someone who set all that on me myself.

                                            But alas, like I mentioned earlier, we will never know exactly what happened. EG might have been a huge dick or vice versa.


                                              but s4 yolo throwed in like 3 games, not rtz


                                                This is my take on the situation for anyone that cares...

                                                First of I completely and wholeheartedly agree with Zai that the main issue with this whole problem is the lack of objective reporting in Dota 2. There is no "News Source" to consult when you are trying to gather the facts. So at best you get two conflicting versions of the same story and can pick sides if you so choose.

                                                So EG play at TI5 win the tourney and a lot of $$$. Sat August 8th was the grand final. Aui was informed sometime after that that he was leaving the team. He responded on August 14 via Twitter that "i have been kicked from EG after winning ti. i actually hate people". States no reason as to why, what was discussed just this plain inflammatory statement. Why inflammatory?because it set off a EG hate train like crazy. This is all happening without having any facts other than Aui being "kicked" from the team.

                                                Pajkatt was "kicked" from Alliance but you don't see him responding in the same manner. PPD finally responds and admits that this opinion "is his bias view". He then goes on to explain why EG "kicked" Aui. Yes his explanation was salty and somewhat insulting but what did you expect after what Aui started?

                                                The problem is the moral dilemma as to who is "right". How could EG do this to poor Aui after all he just won them TI5. EG would never have won TI5 with out Aui. They are terrible people from kicking this poor innocent person to the curb right after they won the biggest tournament in dota 2 (I hope you catch that sarcasm).

                                                We don't know the facts but what if there were problems prior to TI5 did EG have the opportunity to cut him then (not sure how the shuffling dates work) Would that have been worse than what happened by kicking him after? If EG kicked Aui and win TI5 with a different pos 4 would they be bad people? What if we knew that EG would have won all the other tournaments that Secret won prior to TI5 if they had a different pos 4? Would that make people feel better about Aui being kicked?

                                                The most important thing in Dota 2 is team cohesion as CEDC and Secret proved. Secret were the best team coming into TI5 and fell apart due to team chemistry. CEDC was a qualifier and made it to the GF due to team chemistry (and execution of course). So if Aui is causing a problem in the team (even if he is a good player) is it worth the risk of EG to keep him. Are the required to keep him and forced to deal with the issues? What do people expect???

                                                I read that one person commented (paraphrasing) "PPD said Aui was questioning my drafts... Well was Aui even included in the decisions?" WHY? Why should he be included in the decisions why does it matter what Aui thinks? Why is he entitled to contribute to the draft. PPD is EG's captain he drafts I'm sure at the end of the day he listens to some extent to his team mates but he calls the shots. (Sumail who's arguably the best or most important dota 2 player right now doesn't do that but Aui should and is entitled to?) No if Aui wanted to run the show he could at a different team but why would he/should he be allowed to do that on EG with an established captain??? Makes no sense. And if this is true EG is luck to have kept it together and won TI5.

                                                Again I'm bashing Aui (not to bash him) to show the other side of this coin. Problem is we don't have the full picture because not all of the facts are on the table. I don't know if EG tried to mitigate the news to Aui as best as they could it all depends on how their relationship was at the time? Aui certainly didn't respond well to the news? PPD's response was bitter due to the backlash EG experienced. The main thing is that this situation could have been handled better by all parties and the lack of factual reporting in dota 2 lead to the huge drama.

                                                In Conclusion, basically where is Synderen when you need him to gather the facts report the story and keep the peace??? Probably on vacation....


                                                  The thing is I don't think AUI would intentionally question a draft just for the sake of sounding smart. He probably has the reasons to do so.

                                                  Just that apparently he isn't taking into account the psychological aspect. Which ends up him creating a lot of issues...

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                                                    Agreed I don't think that he was sabotaging the team intentionally but you have to have team cohesion and execute the preset game plan. If you veer from that you may unbalance the whole team. If you saw ppd's draft analysis he specifically stated they picked sky for Aui not because it fit best in their strat or draft. And if it's true this isn't the first time these concerns were communicated to Aui what more was EG supposed to do just "deal with it "? I honestly feel like based on what we do know that Aui may be best served having his own team. Who knows they might beat EG next TI but at least hopefully everyone is going to be happy.


                                                      These pro PPD fan boys are evading the arguments like shit.

                                                      EG kicking Aui is not the fucking point. So stop using this as your main argument.

                                                      This is the Subject: Was PPD's blog post completely unprofessional or not?

                                                      1. The manager already released a very neutral statement. Why would you need to release your own point of view?

                                                      2. If you're telling me that he has to do it to save EG's image? What a complete idiot you are. You're basically telling me that "bashing" AUI in the internet public is the only fucking way to stop the haters?

                                                      3. Removing a teammate from a team who just won the biggest ever prize pool in e-sports IS NOT A FUCKING SENSELESS TOPIC. What did these EG fucktards thought? That the general public will just agree to what the team has decided? You fucking god complex bitch. You think all your fans revolve around yourself or around EG but not AUI? For every big decision, there will be people who will support you and will be against you. PPD is a fucking bitch loser guy so full of himself that he has to gain everyone's appreciation.

