General Discussion

General Discussionwhat is happening with ranked solo

what is happening with ranked solo in General Discussion

    hello guys, is there any modification in ranked solo? it seems that 90% of my ranked solo games has seems to have no idea whatsoever how not to feed. i have had 3 or 4 games out of 5 with at least 1 person with more than 15 deaths..


      last game some dude fed 18 times in my game, yea

      Giff me Wingman

        its saturday, wtf did u expect


          lmfao @ sounris


            it's because bloodseeker leshrac climbers are dropping
            also it's weekend dota wtf were you expecting


              well, its happening for 5 days :'(


                @sounris dat ogre lel


                  Well I guess Abysal blade TA is a thing now. Also, fuck t hat BKB. Why would you need a BKB against Ogre and ES.

                  Really, seriously. WTF is wrong with ranked solo. : D


                    hit more buildings. you had the lead for almost the entirety of that TA game but only 1 lane of rax taken. in your recent losses even though you're not dying as much as you're team you're still dying more than you'd want to be

                    Livin' Real Good

                      Yeah, players have been extra bad lately, and they can't go 5 mins without being 0-3, it's insane. Not saying i'm pro, but the rate they feed at is crazy, and they'll blame you NO MATTER WHAT. I went down 300 MMR already, i'm at 3.4 from 3.7. Had a Sven with Treads, Magic Wand , Crystalys at 70 mins, and by the way, he was trying, and he was NOT AFK, he was definitely playing, just really bad. HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE!? Guess what? We won too. Some games are unplayable by 10 minutes (score is 1-10 by time you hit level 6) you get mad, then start tilting, then start playing bad yourself. I have to stop crying I guess... and improve..
                      i had a 54% win rate at one point....

                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                        im sure theres a bunch of games where you perform subpar too, not just your teammates. you just choose to ignore them


                          I have won many games from 1-10 start and lost 10-1 too. It's not the reason to go AFK or feed couriers.


                            It does not matter. Just play well and try to have fun. (And maybe win! :)

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                              Sexo Meister

                                The only way for you to NOT let them feed and eventually lost the game is by babysitting everyone, look at my recent ranked match with lane support heroes, i went from 3.3 to 3.9 within a week just by babysitting and maintaining team survival and eventually win the game. with some games resulted as lost due to failing to babysit kek


                                  @Shred you to bits : that game was ranked party, i was just fooling around and asking my team what they wanted me to build and i was building, its was that or diffusal xd


                                    You're complaining about 15 deaths?


                                    and the enemy team was terrible, we wouldve won easily if windrunner had just disconnected.


                                      I don't know for you guys, but each time I play in high 2k/low 2k or even low 3K i can pretty much stomp with Shadow Fiend and Slark.

                                      There's 1000 proofs that if you're better then the skill bracket you're in, you'll end up breaking out of that bracket fairly quickly.

                                      My point is, if you're losing more then you're winning, you're pretty much where you belong.

                                      For example, my gap seems to be 3.8-4.1k MMR. No matter how hard I try, after I peak to sub-4k or low 4k rating, I always end up beign out-played or simple unable to carry my team.

                                      A better player would pull out some plays and probably carry something I can't/you can't.

                                      I can't stress enough how many games you/we are losing just because we lack something other(better) players don't.

                                      It's always gonna be like that. Yes, you can have bad luck, you can have bad team-mates, you can be "shadow-pooled" or whatever..

                                      At the and of the day, if you are trully better then the MMR you're in, you'll end up leaving it in dust pretty soon. Just keep playing.


                                        Everytime I think I'd be justified in complaining about feeding and throwing, I remember the friends I play with.
                                        Here, after stomping the other team easily for the first 25 mins or so, our techies decided to use his newfound reduced cd and mana on mines and their unlimited amount to write OP, GG or GO! in the map with them and my Shadow Demon friend said: "hey guys, I had lag before and so far, it's getting worse, so please control my hero I'll go watch some FB".

                                        And classic feeding? He did try to win.


                                        So yeah, I can't complain about ranked, I'm too used to it since playing with my buddies is the same experience, only less flamy :)

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                                            This does not change the fact if your buddies are less skilled then you, and your party is 400-600 MMR points lower then your SOLO you'll have easy games.

                                            Like, no matter how bad they play, you'll end up beign able to carry them with your most comfortable heroes pretty much 80% of the time.

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                                                I think he's talking about me. I don't know why though, I wasn't commenting on your experiences, just my personal ones...

                                                Oh and if anything, in the first game I posted, I'm pretty sure I actually had the second lowest MMR, so if anything it was THEIR responsibility to carry me, but they failed, because throwing is fun or because someone in their house was watching naughty stuff. The second one does contain more less skilled buddies, but as you can see I didn't play in it.

                                                My friends seem to like to throw, I could post A LOT more examples of them throwing would-have-been-easy-stomps, with me or without me. :)


                                                  @shred you to bits well, you said earlier that if you dont go fast to the place, you think you belong, you are not actually as good as you think you are .. but i know i'm a bad player overall, but i try my hardest when i'm solo ( with a few exceptions ) and fool around when i'm in party .. but i dont know how, it seems that people in south america servers arent influenced from patches like the other servers .. it isnt the game meta that changes, is the "stress meta " there was a time that dual mid for trolling was almost 2 out of 5 matches (seriously) later on, i saw games that 1 out of 3 someone abandoned or dc'ed for more than 5 minutes .. now the meta is just having more than 15 deaths.. i think i'm lucky ( or not)
                                                  Ps : Oh , and in SA , 100% of the matches someone drops and we people need to pause ( no joking)