General Discussion

General DiscussionTrying to coordinate with team mates too much in pubs?

Trying to coordinate with team mates too much in pubs? in General Discussion

    I've been thinking about how to improve and I am starting to think that I try too hard to coordinate with my team mates over voice chat. I mostly play support so I am always trying to set up kills by chaining stuns/baiting etc. Sometimes this works with good team mates who use voice chat, but often it does not work because usually the carry who is supposed to follow up on my stun is too slow or is too busy farming that last creep to get there in time and the attempted kill fails leaving me high and dry as a squishy support. If I'm not the one trying to lead the team for pushing/smoking/roshing/ganking etc. no one else will do it. What should I be doing after laning phase as support if I get cores who just afk farm or don't communicate at all and run around the map doing whatever the fuck they want and not cooperating with the team?


      If the cores are greedy just try stacking camps and placing defensive wards around your jungle so they can farm relatively safely for their next item. Let them know with pings which camps are stacked so they flash farm quicker, also they'll love you for it


        I think I have this incorrect mindset when queueing because I watch probably as much pro dota as I play so I go into pubs without realizing enough that 5 stack dota with people on voice =/= Solo queue people who don't communicate at all.

        Riguma Borusu

          "I think I have this incorrect mindset when queueing because I watch probably as much pro dota as I play so I go into pubs without realizing enough that 5 stack dota with people on voice =/= Solo queue people who don't communicate at all."

          Well, this. I usually go on a lose streak after I watch some good pro matches, because I try to apply that mentality. When I'm focusing on what I can work with instead I get much better results. Basically, go fuck all and pretend that everyone's going to screw up everything and just try to do stuff yourself. That lion teammate? He's not going to hex-stun-manadrain/attack. No, he's going to ult right off the bat, before you're in range for your stun and the (stupid) enemy is going to write "baited" even though he would've died with any sort of a sensible combo. So you'll not be able to kill even stupid players if you depend on your teammates to help you with it. Now pretend everyone else is like that too and try to do things yourself.

          The thing you can do though is improve the raw net worth of your players in some way. For example, if you're a jungler, reserve a few stacks for the mid player, even if he's really dogshit, thousands of gold and farm can't hurt him, and might let him live or kill somebody in the next encounter, that he would not have otherwise. Because the chances are, enemies are just as bad.

          But the best thing to do, imo, is to establish, right when the match begins, who can hear and understand you and who's responsive to your play/voice. This is kind of crucial if you want to get any action going or decide to try to do things best for yourself and by yourself.

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            'That lion teammate? He's not going to hex-stun-manadrain/attack" lol that's exactly what I was doing in the game where I started thinking I was trying too hard to coordinate.


              All I can tell you is:

              If your carries dont do what they are supposed to do, or play more often solo than as part of a team, try at least to optimize what they are doing so they do it as best as they can.

              That means if u see a carry that afk farms for 98 minutes, then as someone suggested above me, stack his camps etc.
              I hope you understood what I meant

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