General Discussion

General DiscussionItemization on TA

Itemization on TA in General Discussion

    What do you guys think:

    Power treads vs Phase boots

    To get or not to get Aquila

    I'm currently getting treads if i'm behind, and phase if i'm owning, on the assumption that given the fact that i'm owning, i'll want to chase people more than i want efficiency in the jungle.

    And i don't ever get aquila, i used to get a wraith band and tango on her, which i then upgraded to aquila later on. But honestly, i think that starting with tango + 2 branches and getting a fast bottle is better, since you don't really need the damage because of refraction, and aquila isn't really needed since you have bottle.

    Livin' Real Good

      In this meta the Ring of Aquila, Phase boots, Blink Dagger, Bottle, Desolator (I forgot the timing for all these 5 items, but maybe? around 19-23 mins?) is the popular build, that's the one I use, then found out that's Waga's favorite build right now too. Two level of PSI blades over some levels on Meld is also notable nowadays, this is my 3.7K opinion(which means nothing) but more importantly that's what Waga told me on stream.

      You'll see some TA's make Magic Wand as well, stats are always nice, but i'd rather just do the the Waga build above, the faster you get blink-Deso the EASIER it is to demolish teams mid game. Most heroes can't handle being hit with a level 4 Meld Deso by 20 mins without losing more than half their health.

      I dunno man, Aquila does a lot for her, she is an agility hero after all.

      She's getting 18 fucking damage cause of the 9 damage from the Aquila, and 9 damage gained from the +9 attributes.
      She also gets 9 attack speed cause of the attribute, mana regen, +3 strength and intelligence cause why not? and most importantly besides the damage, she gets 4 fucking armor, 3 from the ring, and 1 cause of the agility attribute.

      ^ This item does it all for her, easily the most cost effective item in the game for agility heroes.
      But I can see why you would rather just get a faster bottle :P

      I heard you go Treads if you're playing a carry type of role.

      Този коментар е бил редактиран

        i don't understand the skill build, lately i see ppl skipping meld and maxing it at level 14, why is that?

        Livin' Real Good

          ^ THAT i have not seen, WTF, lol

          But lately in this meta, I am pretty damn positive a lot more people are considering going 2-0-2-0 for her by level 4. PSI blades is definitely underrated in the laning phase, but it's good to see it taken into account more at least. For the queen match up getting meld at level 2 works for me, cause it's just crucial that you have a way to counter that OP fucking shadow strike. (her Q)

          Този коментар е бил редактиран

            you dont need meld for farming, and you are not supposed to rotate and fight b4 u get desol, so most players who are somewhat decent max the other skills first.

            Този коментар е бил редактиран
            Welt aus Eis

              treads is way more popular than phase atm, it provides higher DPS and it's arguably better when paired with dagger


                Idk man, i know that treads is better, but i just love clicking phase boots and going somewhere faster.


                  and by clicking i mean pressing buttons

                  the realm's delight

                    treads always, aquila if u get wraith band at lvl 1, and you get it depending on wether you need bottle fast vs their mid or not. a hero against which u'll need fast bottle is leshrac, a hero against which you dont is sf

                    i almost always get aquila and wand and most of the times i find myself selling one of them very fast cause i get deso at 13-14 minutes and i have no slot unless i drop tp. usually on radiant that is

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                    lm ao

                      TA is one of the fastest farming heroes around. If you are not a total nitwit, I guess you can farm a blink and upgraded boots of your choice at minute 12. I'm not sure about Waga's playstyle though, he tends to be obsessed in outfarming the enemy mid when you could rotate and get a kill or 2 before you get Desolator. About RoA, you simply do not need it, especially when you have Phase for the +24 damage and bottle for mana regen, assuming you were laning mid, ofc.

                      lm ao

                        And yeah, your judgement between getting Treads and Phase is actually correct. You'd get Red Treads to survive extreme levels of CC and Blue ones to catch up by farming the jungle with Refraction charges. Phase if the opposing Pudge just feeds hard.

                        Giff me Wingman

                          I'd say this (at least that's what i see at good TA players):
                          - PT ( Farms faster than phase boots)
                          - Aquila ( Is sorta neat to have, gives a bit of stats, manaregen and damage)
                          - Deso (Yes, u heard me, since this is a deathball meta, people tend to want to push towers fast and want to fight faster)
                          - If you still have good farm and u are doing well, keep up the snowballing and get blink otherwise switch to bkb.

                          Then it's more or less str8, crit, bfly, rapier etc. Depends on what you want and need. In ultra late u can switch deso for skadi or something.


                            Waga's style isn't wrong for his MMR.

                            When your teammates are all far inferior to you in skill then your job ain't to make space just for them to use it incorrectly. It's wrong if everyone is balanced in skill.

                            lm ao

                              Or rapira rush

                              Seems legit

                              lm ao

                                So now my opinions don't matter simply because I'm normal skill wtffffffff


                                  hey alison would you consider phase against lesh so you dont get as easily lightning => stunned or just get run down when hes 6 (probably faster than you)

                                  lm ao

                                    ^A SEA denizen add me cute girl


                                      do the waga build

                                      wraith band + tango => bottle => phase => blink => deso (=> BkB most games) => crit.

                                      1 shot bitches for days, easy games.

