General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp me calculate my mmr

Help me calculate my mmr in General Discussion
HerO 64

    Tips for my next games and calculate my mmr .
    Thank you


      your actual skill is probably 3k since you lost first game in normal bracket then you lost even more. but the calibration is retarded so you might get 3.8 something even tho you should be well below 3k

      HerO 64

        vhs 3k? xD


          Dude i create new acc. And i think i end up like u. But my prediction to ur mmr is at least 4k. Its just my opinion. When ur calib ends? Pls post it here when u get ur mmr. I like to to know gl.


            arround 3.5-3.6




                VHS means the average is 3.8 in that game you could still be 3k or 5k or 8k or 2k.


                  lol 100% winrate with bs XD . Well play more heroes. Then it would be interesting to look at your profile :D


                    it does not matter since u only play 10 heros or so. start playing more heros.

                    HerO 64

                      oks thanks guys ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ :3 I will take your advice