General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is it with so many cancer retards in ~4.7k bracket.

What is it with so many cancer retards in ~4.7k bracket. in General Discussion
黑鬼 [我不好]

    hi ive got 1,000+ games w/ pudge and I'm still shit


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    Riguma Borusu

      See, people like Hanter are why I am stuck bellow 3.2k, like absolutely totally kappa

      In every game there's one of those on my team. :'((((((((((((

      They rage every time something bad happens.

      They don't really do anything to improve the situation.

      They just continue doing bad things themselves.

      They lose the game even if we lead, because they can't farm.

      They have a shitty skill build.

      They blame teammates for everything.

      Hanter, I have one of those in my team, every few games. And I am sub 3.2k. And you seem to be the exact same way. For all I know, from all the data and stats I've gathered about your pay, you may even bellow in sub 3.2k :x

      But people like Hanter are not the reason I am sub 3.2k. It's because I am garbage tier player. And don't try too hard to improve, and sometimes I rage/abandon too when I see bad shit happening.

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        I played like shit today, but my teammates carried me.

        Hail matchmaking system!


          So we were at hero pick stage and 3 man (including me) wanted to go farm, so I just let it aside and picked AM for offlane, told them I go offlane solo and they said sure, so everyone picked their heroes but we had a russian and he insisted on playing carry, he ended up randoming fifth pick Drow Ranger, so I just went solo offlane and Drow went farming top with Void, after Drow noticed he can't get any last hits he bought a tp and went bot to farm there while I'm there.. I didn't say a word and just went into the jungle. Drow died 3 times and said ''ok gg go finish'' after that I just went afk, Drow sold all his items, bought couriers and walked down mid and fed, this game felt like a low priority game but then the game turns out to be ranked 4.8k average. The Drow was 4.9k mmr. 4k mmr bracket in a nutshell.

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            This thread is pure gold.


              By the way, hearing all these 4-9k MMR horror stories, I just want to stay a 2k scrublord for the rest of my life. Ranked games at this bracket seem to have much higher quality (less feeders, people tryhard most of the time, almost no abandons/afks).

              I feel sorry for the 15% at this point.


                ^ 2k matches are heaven compared to 4.7k.

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                  plz do

                    lol, ur making actually 300 games this month, but u dont get better. all u do is tilt and flame. i dunno man, seems like u need to turn some things around.

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                        "picked AM for offlane"

                        Something went wrong at that point...

                        P.S. You play too much.

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                            Dunning kruger at its best :D


                              You just need to master how to ignore/not care ladder anxiety :)


                                keep ballin dude


                                  What I noticed is that low priority is 90% russian players and those russians play low priority like it's a 6k mmr game, but in ranked they play like it's low priority, makes perfect sense but you can't expect more from russians.


                                    thats why im sure u r russian
                                    not to mention that u play pudge and whine


                                      By Putin's orders we ruin your DOTO and flood on dotabuff. This is our asymmetrical response to western sanctions.


                                        afaik most of the sanctions, particularly those ones related to food/clothing/other import, were introduced by our own government, although somehow it is presented as if it was some1 else's fault that we cant buy a fucking mozarella except the one coming from BLR, which tastes awful.


                                          yea fuck putin 4Head

                                          average kebab enjoyer

                                            Soultrap and a few other have higher MMR and point out your mistakes. You ignore the statements, and say your 'statements' are not excuses but facts. Do you even try to listen to yourself, or are the words just coming out of your mouth/being typed by your fingers without your consensus? Anyways, thanks you amused me greatly. <3


                                              Ты серьёзно? Мы что ввели санкции против самих себя? Хотя, если честно, то я даже и не заметил бы эти санкции, если бы о них в новостях не говорили постоянно. Из одежды я ношу только свитер и джинсы, а из сыров... даже не знаю, может плавленый? Плавленый сыр вообще считается "сыром"? По-моему, нет.

                                              P.S. Делюсь рецептом: высыпаешь в тарелку доширак, кладёшь сверху ломтик плавленого сыра и заливаешь кипятком. Очень вкусно.


                                                What kind of steak do you want to be in life


                                                  я про моцарелллу для пиццы, я ее готовлю часто.
                                                  все санкции на импорт ввели мы сами как ответ на санкции против наших банков.

                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                  waku waku

                                                    da ti gurman esli uchishya v univere i eshe sam gotovish pizzu

                                                    lm ao




                                                      难道你恨谁站起来,为黑人的任何人? ......或者是......你恨,你自己,因为你是黑人?



