General Discussion

General DiscussionSo I played terrorblade..

So I played terrorblade.. in General Discussion
saving private RTZ

    I've gotta say, its better than i thought would be.
    Rat is nerfed to oblivion, its simply the wrong way to play him right now, especially with the new Metamorphosis-Illusions interaction.

    teamfight tho, you'll be surprise how strong he can be, skip conjure image, max Q and Meta, Sunder at lvl 6. If you dont get chainstunned, with Sunder range, you basically cant die. 5.5 sec 25 slow, 100% damage, its like a gyro ulti, on a 16 sec CD. Im afraid that this and sunder range will be nerfed, but that wont be fair, if this hero cant splitpush, at least make him a decent fighter.

    Manta seems useless to me before 40 min right now, treads,aquila,drums,SnY, blink, bkb etc etc, ABUSE his skills, Q and Sunder are broken IMO, meta is strong, W is his worst skill right now.
    U dont need damage early on, just because maxed Q and meta provides all damage u need, just make him survivable, drums, casual bracer, SnY, if you get bkb you are unstoppable.
    I think this TB is similar to Gyro last patch.

    Gyro had ulti, u have Q, gyro had Q, u have meta, he didnt have good sustain in fights tho before satanic, u have sunder

    Тази тема била редактирана

      terrorblade is fucking trash now

      i just tried him

      maybe he works in shit tier brackets where people don't know how to farm and/or don't contest him properly, but the problem i always had was in 60-70% of games i play tb my lane gets contested with duo/tri lanes, which TB is pretty shitty against. which was why i always maxed illusions first; all i needed was the first few levels from the lane and i could go jungle after that, getting a much more reliable source of farm (even though enemies would constantly attempt to smoke/gank me in the jungle)

      now the buff to reflection doesn't do shit to his early game at all. in fact it made it weaker since the strong slow actually could help you get kills in lanes where you outnumber the opponent; now it's much lower and doesn't make up for the cast range increase since TB needs to get relatively near to hit people anyway. your early game got gimped since illusions don't stay ranged without you and it becomes fucking obvious whenever the real one is missing, meaning you cannot bluff opponents anymore and they will find you much more easily if you try to farm in the jungle with illusions in lane.

      if you max reflect + meta you are a shit farmer, unable to compete with any meta carry in the safe lane. given space you will have less farm than them, given no space you will be poorer than a support. your reflect doesn't fucking do jack early game because illusions do piss poor damage anyway and the slow is just slightly better than a melee OOV

      if you max meta + conjure you are much more shit than before

      so basically the game i played they duo-ed off with ogre + phoenix and raped me mid with reflection basically being worthless as fuck since 2 nukes from each of them 100-0s me and i can't jungle with illusions, meaning the lane is fucking whack

      mid game i die to a sneeze from anyone and their mother, reflect is nice to hit heroes like AM with but he just blinks out and not give a fuck

      even if i get a nice reflection off on 4 heroes nobody gives a fuck and kill me anyway

      late game i'm underfarmed because of lack of conjure early and can't contest carries like am who 3 hit my supports while i struggle to get any shit done

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      Pom Pom 🍕

        They nerfed splitpushing for PL and now TB too. Next they'll probably make naga more a fighting carry too. It's sad to remove a certain playstyle from the game though and make it more focused on only fighting rather than creeping or pushing.

        Този коментар е бил редактиран

          I was watching matrice play terrorblade and get raped. Haven't given him a shot in pubs but i think the general idea is to play him more like a melee carry without illusions. This mean get bkb if needed, get a manta/sny, lifesteal and dmg items like abysal/butterfly/mkb. Just my 2cents..


            no this means don't play terrorblade


              i did try

              basically terrorblade without illusions is absolute trash

              its like playing luna, without glaive, without lucent and without eclipse

              something like that

              might as well play jugg or something


                it wudnt hurt to add 1 point early anw


                  Just agree with Zenoth, for fucks sake.

                  You can't play TB without illusions.

                  TB ain't fighting carry, he's rat carry that fight's only if he needs to.

                  New TB is more enjyable to play, but they actually nerfed him.

                  AOE refl. used to be a thing 3 years ago, in Dota 1. I remember, and it wasn't close to beign any good if you compare it to target-ref. we used to have.


                    kl m8

                    saving private RTZ

                      Ya, idk whats all the hate for splitpush from icefraud, every splitpush hero was at some point trash, brood when webs didnt offer terrain passing and shit, NP and Alfredo bear were pretty bad after TI3 , TB for 2 patches now.

                      Its still part of the game amd shouldnt be taken out just because its not funny to watch/play against it. If you want fights and shit whole game then u might be better play LoL.

                      IMO is the wrong way to develop this game, taking splitpush, you basically take out some complexity from the game.

                      now, my idea why IF really hates it is probably the introduction of comeback mechanics. Before 6.83 there were few ways to comeback from a devastating early game, and rat dota was one of them, and probably the most viable.

                      but still, rat dota shouldnt be nerfed to the ground like its right now, glyph refreshing, illusions dealing half dmg to towers, direct nerfs to rat heroes etc etc