General Discussion

General DiscussionEPIC BOSS FIGHT [BETA]

EPIC BOSS FIGHT [BETA] in General Discussion

    I've seen some of you boyz playing it yesterday, what about sharing some tips'n'tricks?

    Some pro tips from me are:
    make sure to have a necro, he always heals more than any hp pool until round 20 or so.
    Each Player should get a courier, just for the heck of it.
    Always stay together.
    Storm can solo pretty much any Boss by zipping from one Corner to another.
    Viable items I've found are AC, Heart, Deso, octarine core and their Upgrades.
    Get the golden hammer (midas hammer or w.e.)
    melee is probably shit, so far only spectre and PA even had a Chance late game
    make sure to revive your guys while some one is kiting the Mobs
    buy items as a whole, otherwise you will just drop them to the ground in the base and make a mess

    Riguma Borusu

      Aura stacking is huge in this mode, if you combine drow/luna and build for range, you can deal tons of physical damage. Drow's ult scales ridiculously with everything, just build her those +52523523 agi items, and the good thing is, they also give her survivability since it seems that evasion stacking is the most effective way of increasing survivability here.

      Also, don't bother with magical damage, at some point mobs will start having like 80-90% resistance to it, and since you can't spam spells as easily as you can right clicks, they spell-based/magical damage is mostly terrible here, especially since it does not scale with items, and items give retarded amounts of all stats.

      Also, get at least one highest level desolator, it's really godly, basically negates majority of boss' 100-200 armor.

      Also make sure to have high attack speed and MKB for rounds with bosses that summon, if you permabash them they won't be able to summon minions.

      Този коментар е бил редактиран

        ^ nice tip with the bash. the hardest rounds were always the treant one (and the final few rounds)

        Riguma Borusu

          Yeah, the alternative to MKB is really diffusal, but it depends on bosses having tiny mana pools, which some bosses don't (diffusal does fuck all to treants, though it fucks up ogres).

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            You need at least 1 early magic damage dealer or early round will give trouble I think. Skywrath Mage is good even at late game.

            Riguma Borusu

              ^Not really, you just need lots of ranged heroes to kite the first few bosses. But it will certainly be faster if you have magical damage.

              lm ao

                This mode is retarded, super duper anti-fun


                  magic damage is bad? man idk what you're smoking but magic damage is better than pure for many parts, especially 30 and 31, idk if 32 has been fixed yet.

                  before the lvl 31 patch several friends and i have solo'd IMP and done some speed runs and i can tell you that magic damage is generally the way to go, altough melee fury and gungnir do make melee very viable. For solo runs, always die 4-5 times early for more gold, and the only viable hero that still works WELL is PL. you can probably do alright with others, but it will take far longer.

                  I honestly wouldnt go ranged, i know everyone else may tell you too, but theyre usually idiots that wont buy powder.

                  If you want to do impossible runs i have a group which usually goes under 30 mins and we just pick random shit, message me.

                  The most OP heroes are warlock, tinker(just for rearm on chronos powder), PL and huskar(for lvl 31).

                  oh and you can stack debuffs from multiple deso's, viel's, aruas etc. viel of priest+lost hopes usually makes resistances negative 100% and more.


                    ^ what are buying at the start? I have problems with slardar, simply because I'm like 500 gold off a big item

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      Divine Deso is fucking OP though. -1000 is no joke, considering Deso 4 only has -170, it's a huge upgrade. Also what, game has level 32 too now? It used to be 30, then I saw 31 but that was it.

                      bum farto

                        Found Troll/Storm/Drow/Sven to be amazing

                        Axe not as good as I though cause it's mostly single target not mobs but he can still tank it pretty good


                          isnt spectre better than axe? also just invite mt im up for custom games

                          waku waku

                            Zeus's pretty good with his aura and last skill giving him 6000 or 7000 int at that.

                            Bad Intentions

                              pudge is the only viable tank in dis game!


                                update: they kinda nerfed warlock, dunno about tinker, but still you can do all 32 rounds on impossible in about 30 minutes and long as you build correct magic damage.

                                i think you need bahmut chest to beat lvl 32 if you do it legit. there are super cheese strats where you dont even need a tank but you'll never get that with 6 other randoms.

                                also if you want to try someone new, skywrath is a beast, he'll out dps all of those sniper/drow/w.e pickers combined.