General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it viable to have a career in DOTA?

Is it viable to have a career in DOTA? in General Discussion

    Assuming you skip university, and work your MMR up to 6k. You work tirelessly every day and night, and dedicate yourself to the Game. You hope to be noticed in your matchmaking games to join some T2 pro team. How viable is it? Can one make a living out of it?

    the realm's delight
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      Giff me Wingman

        No. You dont only need skill but also a lot of luck.

        D the Superior
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            "And what are you going to do after you done with the game? Better get some education and a real work."


            The few who are able to get a big break from this game already know the right people. It's not just about hard work, but having the right connections.

            Also, what's going to be your fall back plan if this doesn't work? You have to be in the top 1% of the top 1% of dota players to make the career work. And, assuming your career ends late 20s, what are you going to do for the rest of your life?


              I understand that you have to be dedicated, in the top 1% etc, etc. But some people have to make up that top 1%. There are also viable ways to continue after professional retirement, e.g. streaming, casting.


                do you think dota will be popular forever or what? this game will die in several years.

                < blank >

                  Dota 3 confirmed


                    Easy if you are a pretty grill streamer :-) otherwise forget it. Unless you don't have any other option for a career there are many more lucrative/rewarding/worthwhile things to do with your talents (which you surely have if you are to take a shot at pro-dota.


                      just skip uni... Sleeping with big dreams - waking up as stripper

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                      Woof Woof

                        ask yourself this, do you truly want to become socially autistic like every person which spends most of the time in front of pc. When your gaming career ends autism from years of playing games wont suddenly stop like your gaming career. If you are fine with that and truly want to break to the top go for it, but i highly dont recommend playing much, rather think more than you play, and be focused only on improving your play and work on weakest points, also getting into sports psychology, hitting gym, eating clean and not masturbating or having sex will be of huge boost too, especially in emotion management and reaction time

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                        waku waku

                          no even if every bad thing that was told on here was false the competition is too high


                            hahaha Top 1% is pro :D Lets say there are 10.000.000 players that would mean there are 100.000 pros :D when infact there are like 100. IF that.


                              i'd say there's only 50 pro players that actually make a reasonable living out of it and even they don't make a lot unless they've won one of the last few TIs.

                              There are probably no more than 10 players in the history of dota that couldn't have had a better alternative career.

                              Not saying that's a reason not to go for it but you only have one life - you really want to go all-in on being a 1 in a million computer game player? If you fail you have pretty rubbish prospects compared to if you went to uni/trained in a more established career/setup an internet company...

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                                yes go ahead


                                  if i had a dilema between go into competitive dota or go fuck myself, i would chose the second option for sure

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                                  Mind Games

                                    Sure go ahead


                                      I'd risk my life on something better though.


                                        Alright listen up you fucks, these are some of the most disgusting comments i've ever read.

                                        First off I wanna say that im glad you all have this opinion that going pro is about luck because that just makes it that much easier for people like me. The argument that you need connections to be pro is true, however you should think about how the current pros got those connections - through hard work NOT luck or anything else. They fought themselves up through either mmr, leagues or tournaments and got noticed by other good players. That has nothing to do with luck, if you are good enough at the game you will play with the best players and you can make connections. If you want examples look at w33haa who was sitting at 7k mmr and playing for t2-t3 teams not doing so well. He didn't give up and now he is on one of the most prominent teams in the game, that is not luck, its solely hard work and dedication.

                                        About a year ago after a lot of thinking. I decided that i was going to be a professional dota player. At that time I was around low 5k mmr and was nowhere near a professional level, but i kept grinding and dedicating all of my freetime to dota, whilst going to school. I told myself that i could get to 7k mmr while still going to school, after that, I would have time to play in a team and start my career. I basically set everything aside except for dota and school, meaning i often decline invitations from irl friends to go play dota instead, I believe it is worth it. As of now, I am 6,5k mmr and I consistently play with, beat, and even outperform many current pro players. I can only speak for myself, but i truly believe that i can do anything i set myself to do. If you feel the same way OP, don't let any of these tards stop you.


