General Discussion

General DiscussionIm about to die.

Im about to die. in General Discussion
lm ao

    #1 Tidehunter in the world (9 KDA and friggin unbelievable 100% win rate :OOOOOO) dont deserve to die :'(


      i love memes

      Dota Minus

        yes this post is good

        é c l a i r ♬

          I'm no doctor. But if you're really succumbing to cancer, and have decided to foregone medication and what you call that damned radioactive treatment thing, why don't you try going vegan for a month or two? Research it. Many cancer patients have cured themselves by going vegan.

          Briefly put, cancer = acidic. When you eat meat, sugar, etc, you are feeding the cancer. Starve the cancer to death by eating more vegetables and fruits. RESEARCH IT.

          The cancer in you is having a killing spree. Control it. Gank it. Starve it. If you're going down, go down with a fucking fight. Don't you dare give up.


            cancer cured by gonig vegan.
            Weed cures it to.
            and 911 was the BUSH

            Also if youre not 5k its becuase of team.

            Hotel? trivago

              @sacrifice VIII, thats what i told him on the previous page :P
              vitamin b17, vegan, gluten free etc

              weed does cure cancer, there is a process to make oil from it and then to drink it if im not mistaken.

              and once i remember having read something in china where a doctor has a record of 100% cancer patients survives without going through chemo :P

              and also in china where thiere is a special nutella which have marijuana in it. only people with prescription can buy it

              and do check

              and join this group, there are like "many" people with experience and who survived cancer who are ready to help you :D

              Quick maffs

                I mean, if you arent trolling there is something i have been thinking about

                If i knew that i am dying, the last thing i would ever do is play dota, there is so many things i wanna do that i have never done before, just the thought of me spending my last days playing dota makes me sad/mad.

                Then i remenber that every day you live is another day that you died a little bit ( death isnt coming, death is happening everyday ) and i got even more mad because i am clearly wasting my life with this fucking stupid game and even worst with fucking internet, browsing stupid memes or news about things that i dont care about/do not affect my life.

                GOD the amount of time i have wasted on my life is amazing. fucking amazing

                Hotel? trivago

                  @RobbinTheHood -
                  been there done that bro...
                  i totally understand you. but what to do we just can't help it.

                  dota is fun, sometimes you don't want to do anything not even talk to people, then dota is good

                  memes are fun and you laugh/smile a lot with those.

                  the ony thing that is wrong is out life style.

                  most people's lifestyle are:
                  - wake up and eat
                  - go to school/work/university
                  - socialize a bit if others does not have their face in their ipad/phones
                  - return home tired and take a bath
                  - have dinner and play dota a bit
                  - go to sleep
                  - and loop back

                  that said, in most countries, working hours are around 8 ans some more, but personally i think that 8 hours of work is way too much. no people can be productive for 8 straight hours a day. this is human abuse, and in china and co, working hours are lots more and they gets paid very little.. sad :(

                  no one bats an eye about this. everyone just follows the typical lifestyle..

                  and also to be able to do everythink you wanted, if you know you are about to die, welly ou need money.....
                  if you have no money then you cannot do anythingthat you really want

                  Quick maffs

                    To be honest i have know some people that have a good amount of money and its incredible how they still manage to live the same fucking boring life that most of us live.

                    I try to do my best to change my routine and do different things, though i am pretty broken so i cant afford to do too much stuff, but i have friends that really have no problem about wasting SO much of their time with games or internet, i really dont understand how can someone be happy with that ... but to each his own i guess.

                    Dire Wolf

                      Cus technology is closing the gap between the lifestyles of poor and rich. Entertainment is cheapest it's ever been and so is food. So poor people have more disposal income and don't have to spend a lot to be entertained. If I was rich I'd probably do the exact same things I do now only I wouldn't work so I'd do those same things more.

                      é c l a i r ♬

                        @Locustv2 Ah, I'm glad there are people who believes in it too. I was taking a bit of a risk posting that because the last time I did, I didn't get very favourable response. Not sure what weed is but I think cannabis helps a lot too.

                        And you're right about the 8 hours thing. It's crazy. I can't even do my favourite things for 8 hours straight. Gotta change things up a bit and sneak in a variety of things if I needed to one thing for a long period of time. Hell, I can't even sleep for 8 hours a day (I hate sleeping, but understand its importance. I sleep 6-7 hours a day.) I write. I love writing. At first, I felt like I was a lazy bum for not writing for 8 hours a day. But I later realized it was a folly idea to even try to write for more than a few hours consecutively. I later did some research and many writers, too, write only for a couple of hours a day. If they wanted to write more, they would be doing something in the afternoon, then continue in the evening.

                        P.S: This forum really needs a quote button =/


                          Yes i know weed cures cancer, and going vegan not only proves that GOD exist but also gives you a 100% place in heaven.
                          And yes ofc not only in europe but also china (where this magical nutella creeme is) its not 5k because of idiots in team.

                          And as we all know bush took down the towers.

                          and illuminati is real. 911 meme dont use brain google

                          and santa.


                            and alsot hey mostlly come at night.


                            Gaming is Dead

                              guys top these post are more shitty than my mmr
                              (relevant icon)


                                jet fuel can't melt steel beams


                                  Exactly. jet fuel can't melt steel beams becuase weed cures cancer. and Pubs are Cancer.

                                  Hotel? trivago

                                    yeah i believe in it because i read a lots of articles and stuff as well as people's experience.. so im sure it's true :P

                                    Im actually working on something to make these things realistic, like be able to make money with the things you like most.
                                    i left my job for that, i just hope i can make it :(
                                    i dont want to be some slave of a company or shit...

