General Discussion

General DiscussionCurrent meta NP builds

Current meta NP builds in General Discussion

    So NP is one of my go to heroes, and with the advent of SS lina bloodcyka etc, I got stomped hard, was 3.8k and got stomped post ti5 to like 3.1k lol.

    So I've been experimenting with new things, my go to NP builds were midas, then maybe blademail, orchid, sheep, mkb, daedelus, heart etc, was a battle np...

    now i'm messin around with octarine and aghs and just trying to find playstyles that work in 6.84 meta with NP, and slick NP's out there got some insight?

    (Fuck shadowblade split push NP, that shit was like 2 years ago and sucks so much dick)


      It depends what you do with the shadow blade and how you use it. I use it to engage rather than escape. Sheep is good, but committing so much to split pushing isn't always the best way to go though sometimes sneaking a Sceptre can overwhelm them at the right time.

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