General Discussion

General DiscussionTop supports 6.85

Top supports 6.85 in General Discussion

    My vote goes for Shadow Shaman. This new Shackles cooldown is ridiculous:


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        Last picking is 4 pussies

          Hmm anyone missing ogre magi got buffed? Time for offlane ogre magi.


            Terrorblade... zero farm he can solo a carry, sunder, then reflection.

            Whole team (900 aoe is pretty big) mass slow and dps, gets worse the later the game goes

            Maybe... lol


              Indeed, best support now would be Terrorblade.


                idk why people think TB is a good support.. yeah he can switch hp with a hero.. but with his super low hp and his low amount of items he can get bursted down before he can sunder anyone.. its not like hes gonna have a bkb to stop stuns / nukes.. ????

                and if he is stunned with low hp he can't sunder anyone.. any competent team will be aware of this..

                Best support, I think it all depends on the situation. If you have a spectre, maybe best support is warlock cause he can do a great job at baby sitting him, keeping his HP up, letting him farm, harassing enemy offlane hero. or dazzle

                If you want to push , shadow shaman.

                Need to burst down an enemy hero like slark or blood seeker? Lina.

                It's all situational.


                  5 seconds of attacking each enemy hero with 100% of their damage... sounds pretty game changing to me.

                  ROAD TO HERALD 0

                    Orge and ck certainly.

                    What i dont get is why orge isnt used much in competitive play and high mmr pubs.

                    He was already very strong in 6.84. Only reason i can think of is that his skills are single-target.

                    With this ck buff, i wouldnt be surprised to see support and offlane ck in competitions. Maybe even io / ck coming back into style.

                    As for Terror, my thoughts are with FreeThought.

                    Theres no way TB gains widespread viability as a support hero - bar easy games.

                    Any decent team (even in solo ranked) would be reasonably successful in locking down a hero with low hp, thus preventing him from getting the sunder off. Maybe if sunder's cast point were improved, lockdown might not be such an Achilles heel for him, but sadly it isnt so.

                    Even if he tanked up as a support, his damage output would be pitiful, and the aoe reflection while useful doesnt offer as much as other support heroes would. Let's also not forget that his mana pool is also fairly crappy, and that poses problems of its own.

                    There's simply no comparison between a support tb and the likes of undying, spiritbreaker, earthshaker, crystal maiden, etc.

                    Maybe if tb was played as a safe-lane core and got core-level farm, he could be effective with his current skill set, but he likely wont support effectively against any non-noob team.


                      Position 4 Night Stalker get a mango and roam


                        ogre,ns,warlock - golems not purgeable anymore is a pretty big deal imo.


                          i don't even understand this shadow shaman buff
                          like you're never maxing shackles early, even if you would you hardly have mana for it
                          and even later in the game ppl can just blow you up during the shackle duration

                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                            I'm loving the ogre and Shadow shaman buffs and cant wait to try some new builds, depending on who your carry is shackles can be amazing, ursa or lc will get good use out of it


                              ogre is good


                                inb4 ogre 5 mango build


                                  dark seer support op