General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you crush mid so that you can carry any TRASHCANS on your team?

How do you crush mid so that you can carry any TRASHCANS on your team? in General Discussion

    I am bad at this game. 2.2K trash. I don't blame my MMR on my team mates holding me down, but some games are just unbearable. I don't understand WTF I am supposed to do to carry team mates that have no idea what they are doing. I know it can be done. Take 99% of my games I lose and replace me with any 5K+ player and they would most likely win the game. So what do they do to crush their lane and snowball so hard that their team mates are utterly irrelevant?

    If anyone want's to watch my last ember game and tell me what I did wrong (some of it is obvious as fuck) or what I should have done, I would greatly appreciate that.

    Also, I flamed the shit out of my team mates, don't think that means I blame them for the loss/my MMR overall.


      I didn't watch the replay, but this is what I can say so far about it (and Ik what I'm talking about when it comes to ember):
      1) Early aggression. Ember is a perfect hero to start pressing the enemy asap and farming at the same time.
      2) Wrong itembuild. You should have build manta to dispel negative effects, or bkb if u like that more (not my choice though).
      3) Low farm. Though I assume you didn't have much space, ~80 cs on 10 mins mark is must have to easy snowball. Kill the lane creeps, stack jungle camp/s, kill stacks, repeat.

      But overall you lost mostly because of the 1st. A little more aggression is all you need.


        I guess my problem is not knowing when to go aggressive. For example when I was laning vs pudge, I couldn't see a decisive mistake or moment that would allow me to get a kill, whereas a 5K player probably would have.

          Този коментар е премахнат от модератор
          Welt aus Eis

            not having terrible kda in every single game would be a good start


              TY SENPAI


                I watched the first 25 minutes on double speed, here are some thoughts:

                1) You had a rough start, you walked to lane and then realized your team was retarded, no courier, you bought courier, but when doom died he didnt hatch it. As an Ember, you need your bottle at 2 minutes, you didn't get it until 4.5 minutes. Not your fault, but when playing with morons don't leave base without making sure courier is hatched.

                2) Your last hitting needs some practice, but wasn't absolutely terrible, at 10 minutes you were in the mid 30's. Practice against unfair bots try and get 50 plus last hits in the first 10 minutes, ignore all other lanes unless you can get a triple kill. I cannot emphasize this enough, if you are playing mid be very selfish. Farm is exponential, the better you do in the first 10 minutes allows you to do 150% better at 20 minutes, and 200% better at 30 minutes.

                3) Bottle first was good, you didn't rush, but I would recommend aiming for bottle delivery at the 2 minute mark, so that's about 8 last hits if you get stout and tangos, 10 if you get quelling.

                4) Itemization was greedy to the point of being crippling. You had 12 minute travels/ bottle. With the price of TP scrolls you don't need travels first item. You were actually leading in net worth at this point.

                Itemization further - you went next for battlefury, but you built perseverence first, so for the next 5 minutes you added no damage, and your window is fading. You needed DPS not regen. You ended up finishing the Battle fury at the 25 minute mark, and oddly enough the game was still winnable. you were only 2k gold behind the enemy team.

                Ember doesn't build Battlefury to farm like AM, obviously he still farms great with it, but as the game progresses. If you are stomping, you can rush the Battlefury, but if you need quick dps, build small items, aquilla, drums, crit.

                Compare items:
                Treads, Aqilla, Drums, Crystalis - cost 1400+1010+1850+2120 = 6380 and gives you 1500 health and 142 dmg at lvl 16
                Travels BF and Bracer - 2450 + 4525 + 525 = 7500 and gives you 1200 health and 143 dmg at lvl 16

                The benefits of the first build is that as you build it you are still relevant, whereas your build took an extra 1100 to make and you spent 15 minutes with no extra damage.

                Finally - your attitude needs adjustment. Your team was full of idiots, Doom was feeding, bloodseeker was terrible, but you could work with Windranger, and Clinkz could have been persuaded as well. The big problem was you lost one fight at 26 minutes and started flaming in all chat, you were only 2k down, then you flamed more.

                You cannot change the attitude of others, but you can change yours.

                I think you could be a much better player with some practice and better communication.



                  TY Gerry for the analysis, I appreciate it.