General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp me win MMR games!

Help me win MMR games! in General Discussion

    So my ign is Goten im 15 years old and playing in Sea server(Dont think like im a typical sea player.) my mmr is ranging from 3k to 3.3k and i want to raise it to 4k-5k. Give me some advice to win MMR games in a row. And advice how about playing MMR games. Thanks for your feedback and any advice will help alot.


      what makes you think you're not a typical sea player?

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          ohyea sure. Dem winrates say the same. Bad teammates, I suppose.


            Then what can i do to that sir ?


              "Cause i know how to play the game. And im not that bad at playing the game."

              thats what everyone thinks, so it kinda disproves your statement of being not a typical sea player.


                Then what can i do to that sir ?


                  I Believe in you Gotan, you would be 6K if these plebs weren't holing you back, you are the best player in all of dota. All of the other 3ks who think they should have a higher rank are delusional trench people, but you are the one brilliant mind shinning out from the greasy sea of peenioses.


                    Don't troll pls.


                      Yup, what TripleSteal said. You can do one thing: git gud. And you are not going to achieve that if you think that your "noob" teammates are holding you back. Of course there are dumbasses who feed intentionally but then again: there was a post not too long ago where a team won despite AM fed whole game long (he went 0-43 I guess). Just remember that if you lose, it doesn't mean you or your teammates were bad. It just means the other team was better. Of course it is trivial and I'm all like captain here but you learn more from lost matches than from the ones you rekt the enemy team under 20 minutes. You just have to find what went wrong in that match. Watch your replays, and you shall find out why you lost. Sure, you don't have to watch every replays, because if you were outdrafted it won't matter. Anyways, I hope you get the point.

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                        sorry for stating that statement sir. But you're telling me even some of my mates suck we can still win a game ?


                          Sure you can. Look, I remember a game where our KOTL bought blink+aghs and kept recalling us to cliffs once it was off cooldown. We were playing 3v5 after the 20:00 min mark and we won.


                            Thanks sir.


                              you can win a lot of games if u just stay positive and dont bklame ur teammates


                                never bklame your teammates


                                  go sto school it will raise your win rate by 20%


                                    and get gud u nub


                                      ^ go sto school and learn english, it will make your games to be played at very high skill against dendi.

                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                        dont bklame ur teammates