                                    as you just said you like writing, so it would be great if you write and amke money right? :P


                                      Oh If i had a nickel for every pothead who though them smoking weed somehow CHANGED the world.

                                      Lets get our facts straight here people.

                                      First of all Religion is a mind virus.
                                      Kinda like a Chain-letter. You know those Emails you get where it says
                                      "send this to 5 more people and something good will happen, or dont and something bad will"

                                      It only takes a small minority of weakminded people to fall into this nonsencen for it to spread like a virus.
                                      its a waste of time that should be stoped in the same way we have Spam-filters for email.

                                      And for the nonsence about weed curing cancer.
                                      First of all CANCER is not just ONE thing.
                                      its not like Aids, wherein its ONE thing that could be magicall fixed by ONE solution.
                                      Secondly if it did actually do work even in the slightest it would be used by all countries Allover the world.

                                      While helping people is good and all, spreading missinformation and spewing out falshope is just plain wrong and dangerous.

                                      And to touch the whole Vegan topic and its destorted view on morals is yet again a fad that makes no logical sence whatsoever.

                                      To sum up:

                                      Religion, food or weed should not be a standard for morals or ethics.

                                      Bad people will do bad things without religion
                                      good people will do good things without religion

                                      It takes religion to make Good people do Bad things.

                                      Or someone who is stoned.
                                      or high on a highhorse from going Vegan.

                                      If anything most people that smoke weed will actually GET cancer from inhailing smoke and all the other Shit that is put into weed, Soil and nutrients not to mention the ciggarettes that most people blend or mix it with.

                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                      waku waku

                                        I think you're confused there. Cancer is just when some parts of your body start growing where they should not be. So in theory you can just cut off all the cancer cells and it's gone. But AIDS actually destroys your immune system and it's hard to do something against that because to fight back your immune system needs to be working and being infected with this means it's not, and it'd be infected parts of your body which you cut off, not the virus - which you can't detect easily unlike cancer


                                          Cancer is the general name for a group of more than 100 diseases.

                                          Cancer does infact starts when cells in any part of the body start to grow out of control.

                                          The reason i compared it to Religion and Hiv is becuase just like a Virus changes DNA it can spread.
                                          A Virus is a good analogy

                                          If you look biologically at what a virus does, its made of DNA or RNA which contains instructions.
                                          That dont say something interesting like building a body.

                                          All in the service of making more DNA like this
                                          Most DNA wants to "make more DNA like me"

                                          But for say a Cat this large digression of say building a Leg heart or lung and so on.

                                          For a virus its shorter.
                                          But for a virus its more about Copy me replicate me spread me around.

                                          Any idea that passes from brain to brain that says Copy me is like a virus.


                                            weed cures pubs

                                            lm ao

                                              watch andy salad. git kyuuureddddddddd slayer

                                              é c l a i r ♬

                                                Who the fuck said anything about religion?


                                                  I agree that cancer is is the general name for a group of more than 100 diseases.

                                                  But all the disease are actually similar in some way where your body cells start malfunctioning

                                                  If you cut the cancer cells out from your body and prevent it from spreading to other parts of yout body, it can be cured.
                                                  What big pharma suggest to do this is via radiation from chemotheraphy.

                                                  And i hope that you know that radiation is very dangerous. They use their tool to focus the radiation only at the cancer cells to destroy them, where they might miss some of the cells, which can later cause the cancer to come back.

                                                  And you saw in which state the people who went through radiation become. very weak, thin, no hair etc. just because radiation is so dangerous it can kill the patient, and the big pharma would just say it was too late and the cancer reached the final stage.

                                                  Radiation has never cured cancer and will never cure. When you go through chemo you destroy cancer cells as well as healthy cells in your body.

                                                  I think that to cure cancer, we must go to the root of it's cause, which is food and drinks. The products they use on animals to make them big and fat, or to keep vegetables longer and avoid pests etc. This is the actual cause of cancer and many other disease.

                                                  We should go organic and eat fresh food and stuff lol

                                                  And also the big pharma spent milions and bilions on research to cure cancer and other illness. Do you think they they will let their research go vain and not say that other things which can cure cancer like marijuana be dangerous? well up to you to decide.

                                                  Getting sick is not "natural", it's only natural in our sick "culture", where people eat crap and lead an overall unhealthy lifestyle that crushes our immune systems, leaving us helpless and blind.

                                                  And it has been scientifically proven that all cancer patients have a pH that is too acidic.

                                                  The lower the ph reading, the more acidic and oxygen deprived the fluid is. The higher the ph reading, the more alkaline and rich in oxygen the fluid is. The ph range is from 0-14 with 7.0 being neutral. Anything above 7.0 is alkaline, anything below 7.0 is considered acidic
                                                  A normal person should have a pH of ~7.2.

                                                  Some people reversed their cancer by going on an alkaline diet, that is drink a lot of lemon juice, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), cutting of meat and going organic. This is because cancer cells cannot live in an oxygenated alkaline environment but thrives in an acidic environment. baking soda is very powerful and can be found in every kitchen, do you think that cancer industry will tell you to use this instead of their milions research medecines and other stuffs?

                                                  We live in a world where it's money that talks, not people. People will think that having an iphone6 they bought at 30k is better than an iphone 6 someone bought at 29k on sale.

                                                  Well long ago people had to work hard to get things, now all teens have everything and some don't even need to study because their parents are so righ they can live 5-6 more generation. No reason we have many dumb people around lol.

                                                  Well im no scientist or anything, but upto you to decide. i made my research, and i hope you do yours guys. :P