General Discussion

General Discussion6.85 when?

6.85 when? in General Discussion

    I remember when this patch hits and i said am will be one of the best heroes in this patch

    Anyway not really good at predicting but i say
    Lesh nerfed
    Pl nerfed slightly
    Storm nerfed slightly
    I dont believe qop needs a nerf
    Lina ulti dmg nerfed or her combo dmg nerfed so she farms slower
    Sf idk if he needs a nerf tbh i believe he will be untouched or a slight indirect nerfs maybe a nerf to meka on agi heroes
    Imo bh is 1 of the most op heroes in this patch , id rather face a lesh storm bs on him

    Bs idk what will icefrog do to him , monster in pubs weak in comp like he always was

    Riki might be the new cancer
    Kunka seems strong if he gets buffed
    Ck and sven r extremly strong i even pick sven sometimes these days idk i see if he get buffed he will be op
    Warlock and puck can get up if the meta shifts toward them
    And if wr gets buffed and the meta shifts a bit ( no one who can nuke her in 1 sec) she will be the next leshrac

    Този коментар е бил редактиран

      i hope glimmer cape becomes purgable.

      Miku Plays

        kappa check your predictions


          Wow Fire well played mate


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