                                                      4. Stop saying that "nah pro players in other sports do it all the time".. fucking retard logic. Just because some of them do it then it already means that its a professional thing to do?

                                                      I really hope i can fucking improve my dota skills and rape the shit out of these nerdy retards.

                                                      *deep breathe*

                                                      Ok, im back to normal now :)


                                                        I like AUI but I think we should just respect they decisions as a team and as outsiders we never know what really happened to the team. Just wish EG and AUI new team to perform well in the coming Major.



                                                          How can a single person be so one-sided about information. It is not our job to question any of their decisions, BECAUSE THEY have to deal with it. If EG feels they can do better without Aui they shall do it and see whether it works or not.

                                                          Dota and every other game is about improving and therefor CHANGE.

                                                          Look at Navi. Their inability to modify and CHANGE made them a better tier2 team :) welp!


                                                            I love how everyone is raging over something they know nothing about

                                                            all I see is a bunch of half baked angry statements starting at Aui and going around

                                                            *shrug* I'm not a TI level player and I wasn't in that booth

                                                            I haven't met Aui and I haven't met anyone from EG nor spent time with them

                                                            As such I find it criminally stupid to flame someone I haven't met for actions based upon factors I don't know nor can likely understand

                                                            And people here seem to be assuming that it was solely PPDs decision to kick Aui ...... I somehow doubt EGs sponsors would allow Aui to be removed if the team in its entirety didn't agree

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                                                              I'm pretty sure PPD+the rest of EG should have expected this especially since that was the way the old C9 roster dynamics worked. Aui would give his thoughts on creating both in/off game strategies.

                                                              " (Sumail who's arguably the best or most important dota 2 player right now doesn't do that but Aui should and is entitled to?)" PPD did state in his draft analysis that he was debating whether or not he would pick AA and Sumail basically told him to just roll with it so that's what he did.

                                                              Also BlackXargon has a point. Sometimes it's not really about the reason, but how one presents the reason. I'm sure both parties are at fault here by just stoking the flames. If you represent your team and organization, you should try to channel your statements through more professional means and not just through some simple blog.



                                                                i dont really care much, but as a neutral observer I'd say this writing is definitely steeped in arrogance. aui's twitter remark about hating people was also immature

                                                                so, yh, the pro dota community


                                                                  Noone is evading any argument.

                                                                  We simply brought up the fact that AUI started a shitstorm of hate on EG because he was immature and ranted on twitter. Lyk this whole drama started cause of that. Other players who have been klicked from other teams don't do this.

                                                                  Btw like I said, in the eyes of the pubs, AUI did amazing but at the end of the day the people who know best decided that they'd better their odds without him.

                                                                  Stop being a fanboy. My posts were unbiased and explored both possibilities. Don't evade the topic by saying it's not what you were discussing in the first place.


                                                                    yeah aui started the shit and ppd just responded, he could have said that aui is retarded or complete shit but he actually didn't


                                                                      @ Para.NERVO again. that's not even the subject of debate.

                                                                      "EG kicking Aui is not the fucking point. So stop using this as your main argument.
                                                                      This is the Subject: Was PPD's blog post completely unprofessional or not?"

                                                                      Get it?

                                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                        It was unprofessional but it was not uncalled for.

                                                                        EG itself as a team seemed to say little about the whole affair until the community was getting too drastic with their actions; excessive slander and many personal insults irrelevant to the case. By this point, it's obvious that PPD made this blog because he was pissed off and wanted to silence the matter.

                                                                        Everything works both ways you know? If AUI treasured his relationship with EG, then the first thing that would've come to his mind would not have been to incite public rage against them. Did Dendi do that when Puppey chose to leave Navi? No? It's not uncalled for and while the blog wasn't handled professionally, we're talking about the guy whose known as Mr.Salt and doesn't give too much shit over people's opinion of him. He stepped up to defend his teammates and the team name itself.


                                                                          How do you not infer all this from everything we've written above, it should be obvious enough

                                                                          do you still not get it?


                                                                            though honestly some of the attacks on universe and rtz were downright disgusting

                                                                            their facebook/insta/twitter feeds were pretty much filled with hate comments like "you deserve to die"

                                                                            respect is lost for aui because he obv knows all this is going on but he doesn't want to do anything about it cuz he's upset he got kicked


                                                                              Your argument could be the most valid amongst all. But this is the thing, AUI ranting on twitter was all emo. no bullshitting crappy stuff.
                                                                              Did he bash his teammates to very specific FUCKING PPD-LIKE terms? NO.


                                                                                i know

                                                                                he might not have intended for the crazy hate that actually occurred but consequently he showed no remorse nor seemed to care much about it :/

                                                                                and it seems ppd has disliked aui for a long time and went berserk after the whole scandal

                                                                                Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                  Not going to root for EG anymore personally until the next time maybe PPD loses a big game and video blogs it since he seems to avoid doing that a lot.

