General Discussion

General DiscussionHey guys, is Storm Spirit butchered now? Just wondering.

Hey guys, is Storm Spirit butchered now? Just wondering. in General Discussion
Livin' Real Good

    3.7K player here, just wondering, I keep hearing people say he's neutered like a dog now, and now point of me playing him, but also hear people say he's still good, it's just that he's not brain dead anymore cause you have to actually be extra careful where and how far you zip, and if you can actually kill the solo enemy with the extra mana usage nerfs to his static remnant and ball lighting. Let me know please ~ ( I think the latter) His early game seems much weaker though.

    Kind of like AM, who was insanely good last patch, now he's just good, and still relevant, can I say the same for Storm? Cause It would be pretty depressing now to hear " Told ya a Storm was coming! " and have that immortal item on for that red ball lightning effect, and feel like a boss. :/

    Тази тема била редактирана
    Riguma Borusu

      If you're a good storm player, your effectiveness will be slightly reduced, while you'll still be able to pull most of what you want off.
      If you're a bad storm player, your mana management issues are actually going to be way more apparent, and you'll just keep losing because you can't play the hero. Basically, the nerf mainly affects bad storm players.


        i'm pretty sure that blitz made a video on 6.85 storm

        Livin' Real Good

          Yeah I figured he was still good, thanks guys!

          the realm's delight

            hes definitely weaker, not a top tier pick anymore. not only did he get nerfed bloodstone also got nerfed


              if you liked long zip, he is almost as good as before, if you liked a lot of little zip, then he is much weaker (early game it can be almost 2x less no movement zip, lategame it would be slightly more than 1 no moment zip lost every 7 zipzap)

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              saving private RTZ

                He is definetely not so strong, at least in my opinion. He has a harder time clearing stacks with remnant now, and as sven guy said, you need now to actually know what you are doing when you ball.

                Also, AM, IMO got overall buffed. Bfury cheaper( not a big difference tho), manta is better, he is one of the few carries who can still clear ancient stacks easily because cleave ignores armor. Idk about the blink change, maybe u need to put 2 points in it now early on, not a big deal anyway. And that 0.15 ministun i dont think it makes a difference.

                Riguma Borusu

                  Also, it's no longer THAT cost effective to use remnants to farm stacks that much, maybe you'd want your teammates to stack the hard camps for you, and you start farming them when you max out remnants, rather than whenever you're passing through. The probem with storm was that he was a tad too strong with early remnants that did not obliterate his complete mana pool, so he could easily jungle if behind. Remember comebacks from 0-3 on TI5. That shit obviously requires good teammates, but still, it was kind of too strong, hence the nerf. The remnant change might not seem like much, but with nerf to his ultimate, every single mana point has become way more valuable, so there is an obvious interaction.

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                    He is nearly as bad as 6.84 Terrorblade. Currently top10 worst heroes & probably the weakest typical mid hero atm. People who say they nerf applies to bad Storm players know shit about Storm. It actually applies to great Storms, coz as great Storm u just felt his mana perfectly, now it totally changed. His laning is now dogshit. I have no idea what icefrog took, but nerfing bottle was the most bullshit nerf in the game - it made QoP, Lina, SF even more OP in the lane & even more mid heroes less viable. He farms slower now in early game, because of remnant cost & if you trash him in lane, it's much harder to come back. Even if he gets farm (which is now very hard in mid lane) his late game is just good, but not exceptionally good as before. This pick is way too risky for the rewards it gives. Hero got totally killed, meanwhile Lina, QoP, SF, WR, Ember, Gyro are pretty much the same. Fucking dogshit icefrog, always deleting one hero from the game every single patch (& always the one who requires some skill to play, brain dead OP shits like Undying always are OP, but nerf that Tinker, Storm, TB, Meepo).

                    waku waku

                      ya the butcher destroys him

                      Livin' Real Good

                        When I meant good, i meant he can still stomp pubs. But dang, how far as he fallen. Q.Q Blow the man down! Will be said a lot less now. :/
                        Thank you so much for replying guys :L Bless you.

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                        Sexo Meister

                          Storm didnt get nerfed hard, still decent hero just much harder to zip around more and spam your remnant

                          Sexo Meister


                            >talks about how storm needs real skillz like meepo to play
                            >literally only zip hit remnant hit vortex hit repeat with little mana management
                            >cries when meme hero got balanced

                            kek pick more meme heroes plz

                            Also if u really want to destroy undying just get am or pl for ez win


                              not rly but trash players like sumail can't win unless the hero is OP