                                                      我所做的只是进入subreddit ,并表达我对主题的看法。我没有任何巨魔成员,我没有骚扰任何成员,我没有在任何成员张贴侮辱。我只是说我的看法。




                                                      lm ao

                                                        Nǐ de yìsi, yǒu shé me bùduì ma?

                                                        Zhè shì nǐ qīngshàonián fànzuì?

                                                        Zhè shì nǐ quēfá zìwǒ kòngzhì de?

                                                        Nándào nǐ hèn shuí zhàn qǐlái, wèi hēirén de rènhé rén? ...... Huòzhě shì...... Nǐ hèn, nǐ zìjǐ, yīnwèi nǐ shì hēirén?

                                                        Nà shì wǒ shūrù dehuà, shǐ nín húnshēn dōu qǐ jīpí gēda, yīnwèi tāmen fàng dào nín de píngguǒ chē/shāng tòule nǐ de zhěnggè jīchǔ sī chéng suìpiàn, ér nǐ de zhǒngzú zhǔyì xīnzàng cúnzài zàidú wǒ dehuàguò ma?

                                                        ...... Yīnwèi...... Xiǎng xiǎng...

                                                        Wǒ suǒ zuò de zhǐshì jìnrù subreddit, bìng biǎodá wǒ duì zhǔtí de kànfǎ. Wǒ méiyǒu rènhé jù mó chéngyuán, wǒ méiyǒu sāorǎo rènhé chéngyuán, wǒ méiyǒu zài rènhé chéngyuán zhāngtiē wǔrǔ. Wǒ zhǐshì shuō wǒ de kànfǎ.

                                                        Méiyǒu gèng duō, bù huì shǎo.

                                                        Wǒ dehuà shì rúcǐ qiángdà, rúcǐ shāshāng lì, suǒyǐ wéi jǐrèn...... Wǒ bèi jìnsài zhǐshì gōng gōngjìng jìng, shuōmíng wǒ de yìjiàn.

                                                        Nǐ zhīdào wǒ bìxū yǒu yīgè kěpà de, gèrén de, rúguǒ wǒ néng dǎozhì nuòfū gǔ qǐ zúgòu de kǒngjù, jìnzhǐ wǒ zài fābù yīgè gōngjìng de yìjiàn----shǐyòng tā kùnrǎozhe xiàng yōulíng yīyàng páiwài dehuà.

                                                        inst:  MissMissclick

                                                          hahahaha here we have a perfect specimen of someone with severe delusions. you put down ur russian teammate for playing bad, feeding, and giving up the game. in ur head thats qualifies as having a retard in your team, so you afk. but do u not see the irony that you are often that russian, playing bad, feeding, and giving up prematurely? except to you the reason for playing bad is always someone else.


                                                            I fluctuate between 3.5k to 4k, (currently at 3.5k)

                                                            I don't know what it's like in your bracket but that kind of attitude is not a very good thing mate..

                                                            try to get along and be nice...


                                                              High quality match guys 6:16 slardar safelane carry.



                                                                you must be shitposting. you have 700 tower damage as sf and you think you can talk shit about other teammates lmao

                                                                saving private RTZ

                                                                  I can guarantee you it definitely doesn't work like that, I believe there's a certain amount of good players (including me) that are stuck at 4XXX rating because they get nonstop retards in team.
                                                                  I can guarantee you it definitely doesn't work like that, I believe there's a certain amount of good players (including me) that are stuck at 4XXX rating because they get nonstop retards in team.
                                                                  I can guarantee you it definitely doesn't work like that, I believe there's a certain amount of good players (including me) that are stuck at 4XXX rating because they get nonstop retards in team.
                                                                  I can guarantee you it definitely doesn't work like that, I believe there's a certain amount of good players (including me) that are stuck at 4XXX rating because they get nonstop retards in team.

                                                                  saving private RTZ

                                                                    Honestly, i dont give a shit about this but let me tell you smth:

                                                                    You come here with a question. then some people with less mmr than you try to answer.

                                                                    You trashtalk them bcuz they are lower than you.

                                                                    Then some people with much higher/higher mmr than you like Kitrak, sam, triplesteal, afeect(boon) come and give their opinions. then you trashtalk them as well cuz "they dont mean anything to you"

                                                                    So then whats the point of this thread? If you dont want to listen to anybody, why would you even ask a question?

