General Discussion

General DiscussionIf you could make an aghs upgrade, what would it be?

If you could make an aghs upgrade, what would it be? in General Discussion

    Heroes without aghs upgrades:

    Bounty Hunter
    Chaos Knight
    Death Prophet
    Dragon Knight
    Drow Ranger
    Ember Spirit
    Phantom Assassin
    Phantom Lancer
    Shadow Fiend
    Storm Spirit
    Templar Assassin
    Troll Warlord
    Winter Wyvern


      IO, you can now relocate heroes out of the game.

      Fuck you doom ^^




          I liked it better when the heroes that have aghs update were less than 20

          Now even batrider, even centaur, heck even alchemist has aghanim upgrade. Like.. dafuq?

          Agh upgrades should have stopped at 6.73 patch


            Io, you can choose not to relocate back by manually clicking on the spell again, and relocate back at any chosen moment if u decide to (not a fixed time as we have now)


              actually adding new aghs upgrades is aimed more to entertain pcasual players rather than balance the game better at high lvls.

              < blank >

                Aghs on Storm remove Ball Lightning activation mana cost but the travel mana cost still stays the same

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                  Meepo: Every Aghs you buy = new Meepo.
                  TA: Traps deal damage (who need Techies to annoy other players).
                  Magnus: If you fail your rp, it has only 5 seconds cooldown.


                    btw im wondering how OP should am's aghs be to make AM players purchase this useless item

                    < blank >

                      AM aghs : Adds charges for Mana Void, it works like Shrapnel, Blink Strike etc, Stone Remnant etc.


                        too OP

                        Gaming is Dead

                          terrorblade ags : you switch teams 4Head

                          Sexo Meister

                            Lycan - aghs summons 1/2/3 additional wolves base on the skill1

                            Bounty hunter - gold gain to bounty now applies to the killer/assist as well

                            Bristle back - now shoots 2 times quills from skill2 and 3, increase max damage cap

                            SF - damage goes through bkb and increase soul cap to 42

                            Clinkz - eat 2 creps

                            Spectre - increase duration by 1, applies skill 1 to haunted enemies, and will deal desolate damage even if enemy is near

                            Medusa - increase stone gase duration by 2 and takes less time to turn one into stone

                            AM - damage from manabreak increases by 10 and damage from manabreak and ulti is pure.

                            DK - add 1 more dragon type, purple dragon splits the attack to 3 projectiles and inceases attack speed by 45. Does not apply orb effect to other target.

                            Bloodseeker - if enemy stands still for 3s while ruptured, the duration will be prolonged by 3 more second. once ruptured an enemy blood gains true and unobscured vision on the target

                            PL - adds 2 more illu on skill 1 and 2, skill 3 has 0 cooldown and increases illusion cap to 22 and allows you to walk pass cliffs from skill 3

                            Terror blade - aoe sunder , hp swapped will be with the one with the highest current hp but applies tb's current hp to all sundered hero

                            Brood - adds a new spell that allows brood to release a web that slows and also reduces enemy vision to 220 inside this web and are not able to see anything inside the web from outside, can only be casted once (like old web) and has a cooldown seperate from the normal web. Brood is invs also but will take 4 times more regen base on normal web

                            maaaan maybe i should start making these aghs patches

                            Bad Intentions

                              PA - Replaces crit passive with a 5% chance to instantly kill a unit.

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                                icefrog is watching this topic kappa


                                  PA - Replaces crit passive with a 5% chance to instantly kill a unit.


                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    ^well, if instead of that shitty 4200 gold item you get something that really increases your damage, the 5% chance to instantly kill the unit is pretty much a guarantee. If you're phantom assassin and can't kill somebody in 20 hits, you've already lost. Not even OP as much as it is kinda stupid, I guess.

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                                    Pom Pom 🍕

                                      Kunkka - Ghost Ship moves 2x faster and carries any allied hero it passes through (or a right-click option for it). For each hero in the ship increases both the damage and the rum duration.

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        ^Also, when Kunkka gets his aghs, he grows two tusks out of his mouth, eh?


