General Discussion

General DiscussionPa middle item build

Pa middle item build in General Discussion
Ded Kazarepku

    what is better on early/middle game?
    1) Power Treads, Ring of Aquila, Drum of Endurance
    2) Phase Boots, Ring of Aquila, Drum of Endurance
    3) Power Treads, Helm of the Dominator, Sange (Sange and Yasha)
    4) Ta build: phase, Yasha, desol
    5) your choice

    Ded Kazarepku

      after this always goes:
      Dominator (not in 3 and 4 point), basher, bkb, mkb(situational)


        it is highly dependant on enemy laneup and your playstyle

        Ded Kazarepku

          not lineup but pool of heroes. ofk lina make you to rush hp. playstyle is about mass fights with pa involved.

          Livin' Real Good


            I like this guys 6.5K build.

            But I don't always make the AC.

            I have my own build though, but definitely a fan of basher over BF, BF was sooooo last year.

            Този коментар е бил редактиран

              lineup=pool of heroes+their distribution on the lines


                and your itemization depends on lineup, not opposite team's picks only

                Ded Kazarepku

                  about heroes
                  im on Foxy-chan - my friend acc

                  Ded Kazarepku

                    for TripleSteal in russian
                    Тема лайнапа крайне обширна, я думаю нет смысла пытаться ссылаться на неё, иначе любую тему билдов можно привести к лайнапам. Интересует именно самый общий вариант. Естественно имея в команде какую-нибудь нагу мне надо будет расчитывать только на себя и остальных 3 первые 25 минут минимум. Или наоборот если у нас в легкой какойнить шторм и всякие андаинги бристлы, то я могу позволить себе более фармящий билд с расчетом на лейт гейм. По большому счету вопрос в следующем: Фаза или треды, не будет ли маловато хп, или все же дрмсов с авкилой хватит а +24 урона с критами будут смотреться по лучше. Вариант с дезолью мне сам по себе не нравится, слишком тонкий, тупо на лак. А вот вариант с быстрым доминатором а потом статы добить сашейяшей, не получится-ли что мои 700 хп просто будут аннигилированы и ранний доминатор никак не поможет, а до сия я просто не доживу уже.


                      this is an eng-lang forum so lets keep it this way
                      im leaving the wifi zone, gonna reply later

                      Ded Kazarepku

                        i have to many questions. too much for my english))) sorry for the first time.

                        Ded Kazarepku

                          2 Yorkey
                          I haven't watched the video fully but the highlights looked. so my opinion on this:
                          i was talking about mid pa, not pa with sup on lane.
                          theres no many magic damage, so hp is not enough need.
                          in this situation ill prefer to get bf and all other carry pa items



                            Ded Kazarepku

                              for vladimir?


                                headress pa is on old dotabuff meme, benao is joking

                                lm ao

                                  No, for jungle PA


                                    -lately most pa players prefer PT over phase, it fits current meta better
                                    -SnY is a rather weird item for PA
                                    -desol/basher is an old flow, its viable if you are aiming to stomp early game and enemy team lacks of disables
                                    -if you go for bottle, you can skip RoA
                                    -sometimes early bkb is a must (early = 1st core items)

                                    Ded Kazarepku

                                      Why SnY is weird? its cheap and give good stats.

                                      Ded Kazarepku

                                        early bkb its something like QO do in competitive dota) i already thougt about it.

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          ^Because SnY is usually built to catch up with people and avoid getting kited. PA really does not have this problem, as she has a skill that lets her slow enemies, a skill that lets her blink to enemies, a skill that makes 50% of attacks miss which can delay kiting by modifiers that slow you down, and a skill that lets you burst people down before they'd kite you. +16 str and agi might seem nice, but in reality, you want damage items that scale well with her ultimate (hence why phase were always so much more popular than treads), and 16 str is kinda pricey at that point, as you aren't using the full extent of SnY. Instead of using that ogre club in sange, you should get an earlier bkb, I think, which also comes with +damage that scales with your ult and... well, it's a bkb.

                                          SnY is luckluster because for its price you can just get better things for PA, 4100 is pretty huge if it makes you delay your basher or bkb, and SnY is comparatively underwhelming if you build it after, and if you are building it after, say, dominator, bkb, basher etc, I wonder why you're not finishing your satanic, which actually does help you with lategame survivability, or an abyssal which gives you a reliable stun makes your life much easier as it actually also gives you raw damage to make your crits skyrocket.

                                          It's not that it does not work on PA, it's just that there are so many better options that it's a waste of potential. Also, the only point you'd have problems catching up to people is when they roll out BKBs, in which case skadi would do the job, rather than SnY, and skadi is a solid pickup on most heroes, not perfect on PA, but can help in very specific circumstances. Even then, the thing is, if you get an abyssal or at least basher, you should not really have any problems catching up.

                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                            SnY gives you MS and slowing passive, none of which is actually needed due to the skillset you got


                                              Phase Aquilla Drums Basher then Battlefury

                                              You get Battlefury late game for the team wipes

                                              Build her this way and you can fight fast.

                                              PA is not a stay back and farm... she is a scary beast, and the Phase plus Drums early means she can 2 hit most supports at 15 minutes


                                                Typical Normal Skill comment.

                                                Ded Kazarepku

                                                  thanks about SnY explanation.

                                                  Ded Kazarepku

                                                    so what iv got. early hod + sny is wrong cos as i think after hod should goes something valuable, but sny or scady is not a perfect choise, but i still need some stats. satanic = low damage and expensive. without stats i would be an easy target for nukers. bkb can solve the problem, but i think that this will not work. In other case drums r perfect, than i go hod bkb basher and anything i want in any order.

                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                      get phase,dominator,basher,bkb.. if you have good farm in early game only then... get bf first.


                                                        Another Normal Skill type comment^ and guess what NORMAL FUCKING SKILL

                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          He may be Normal Skill, but you're Benao, so...


                                                            the only game i won after getting out of low priority and back to low priority
                                                            5,6k avg

                                                            benao the 6k+ raper



                                                              notice the picks!


                                                                and consider the meta. And don't ever try to undermine my knowledge/skill you fuckgn trash


                                                                  reead the chat too if possible, SCUM


                                                                    This guy got some serious problems i guess.


                                                                      don't play that hero, just spam FOTM picks like the kool kids :) because you'll end up rushing a bkb in 2/3 of your games in order to fight, and then you'll just get outfarmed :horse:


                                                                        arcane boots for dagger spam
                                                                        1st, Stats, 1st, Stats, 1st, Ulti :^)


                                                                          Don't forget ocarine core ^