General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you think blink dagger penalty is stupid?

Do you think blink dagger penalty is stupid? in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    If you hit 1199 units you teleport 1199 units, if you hit 1201 units, you teleport only 960.

    What's the actual logic behind this, why would people make Blink Dagger a skillshot of sorts? I find it to be completely unnecessary.


      its dumb not for the reasons you stated, they made an error in the porting, switching the properties of dagger and qop blink

      Riguma Borusu

        Well, now THAT's stupid I guess :|

        Livin' Real Good

          The logic behind this is simple, it's so the item isn't completely brain dead, and so that it requires some kind of train of thought to use, it's one of those things they just added to make us feel better about being skilled Dota players, and not playing the shitty children's game that is League of legends, hence the saying " Dota has a higher skill cap. " They did it just cause they could. It's a nice mechanic, helps make up for the fact that someone can just double tap it on reaction to blink toward their base without even aiming, gives them incentive to set a coordinate in most cases.

          Just kidding, I dunno, but what I said makes sense. lol

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          Riguma Borusu

            Well, that's all nice and all, but as one redditer said:

            "Sure this increases the skill cap of the game, it does take practice to consistently get the most out of your blink, but the question is if it's an interesting way of measuring the skill of the game? If every player was forced to type out the word "Expeditious" every time before casting a spell then that would also increase the skill cap and reward the players who practiced their ability to type out "Expeditious" quickly, but it wouldn't be an interesting way to measure skill in the context of Dota. I'm not saying this Blink Dagger thing is the same, but my point is that it's perhaps still a more arbitrary skill that isn't as interesting as measuring a players reflexes, fast decision-making and overall strategy, for instance."

            I just think it's a stupid skillshot. Things like nyx's stun is also a skillshot, but it's obviously why, nyx would otherwise be completely brain dead if you could easily and reliably target-stun. With blink it's just kind of random.

            Livin' Real Good

              Well, these small things all add up to make up the "hard" game that is Dota 2, I dunno, I love this game, and little like this. You don't like this mechanic, and that's cool, not everyone's gonna like everything about the game, and that's that. :)

              But you did just scare me though, Nyx with Unit Target stun. >.>

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              Riguma Borusu

                Well, with higher skill players, it's almost as good as a target stun, it's just that you have less to worry about being nyx'd by bad players :x

                Nyx is the only naturally invisible hero with a hard disable (besides mirana, who is more teamfight-oriented and whose arrow is even more of a skillshot), so it had to be balanced I guess.


                  Your clearly very new to dota. Basically everything in dota is like this.


                    sometimes its faster to manually do a sequence of things rather than shift queue them; it also looks stupid for the same reason, bit it actually isn't. it's part of the game.

                    Riguma Borusu

                      I am kinda new to DotA (9 months), but I am not new to wc3. I've been modding it since ~2006. I know why some things are the way they are (like cleave ignoring armor, the way vision is obstructed, etc). I just never saw this mechanic in wc3, and I see no real reason to implement it.

                      "sometimes its faster to manually do a sequence of things rather than shift queue them; it also looks stupid for the same reason, bit it actually isn't. it's part of the game."

                      Really? It has something to do with cancelling animations after the spell/attack has had its effect? I know I abused the shit out of this when orb walking while chasing people in wc3, and do it in DotA too.


                        cancelling animation, turning around, etc.

                        also you have a bit higher range for clinkz and drow attacks when manually clicking the arrow spells rather than using autocast. (or did u mean same stuff? "I know I abused the shit out of this when orb walking while chasing people in wc3, and do it in DotA too")

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                          @Sven Bømwøllen
                          Treant is naturally invisible too, but his ult is not a skill shot, I believe.

                          P.S. One thing that I don't understand is: why Viper has increased attack range when he uses his Q manually?

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                            everyone has increased attack range when he uses attack modificator manually

                            Riguma Borusu

                              TripleSteal, yeah, that's what I meant, I know about those things because I "abused" them in wc3, so it was natural for me in DotA. Huskar also gains around 50 range when using spears manually, also he can chase targets much easily once bb kicks in. I just don't know if, besides orb animations, there are other cases where you can use it in DotA 2.

                              Are there some actual spells where you can do things faster manually than with queue? I know some examples in wc3, just want to make sure it carries over to DotA. In wc3, there's an animation after you channel a spell, that makes your unit stand still after you could've actually moved without consequence, some spells with a cast point are essentially channels, so they behaved the same.

                              Obviously there's Magnus where you can RP and turn around during the cast, but I am not sure if it works if you shift-queue that action? Does it just finish the RP animation, and then turn, or turns as soon as it can? I'll actually have to test this, now I am interested.

                              @Soultrap, yeah, but treant won't really be able to burst you down past that disable, unless he's really farmed, built for DPS, has aghs+refresher or you're really really squishy.

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                                This sounds like noob rage because you try to blink too far.

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  ^I've gotten better at using blink, it's not that, I just think it's a stupid mechanic, and that there's really no reason for it to be there.


                                    I don't think it's only about skill, it takes both skill and luck (a.k.a. -risk taking). I really think it makes the game funnier, just like old arcades, it's pretty much the same all the time, a simple game, but it takes mastery to pull off the good moves, which give you a challenge and the possibility to have different outcomes out of only one action. If blink was assured, in a game where the important blinks are flee or fight, it would be boring, there's a thrilling thing for it to be like that, it involves fast decission making which is what makes dota (imho). There's so many different possibilities for stuff happen with dagger being like this.

                                    -> Please remove fog of war, I can't nuke my low hp prey bcuz a fucking tree, it's silly, remove fog.