General Discussion

General DiscussionOh My God

Oh My God in General Discussion

    LMAO is this real life xD

    < blank >


      bum farto

        You lose more by killing people like that. Best thing to do is ignore them and let them split gold. If you let him die to towers you get shared gold, they lost that game cause of ended streaks multiple times which really hurt them in the late game.

        ....also techies.

        saving private RTZ

          What it bothers me is that they win without a true right clicker.

          I havent searched the replay, but I doubt dire carries weren't farmed enough to beat a abyssal Clockwerk


            have all links been disabled on dotabuff now?

            Giff me Wingman

              yes, BB code is disabled atm ;_;

              saving private RTZ

                yea, so i dont understand how BS and tiny couldnt win the game


                  Dire could've probably won if they splitpushed more, the only way for them to lose was to clump their 4 melee heroes up for an RP
                  which they did... multiple times.

                  lm ao

                    I saw the yasp chatlog and basing from the way they chatted, I had to make a double take to make sure it's really from SEA. So it really is from SEA...

                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                      Put more dedication into feeding next time and it will work.