General Discussion

General DiscussionBloodrage and lotus orb

Bloodrage and lotus orb in General Discussion

    If a blood raged bloodseeker dagoned an active lotus orb, would he take double blood rage damage multiplier? Would he take quadruple if the target was also bloodraged?

    How much damage would be reflected if bloodseeker had an active blademail?

    Тази тема била редактирана

      Lel no.

      Do you see two people with blademail dying to 1 attack because the damage reflects endlessly between the blademails? Same thing here.

      Mac_Lilypad [NL]

        if it bounches from lotus orb it is as if the lotus orb hero casted the dagon on blood, so it will only multipile 1 time, if that hero also has bloodrage he takes double rage multipiler


          So similar if lotus orb carrier is affected by veil of discord - the attacker gets the magnified effect?


            Fast battle cast blood rage on lotus orb then duke it out with amp damage on both.