General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you know if you're in a shadowpool?

How do you know if you're in a shadowpool? in General Discussion
Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

    I rave alot well on team members but compared to fellow DB member's I'm tame. JW how you iknow if you're in the troll pool or shadow pool?


      can you tell the difference between normal normal skill players and normal skill players in the 'shadow pool'?


        can anyone even tell the difference*

        Този коментар е бил редактиран

          4k games still in normal skill?


            If you are in shadow pool following may appear much more often;

            A) Rage quit after FB
            B) Cour feed
            C) Flame wars
            D) Increased number of booster
            C) Longer waiting time
            F) Increased number of russians

            Hope it helps


              Don't forget anal probes. If you have such a thing in your rectum, you definitely are in the shadow pool.


                @LA LA LA
                u just described everything bad that can happen to you in a dota game. why would u blame some "shadow pool" for that? it just happens all around.



                  I think in shadow all of those happens at once or much more often. Think I have been in there, I have stopped playing for a few weeks and I can see the difference

                  Mind Games

                    Isnt it self evident as fuck?


                      @la la la
                      honestly, the whole idea of the shaddow pool looks like a failed attempt of making excuses for lost games instead of admitting that the only factor that affects your mmr in longrun is your own performance



                        Sure I second that,in long run MMR surely does reflect your skill

                        But for limited time, I have experienced ranked games, that closely resembled low prio (A-F combination)




                            shadow pool = US West bots