General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat do you call this game?

What do you call this game? in General Discussion

    Happends to be that everyone in my team was 5k+ and I was the only 4.8k.


      "im better than everyone post #13542562

      lm ao

        Never gonna give you up, never gonna bring you down, never gonna turn around
        And desert youuuu


          Karma for the one 2 games before that you abandoned as AM 0-8


            I abandonned as 0-4 ANti mage because I had a mid earthshaker that was against a huskar.
            Huskar ganked safelane at 4:40 with a fucking armlet, I rest my case and abandonned.


            only retards believe in karma lmfao.

            Този коментар е бил редактиран

              if i played 20 games of dota per day, im sure i would be playing for something like virtus pro or some shit


                woah he's back


                  Next game I have a hard game against a sky because I've never played Sf vs Sky + that guy has 216 games on him, I get annihilated mid, supports never TP in or buy any wards just flame me whole game, game after I have 2 junglers and a feeding Bara, I once again just abandonned the game and now will have to enjoy 5 low priority games, I'm definitely taking a break from dota after this.