                                          Having parents that actually let you play that much is luck by itself :p


                                            At first my parents were also very reluctant about this decision, and i basically discussed it over and over with them. I am pretty sure my parents were some of the most gaming-hating parents. But seeing as i did well in school, and still helped with housely chores and did exercise etc. my mom started to accept it more and more, now she is pretty excited to see how it goes. My dad basically gave up, he is not very happy with my choice, but he is starting to realize that esports is a thing as it gets displayed through mainstream media nowadays. Anyway i would also call this hardwork and not luck, since it definitely wasn't easy for me to get to this point.

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                                                    I dont think its viable since from what I get, only t1 teams can rly live off the game, meaning earning enough money during their time at top to live of that for rest of their lives. Pro gaming (esports) is still is far from real sports in term of pure number of players that can live off of it, meaning if you are 355th dota player in terms of earnings you are amateur, and if you are 355th basketball or football player you earn several million per year.
                                                    Esports in few words: Small pond full of crocodiles.

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                                                      Sexo Meister

                                                        Kek what is this thread

                                                        Dont skip school for dota kek where are you gonna work then?

                                                        Streaming aint easy, u need to be as autistic as some of the top streamers to get money frm it.

                                                        Livin' Real Good

                                                          It's crazy to know that before MOBA's became main stream in 2011, no one cared about them besides the core crowd, i'm pretty sure it was like impossible to live off a pro MOBA career until now thank to ESPORTS, Twitch, and all that stuff that brings in the bucks.

                                                          Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                                                            lol go make a career in something that actually matters are like 'oh i saw free to play i want to be the next dendi and fear' lmao

                                                            as always only the success stories are glamorised they dont show you how many failures are probably cleaning toilets right now

                                                            for every one dendi there are 10,000 other kids who did nothing but play dota and who are now without an education and without a job and leeching off their parents if they havent kicked them out yet

                                                            esports is a farce....most useless 'career' frivolous

                                                            do something with your life instead of playing a video game for other kids' entertainment

                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                              Study hard
                                                              work smart
                                                              save money
                                                              start business
                                                              get rich

                                                              If you still love dota by this time,
                                                              then play as much as possible and turn pro. You've already setup a foundation where if things go south, you stilll have your money and business to back you up.

                                                              Now if you want to be passionate and all, believe in yourself, ignore the doubters kind of thing then go ahead, risk your success for a video game.


                                                                Aui_2000 on going pro -

                                                                Personally, from someone whose got a fair bit of years on you, a degree, a diploma, and quite a few years of work experience in different fields, and STILL is struggling to get a good job in my field of study, I would say that you have to be absolutely mental to even consider it.

                                                                Getting a decent job these days isnt as easy as what it was for your parents and their parents before them, because we are living in an age where so many industries are over saturated. More and more people are getting educated and the amount of job vacancies opening up are way too few to meet the demand of the average job seeker, let alone the educated one.

                                                                Considering that, why would you commit such a big portion of your life on something that has such a low chance of yielding success? Even if you did have success, how reliable is your income as a pro gamer? How much job security do you have - just look at Aui_2000 being fired straight after wining the god damn TI? Lets say you hit it lucky and make it to one of the big teams, realistically, how long can you be guaranteed an income? A few years if you're extremely lucky. Where do you think any of the other big players will be in 5-10 years time? Serious man, they're gonna be very far off the fucking map, I'll tell you that.

                                                                Think about it, you are trying to be pro at something that has literally no entry barrier because its free to play and anyone can pick it up. You would probably have a better chance finding a sport you're good at and getting pro at that.

                                                                Also @ rejected by dota 2: are you serious man? Thats some of the biggest bible thumping, christian crap I've ever heard. Sex and even masturbation is great for you. It relieves stress and it helps you sleep. Sex specifically boosts confidence and overall mood. I guess OP better invest in one of these


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