                                                                                  Crossing my fingers for kuro/fata stack to be good.


                                                                                    @ Pilot funny how you used my quotes to make my point but you didn't intend to

                                                                                    " (Sumail who's arguably the best or most important dota 2 player right now doesn't do that but Aui should and is entitled to?)" PPD did state in his draft analysis that he was debating whether or not he would pick AA and Sumail basically told him to just roll with it so that's what he did.

                                                                                    PPD was unsure who to pick for himself and Sumail said "PPD go for it" that is team chemistry that is what you want to hear from your teammate when you are unsure if you can pull something off and your team mate gives you the strength and encouragement to do it. You know what that lead to the "6mill echo" aa gave visoin and ulti to pull that off.
                                                                                    The way PPD described Aui's "encouragement" of the draft did not sound like that at all. More like flaming and criticising so there is a stark difference.

                                                                                    @BlackZargon you are clearly bias but that's ok that was the point of this whole debat that people have perceptions as to how things "should have been handled" or "who is in the right". My point was that we don't have all the facts so to feel entitled and righteous to make that judgement called is misguided.

                                                                                    Maybe your view is correct maybe Aui wasn't that bad and PPD is an egomaniac who didn't like his authority challenged and so Aui was kicked to bring back Arteezy because fear his father said so. But do you have any proof???? If not, then how do you justify your moral outrage and everybody else's moral outrage?

                                                                                    As to your Title "PPD'S THOUGHTS ON AUI" that is pretty open ended statement. If you mean was PPD justified in his blog. I ceartainly think so based on what Aui started as Baraq previously pointed out PPD responded to the shit storm that Aui created. Do I think it was professional? No! Would I have done the same under the circumstance? I'm not sure. Because I would be pissed as well if there was such backlash against me and my teammates and I felt like I tried to part on good terms. Again it's hard to judge because we don't have all the facts.

                                                                                    But let me ask you this BlackXargon you feel your hate for PPD is justified do you dislike the other members just as much are Universe, Fear and Sumail all terrible people??? Because EG's manger in his statement wrote that it was a "team decision". If Aui is really the angel that all of these EG haters think he is why would his removal been a team decision not just PPD's decision? There are always two sides to every story and if I'm sure about anything regarding this matter it's that we don't have the full picture...


                                                                                      ^ you're still missing the point.

                                                                                      it's not about who and how AUI was when he was with EG.
                                                                                      i don't care if it's true or not. The hell, if its true the more that PPD should keep it to himself.
                                                                                      Take the "higher" road, take the "$11M" mindset and just move on.

                                                                                      Why is there a need to bash and prove that what you did is true?
                                                                                      There's only one fucking reason. Because he's under big scrutiny and he can't handle it and the only "PROFESSIONAL" fucking way to handle it from his perspective is to just TELL TO THE WORLD ALL THE PILE OF SHIT THAT AUI has.

                                                                                      What a Captain. What a master drafter. What a strategist. Fucking overrated.

                                                                                      K a i -

                                                                                        i think that eg did right to kick aui because he was afk sometimes in games
                                                                                        he was just standin there
                                                                                        doin nothin


                                                                                          No you are missing the point think of it in terms of your family. Imagine you have a friend who hangs out with your family and everything is cool. Well for unknown reasons that friend is no longer a friend and you part ways. Now that friend goes on a public form TWITTER and bashes your family "I HATE PEOPLE!". Unbeknownst to your friend (whether he intended or not) the majority of the people start to hate you and your family for terminating your friendship. People write hate mail, bash you on your social media and this goes on without your ex-friend clarifying his statement. no explanation absolutely nothing. Your friend just lets everyone think what they want and continue to bash you and your fam.

                                                                                          What DO YOU DO???? BalckZXargon How do you respond?????


                                                                                            buy ak and shoot everyone who bashes you?


                                                                                              Now that is what I call a family man ^^. And 1+ mill gets you lots of aks as well as ammunition so would def work maybe a bit extreme but effective.


                                                                                                If the Question is Professional or not.

                                                                                                My Answer is 'No'. That is Not Professional. he supposedly to meet him face to face talk about it and make Formal Letter about that. ( like irl companies )

                                                                                                not via skype. Yes it's DOTA2 it's a game. but when you go to pro. you must go to pro entirely.

                                                                                                and from EG Twitter Official and others like shit must make a fucking statement first that Aui is left from rooster because of bla-bla-bla-bla.

                                                                                                now that's what i call professional.


                                                                                                  make a fucking reply into your blog is unprofessional EVEN he have valid points. it's like bunch of girls that talk about each others via facebook status.

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                                                                                                    Last picking is 4 pussies


                                                                                                      PPD after the back lash wrote a 1 page thesis on why the move was made about two paragraphs on it puts aui on blast.

                                                                                                      Aui has a new team though and he is over it and so should it be on these forums.

                                                                                                      I am personally rooting for EG to fail next year though granted they for sure owning the shuffle.

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