                                          potm. ulti cd to 45s


                                            Slardar - Armor decrease from 10/15/20 to (Aghs 15/20/25), in an 800 radius all enemy units gain phased movement near the amplified target and extra movespeed of 10%


                                              AM - mana void is applied to all units in the radius (just like you'd mana void each and everyone of them). Combine this with OD refresher and it's gg in 3 seconds flat.


                                                blood seeker can now rupture all enemy heroes in an aoe KEKEKEKEk


                                                  Slark - His ult is now a toggle with 15 seconds cooldown but he can't attack while in his shadow form


                                                    Shadow Fiend - ags update:

                                                    After death, hitting one creep will restore 100% of souls you lost.

                                                    Razes dmg 100 increased 100 DMG per raze.

                                                    Presence of the Dark lord - armor reduction increased to -20



                                                      give dragon knight one that makes his ult a toggle ability.


                                                        Aghs scepter usage is increasing and I'm all for it. I hope there will eventually be an Aghs build that is a relevant option for every hero.

                                                        6.85 => 28.73% of games so far
                                                        6.84c => 28.01%
                                                        6.84b => 27.56%
                                                        12 month => 26.64%
                                                        All Time => 21.87%

                                                        Aghs extends normal gameplay later into the game. Without it late game becomes dominated by item choices too quickly, builds become stagnant and hero choices become less relevant. Aghs lets the unique character of each hero show through overriding the bias towards itemazation.

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                                                        Pale Mannie

                                                          AM -> No manacost on blink, Mana Void is now Pure and increases damage
                                                          Imba Spirit -> No cooldown on Remnants anymore and removed manacost on Sleight of Fists
                                                          SF -> gets 2 extra item slots and every 15th Soul is a permanent Soul that you dont lose if youre dead
                                                          Troll -> Battle Trrance affects now on creeps and decreases the enemies Attackspeed by lvl.



                                                            Brood > Can swap places with a spiderling, 2 sec channel
                                                            Ta > Traps roots target(s) in place for 3 secs preventing blink and invis
                                                            Mirana > Ult grants 15% movespeed and unitwalk
                                                            Death Prophet > Similiar to Luna's aghs. Can cast on ally or in place.
                                                            Slark > Deals pure dmg when ult is active

                                                            These would make sense and be balanced


                                                              Medusa > Adds a pasive skill that slows AS and MS to every enemy unit looking medusa if medusa is looking at them (both must be facing each other) pierces magic immunity.


                                                                Generally the way to make a balanced, but useful Aghs upgrade is to determine the most useful aspect of the ultimate and then buff it in a way that makes it more useful. This makes the hero function basically the same way, but stronger. It should be something that you can't do for 4200 gold worth of items, and ideally something you can't do with other items at all.

                                                                Anti-mage => mana void dmg to .85/1.1/1.3 times mana lost
                                                                Bloodseeker => adds 4 mini-stuns, like malefice but stuns through bkb 0.1 sec stun every 2.5 seconds.
                                                                Bounty Hunter => recovers the aoe vision nerfed in 6.85 to 300 aoe vision on tracked targets
                                                                Bristleback => war path stacks to 6/7/8 dmg per stack 25/30/35 movement per stack 4%/5%/6% stack duration 17 sec
                                                                Broodmother => webs slow enemies 20%/30%/40%
                                                                Chaos Knight => phantasms to 2/3/4 base, lowers cd to 110 sec
                                                                Clinkz => can cast death pact on ancients
                                                                Death Prophet => ghost dmg increased 20%
                                                                Dragon Knight => cd on elder dragon reduced to 80 sec
                                                                Drow Ranger => markmanship gain to 60/90/120
                                                                Ember => remnant charges restored to 25 seconds
                                                                Io => relocate cd to 75/60/45 sec
                                                                Kunka => ghost ship dmg to 500/600/700 rum duration to 14 sec
                                                                Lycan => shapeshift cd to 90/60/45 sec
                                                                Magnus => RP pull radius to 600
                                                                Medusa => stone gaze duration to 7 sec, stone duration to 4
                                                                Oracle => False Promise cd to 60/40/25 sec
                                                                Phantom Assasin => coup de grace to 340%/450%/600% dmg
                                                                Phantom Lancer => juxapose max illusions to 7/9/11, hero chance to 50%/60%/70%
                                                                Riki => blink strike restore time to 25 sec, max charges 5/6/7
                                                                Shadow Fiend => max souls to 22/29/36/48 ult max 24 lines
                                                                Slardar => adds 15% slow to amp dmg
                                                                Slark => shadow dance cd to 45 sec
                                                                Sniper => gives sniper unobstructed vision to assasinate range, when he toggles to sniper rifle, cannot do regular attacks unless you toggle back
                                                                Spectre => haunt duration 6/7/8 sec cd to 100 sec
                                                                Storm Spirit => mana cost reduced to 12+ .55% of total mana pool per 100 units traveled.
                                                                Templar Assasin => max traps to 8/11/14, cd to 8/5/3
                                                                TerrorBlade => Metamorphosis cd to 110 sec
                                                                Tidehunter => Ravange stun duration to 2.32/2.77/3.27, dmg to 290/380/470
                                                                Troll Warlord => Battle Trance affects all hero controlled allied units
                                                                Ursa Warrior => enrage cd 40/30/20 sec fury swipes multiplier 1.75/2.0/2.25
                                                                Winter Wyvern => curse radius 600