                                      the realm's delight

                                        yea i suppose phase might help for that avoiding lvl 1 and 2 stun but afterwards its pretty hard to avoid lvl 3/4 stun even with phase, i dont think its worth getting phase only to escape being killed in that small period of time, to give up the farm and sustainability treads provide. about chasing i usually stay mid for 10 minutes (unless i tp to help a lane being dived or whatever) and farm lane+ancients+woods so lesh can never chase me because of traps which i always have on mid and close to runes etc. once u have deso i think lesh is the one running away from you in a 1v1 scenario, until he gets euls+bloodstone, and by that time ta also has blink

                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                          Also, anyone have any tips for dodging? apparently in reborn you can't see who's muted

                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            Phase is better if you don't go dagger, but with the new buff (refraction preventing dagger from being cancelled) it became so good and failproof. Deso is obviously a no-brainer.


                                              thanks for the explanation alison, i agree with that.
                                              wouldnt you think phase is slightly more advantageous on dire though, its less farm oriented (treads would be better in terms of just farming ) and dire is mid is easier to gank compared to radiant mid, and you generally need to walk alot more on dire


                                                phase is actually stronger for farming, treads stronger for sustain

                                                sustainability is overrated in mid though since you already have bottle, and against heroes for which bottle isn't enough that little bit of sustainability isn't worth jack honestly, the sustainability argument only makes sense if you are going safe lane and not getting bottle

                                                the first farming peak you hit on TA is when you can two-shot an entire creep wave with refraction on, which lets you reliably clear a fresh creep wave walking towards you. with phase + deso alone you hit this peak, whereas with treads + deso you lack around 15-20 damage i think, which means given the same amount of map you farm slightly slower with treads

                                                in a vacuum you can take things like ancient stacks faster with treads but generally phase boots lets you farm more by virtue of getting around faster/letting you hit your first farming peak earlier

                                                also blink is honestly overrated, it's good on TA but not as core as deso

                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                the realm's delight

                                                  if you take it from that perspective yes it might be better but for me honestly its more a matter of preference, cause on paper phase provides damage and mobility right, while treads sustainability, so like a bit of everything, but if you build phase it contradicts with blink in a way, thats why sam also said you get phase if u dont go blink, and i think blink is core nowadays because of refraction buff, but only after deso. i would only go phase if i build ta the way dragonfist did with drums and yasha, but then you dont get blink anymore which i dont like

                                                  im sure it can work, but you kind of give away blinks potential

                                                  @zenoth u 2 shot creep wave with deso and treads on agility

                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                    ^ no you don't

                                                    you could only before the deso damage nerf, after the change you no longer can unless you get a full ring of aquila


                                                      How about getting SB/SE instead of blink?

                                                      the realm's delight

                                                        ^ its good sometimes


                                                          its really good against pa right?


                                                            its really good in general for games where your enemies have fast escape/instant disables and you need to pick off before you can push

                                                            for example if you're dong okay, 12 min deso 15-16 min sb, you can easily kill AM if he's struggling to up fury, shadow blade + hit + meld + hit will 2 shot him and often too fast for him to react with blink

                                                            heroes like lion, rubick etc are also much easier to pick off since blink has a audio cue which makes it easier for them to react, and you can scout for sentries/gem with your traps

                                                            don't forget deso amplifies the backstab damage, which lets her really lay in the hurt

                                                            general rule of thumb:

                                                            shadow blade > blink for pick off (you can avoid obs + scout out while invis, whereas blink relies on vision of target. your traps give you a rough idea of where the enemy is but often not the precise location.)
                                                            shadow blade > blink for putting pressure on map (forces more defensive plays)
                                                            shadow blade > blink for dps/stats (even scales into silver edge)
                                                            blink > shadow blade for roshan/pushing high ground
                                                            blink > shadow blade for general utility (aegis respawn blinks, etc)

                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                              ^ you probably meant 'psi-blade damage' instead of 'backstab' @line 6


                                                                Backstab as in the shadowblade bonus damage

                                                                Although I didn't mention but it can be splashed with psi blades too

                                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран



                                                                    oops xd


                                                                      treads+aquila+yasha+deso imo


                                                                        i always build my TA with 4-1-1-1 at lvl 6 and 4-4-1-2 at lvl 11

                                                                        i don't see the point of fucking lvl 2 psiblades. if you can't lend your meld without lvl 2 psi-blades then you are terrible at positioning. that's all. farming with psiblades? psiblades only give range. nothing more than it. if you can position your self well you can skip psi-blades on go for stats.

                                                                        first item is always bottle rush give mana and survivability from refraction. dagger for survivability and sudden attack. without dagger you just so fucking running to here and there aimlessly. TA have ability to 2-3 shot the fucking support. with Dagger you can go behind enemy lines and just kill their support. that will be most useful than aim their carry. desolator is the option. TA have no fucking other best orb effect. life steal is not option. so desolator is the best. it complement with meld.

                                                                        shadow blade is good in low level since he have natural ability to invisible in high level will be countered with dust easily. "/


                                                                          threads? i don't really like this items on TA. he have such sustainability with refraction. and he don't need attack speed all he need is raw damage. he not like gyro or anything. his job is to kill his enemy asap. the faster the better so phase is option. you move faster kill faster.


                                                                            Treads over Phase.

                                                                            If my mid is a spammy hero, 2 branch->bottle->wand

                                                                            If my mid is not spammy, wraithband->bottle->aquila

                                                                            If I'm doing well in lane, blink->deso

                                                                            If I've died/not doing so well, deso->blink