                                                                    And now ofc, you will probably respond with " lmao 3k trash"

                                                                    saving private RTZ


                                                                      700 SF TD


                                                                      picked AM on offlane. Is this still team fault? Not you for picking a very greedy hero?


                                                                      idk man, i see your team did better than you


                                                                      enemy team was feeding, "full of retards"
                                                                      but thats fair to you right? only when u have retards is all bad

                                                                      carried. eh, you can say it was a LP game


                                                                      let me guess. U lost mid to SF as leshrac? who ganked u? Dazzle? Bat pre 6? rofl

                                                                      again 200 TD dmg as SF

                                                                      Im not saying u suck every time, u have some good games, but lets take your overview page.

                                                                      from your last 15 games or so, u have like 4 good games, 2 with SF, both loss, 1 with AM, 1 with Pudge. And the SF are relative good cuz you got like 0 tower dmg.

                                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                      saving private RTZ

                                                                        Im pretty sure right now,, why u lose so many games.

                                                                        U pick waaay to greedy. SF into AM and invoker? :

                                                                        SF into lina, slardar, Riki? :

                                                                        AM into Void, Tinker,drow :

                                                                        SF into lina, NS, sven :

                                                                        U lose cuz you never have a true support on your team. All members are equally farmed on your team, so enemy usually outfarms you.
                                                                        You never want to sacrifice for the game and play support. Always a greedy hero although team has picked like 3 cores


                                                                          Your attitude and your manners are the cancer in the Dota2 community and I think most people would agree with me that you should take a break from Dota2 and do sth. else. Please.

                                                                          Best Regards


                                                                            ^ ''take a break from Dota2'' u understand I'm not gonna change my ways right? I'm gonna keep on playing this game because I enjoy it. I usually don't start flame wards, it's mostly teammates that are just flaming eachother nonstop and after a while I even get involved in it asking how they could possible insult someone when they are standing 4-14 (for an example) on a carry. ''But you can mute them''
                                                                            >If I mute them I still see a massive amount of pings coming out from them.

                                                                            saving private RTZ

                                                                              ^ maybe he wouldnt be 4-14 if he got a proper team. You always pick greedy


                                                                                It's not about me picking greedy, it's just me getting bad players, the reason I always pick mid/carry is because I know nobody in this bracket will carry me, no matter what I play, that's why I only play carry/mid and carry most games myself (hoping I get a decent core player in my team) but the past few days I only got retards as carry/mids, funny thing though is that most of them are 5ks.

                                                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                saving private RTZ

                                                                                  Well idk, I gave some examples above in my previous posts, with games where u had 4 cores on team. And I doubt you first pick core or smth so you can say that your team didnt want to play support, I bet you wait for at least 3rd pick and then u still pick a core despite already having enough cores maybe.

                                                                                  it seems like you dont want to win anyway, u think is better to have weak ass lanes than proper lanes? And then you still blame your team for feeding.

                                                                                  or you just went through a bad phase .

                                                                                  idk, this is just my opinion, I could be totally wrong tho



                                                                                    High quality ranked match

                                                                                    3.9k ember
                                                                                    5.3k ogre
                                                                                    4.7k riki

                                                                                    Ember went like 0-6 mid before 10 minute mark, ogre fed whole game and flamed.


                                                                                      ^Look at your opponents. LC with MoM + Refresher, but no Blink or Blademail. WR with Dagon. You say that your teammates are bad, but your opponents are as bad at least, if not worse.

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                                                                                          @Soultrap, WR bought Dagon when they mega raxed us, doesn't matter what the enemy's team itembuild is.
                                                                                          It's about how my team is full of monkeys while enemy team is professional EG stack.

                                                                                            Този коментар е изтрит


                                                                                              I'm doing decent mid against leshrac, lion wants to gank I tell him not

                                                                                              he ganks and dies, flames me.

                                                                                              second attempt he ganks again I tell him not to and we both die.

                                                                                              Leshrac level 8 and im 6 but he says ''REPORT MID HE LOST MID!!111''

                                                                                              I love this bracket.


                                                                                                hanter typical 4k idiot. You are just as bad as the ppl you play with, sorry to destroy your illusion


                                                                                                  51% ranked win rate not bad bro, you got like 7k games and play under 5k? XD

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                                                                                                    No incoming chat

                                                                                                      Zenoth is right, listen to him.