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                                                                  Io could tether to enemy heroes. Would give slow equal to the normal ms bonus you get from tether, +50% bonus damage from spirits to that hero, whenever you heal hp or mana they lose that much hp or mana, Overcharge slows attack speed and gives damage amp, and can relocate up to 1600 units away


                                                                    AM - remove mana cost of all items and abilities. fuck magic

                                                                    game is bad

                                                                      Looks like aghs provides utility rather than a direct upgrade (so that it's situationally used and not just a core item on every hero).

                                                                      Antimage: Mana Void also burns mana of nearby targets equal to the amount damaged and increased cast range.
                                                                      Bloodseeker: forces the target to move at 30% reduced speed (does not break channeling spells).
                                                                      Bounty Hunter: allows you and your teams to see enemy cooldowns. And you can see enemy teamchat and hear their voice chat.
                                                                      Bristleback: Quills and Goo generates stacks at 2x the rate.
                                                                      Broodmother: Adds a new ability that allows Broodmother to teleport to any of her webs (transition 3 seconds).
                                                                      Chaos Knight: The armor reduction from the critical strike stack with illusions now.
                                                                      Clinkz: Can be used on Ancients.
                                                                      Death Prophet: While your ult is active, you cannot be slowed or snared.
                                                                      Dragon Knight: Adds a 4th Elder Dragon Form. Use imagination here.
                                                                      Drow Ranger: Precision Aura takes into account all friendly heroes Agility rather than your own now.
                                                                      Ember Spirit: Jumping to a remnant causes the area jumped to to be Searing Chained (2 random targets again).
                                                                      Io: You can end relocate at any time.
                                                                      Kunkka: Increase rum duration and units hit by the by the boat will always be hit by Tidebringer for its rum duration.
                                                                      Lycan: While in ult form, your wolves gain bash (like the super old one).
                                                                      Magnus: Reverse Polarity is a 400 cast range ability now.
                                                                      Medusa: Targets are turned instantly to stone and no longer are Spell Immune.
                                                                      Mirana: You are alerted to enemy's presence in a 1100 AoE (like smoke).
                                                                      Oracle: at the end of False Promise, 40% of the damage that the target took is dealt in a 400 AoE.
                                                                      Phantom Assassin: The ult is activatible and guarantees a crit on her next dagger or hit (5 second cooldown).
                                                                      Phantom Lancer: Increases illusion duration.
                                                                      Riki: Increases the range of blink strike and adds 1 extra charge.
                                                                      Shadow Fiend: Requiem always does max damage regardless of souls and damage is increased by X amount.
                                                                      Slardar: Amplify Damage can be used on buildings.
                                                                      Slark: While in Shadow Dance, you steal twice as much stats with Essence Shift.
                                                                      Sniper: Ult has 0 cast point and does not interrupt Sniper's autoattacks.
                                                                      Spectre: For the duration, any destroyed Haunt illusions are replaced with a new one.
                                                                      Storm Spirit: Jumping leaves a Static Remnant in its trail (one Static Remnant generated every 0.5 seconds while in Ball Lightning). Like the trailer.
                                                                      Templar Assassin: Traps do not have to be charged up and will slow the max amount and reduces cooldown.
                                                                      Terrorblade: You can activate Sunder while stunned or silenced.
                                                                      Tidehunter: Gushes all affected targets as well.
                                                                      Troll Warlord: Increased the duration by 5 seconds on you only. Also adds a 9% movement speed increase for all while active.
                                                                      Ursa: Increases swipe multiplier.
                                                                      Winter Wyvern: Takes away the 70% damage reduction for affected heroes.

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                                                                        plz do

                                                                          much entertainment to give this a thought. why would i read walls of text though


                                                                            Sniper- Assassinate cooldown to 4 seconds

                                                                            Pale Mannie

                                                                              Slark -> Shadow dance is now toggleable and drains [add balanced percentage] mana per second
                                                                              Sniper -> Assassinate is toggleable when you need [Zeus cant ks anymore from Sniper] hoho haha. Do twice the damage when target is below 15% HP


                                                                                Giving right clickers an aghs upgrade that improves their right clicks is kind of dumb. There are already dozens of items that improve rightclicks.
                                                                                Carries should buy aghs if they're forced to support. If the game is going shitty for them, and there's another carry that's doing fine. Or if they just want to support from the start. So the new aghs for Wraith King, Sven and Naga were spot on. These upgrades should have little to no synergy with right click items.

                                                                                Sniper - Remove cooldown from assasinate. Sniper now hangs back at 2000/2500/3000 range during teamfights and spams assasinate. He'll only have the mana to cast about 3 of them. And if he gets more mana, it's still just about 300 DPS.
                                                                                Troll Warlord - Makes Battle Trance Global or just large area (make it only affect himself without aghs). Similar to Svens.
                                                                                Slark - During Shadow Dance, right clicks cause some sort of debuff (break, silence, damage decrease, whatevs) for about 10 seconds. Slark now jumps into teamfights, activates shadow dance, hits everyone once and jumps away before they melt him.
                                                                                Broodmother - Grants the ability to spawn Dire Spiders, maximum of 2/3/4. Dire Spiders have the same abilities as broodmother, but about 3 times weaker, deal 3 times less damage and have 3 times less hp. At least 25% magic resistance though, maybe even more. Every Dire spider killed deals 50%/33%/25% of Broodmother's health as damage to her (non-lethal of course), so it's best to send them into a fight while you're hiding away from the teamfight somewhere safe.
                                                                                Shadow Fiend - Seal Souls: Souls are no longer lost on death and Requiem cast point is reduced from 1.67 to 0.33, but souls no longer increase attack damage.
                                                                                Chaos Knight - Instead of Illusions, Phantasm now works like Primal Split, creating phantasms of chaos knight that have no items (but can carry his auras), have same stats as CK at his current level, and can cast lesser versions of Chaos Bolt and Reality Shift (about 50% as effective). Chaos Knight himself is removed from the game, and replaces a random surviving phantasm at the end of the duration (or dies if all are gone).

                                                                                Aghs can also be used to shift a hero teamfight or gank oriented hero into a pusher, or vice versa. Razor is a good example.

                                                                                Clinkz - While under effect of Death Pact, Clinkz's presence disables backdoor protection of towers as if he was a lane creep.
                                                                                Phantom Assasin - All units within a 1000 radius of PA disappear from the enemy minimap, just like her.
                                                                                Legion Commander - (replace the current one that nobody buys because it's stupid and bad) Grants ability Command Legion: global, targets towers. Spawns 4/6/8 super melee, 2/3/4 super ranged and 1/1/2 super catapults at your base. They will behave as normal lane creeps, the tower you targeted will determine which lane they go to.
                                                                                Ember Spirit - Grants ability Xin's Teachings: ~30s cooldown, radius large enough to cover a creepwave, only affects allied non-hero units. Permamently doubles the damage of affected creeps and grants them 25% evasion.

                                                                                In a same way that aghanim turns carries into supports, aghs might be used make the hero's abilities benefit more from items and/or improve his right clicks. For when you got really fed early, or weird pub lane composition resulted in you having good farm. Windranger and Tiny have this.

                                                                                Oracle - All of oracle's abilities have doubled duration if he casts them on himself.
                                                                                Magnus - Reverse Polarity increases Magnus's attack speed by 50 for every hero it hits for 30 seconds.
                                                                                Tidehunter - Tidehunter's attack damage increases the damage of Anchor Smash. Anchor Smash cooldown reduced to 1.

                                                                                One last thing which hasn't been considered is Aghanim as a farming item. Could be an option for gank oriented semi-carries when they find themselves up against a line up very resistant to ganks, and decide that outfarming them is the more likely solution.

                                                                                Drow Ranger - Hunting Season: drow gets double gold for every kill made in the forest. This includes hero kills because why not
                                                                                Riki - Backstab now immediately kills lane and neutral creeps, and doesn't reveal Riki. This can also fall under ganker-into-pusher category.
                                                                                Templar Assassin - When standing on a trap, can freely teleport to any other trap. Wasn't sure where to put this one, as it has a myriad of uses, flash farming both jungles being one of them.


                                                                                  AM: Mana Burn Is No Longer UAM
                                                                                  Bloodseeker: Ruptured Enemy Takes Armor Decrease
                                                                                  Bounty Hunter: Tracked Enemy Gets Silenced
                                                                                  Bristleback: Bristleback Can Trigger Warpath
                                                                                  Clinkz: Death Pact Can Target Ancient Creeps
                                                                                  Death Prophet: Exorcism Recover 50% of Damage

                                                                                  lm ao

                                                                                    tards evrywhere 3h3h3


                                                                                      Io can tether to a 2nd target.

                                                                                      saving private RTZ

                                                                                        ^ thats actually a fucking good idea

                                                                                        Let me try that

                                                                                          Looking through the agh upgrades GIFF me cancer...too op compared to other aghs

                                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                                            Trying to make these actually realistic but still good enough where people would make aghs core. I mean sven and wraith king got aghs abilities added but they suck so badly no one gets them. At the same time don't want stupid op shit.

                                                                                            Dk - reduce cd to ~80 or 90 seconds, costs zero mana, applies corresive breath to all targets hit by splash.

                                                                                            Ck - makes chance for extra illusion 100%, so you now always get 2/3/4 illusions (but you can't get 3/4/5). Reduce cd to 115, remove mana cost.

                                                                                            Lycan - Removes shapeshift cast time, now instant (still has whatever lycans cast point is). When shapeshift is cast Lycan howl cooldown is reset. If howl is cast while shapeshifted it lasts 50% longer (15 seconds).

                                                                                            Bristleback - Increases stack duration to 18 seconds, adds 10 attack speed per stack.

                                                                                            Medusa - Stoned units have regular magic resistance (so your team can nuke them), reduces cd to 60 seconds. I think anything increasing the duration or making it more likely to get stoned would be op. Just make the spell a bit more useful.


                                                                                              Dragon knight: Ult is permanent

                                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                                Permanent ult would probably be op.

                                                                                                For drow though, removing the 400 range hero check would be sweet and I don't think too op. Still situational, if fighting melees who can close gap or not.

                                                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                  New Legion Aghs - Instead of just "winning" damage, your ult allows you to STEAL damage. Or lose damage if you lose the duel.

                                                                                                  Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                                                    DK ult already lasts a whole minute so making it permanent by paying 4.2K gold isn't that broken (he usually needs a bkb, which will be delayed a lot if you go aghanim). It mostly helps him farm faster like a tiny aghs.

                                                                                                    I think it's gonna be hard to make useful aghanims for most physical dps carries though, since they don't want the stats from aghanim for 4.2K gold and a BKB or satanic are way better for a defensive item. Luna aghanim is really good right now for example, but there's no way you wanna go it on a carry luna, and support luna sounds so awkward with her half second stun at average nuke damage and low mana pool (low attack range to harass/zone out with too)

                                                                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                                      I would like to see Drow Ranger aghs that removes range penalty. WR has a similar concept with her ulti and has an aghs (removing limitations on her damage). I think it's bull shit that there is a penalty as it is but at least with aghs you would be able to work around it.